11-05-2007, 16:36
God Member
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Accy Carnival now on!
The Ultras and the OSC will be collaberating once again on this years Carnival.
KSH has kindly arranged a wagon for us and the Ultras will be kitting this out in an array of red and white finery. Incidentally, there is a prize, for the best decorated float, of £200 to donate to a charity of your choice. Eligibilty for the award comes through sticking to the theme of this years Carnival, which is 'serving the community'
If anybody has any ideas of how to bring this theme to life then please PM me and we'll make a surge for the title! We are stuck for ideas on how this theme can tie in with Stanley so any idea is better than what we have. Stick it on a PM rather than discussing it on here as we dont earwiggers nicking our ideas and beating us to the punch.
The OSC will be running the stall on the field as per usual and we will need people to help us out with this. It is hoped that the badges and membership cards will be available by then (hoping to order them on tuesday after OSC pass the designs - thanks SamF) so we will be recruiting as well as selling from the new range of OSC merchandise as well as products from the existing club Official range. The main premise from my perspective though is about just being out there in the public eye and reminding people that Stanley are top dog in this town. Please wear your red and whitery on this day and feel free to stop and chat with us. Hopefully we will have some form of Gazebo up so there should be a bit of respite from whatever elements we are subjected to on the day.
And any help will be gladly accepted for either the float or the stall.