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Old 24-05-2005, 15:25   #1
God Member
KIPAX's Avatar

Accy Carnival supporters float

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Henry Morton

The main items:-

1) Decision made to have one long articulated float (44ft) instead of two smaller ones..


A matter of a couple of weeks away and nothing about this joint venture of supporters float about.. Nothing on supporters club website and nothing on ultras website and nowt on here other than assurance from Henry Morton that a decisin was made to have one float instead of two.. which I think is the best idea and should have been that from start...

But since then nothing.. presuming its not a secret.. whats happening? whats the theme... I take it the no request for help means its al running smoothly..

Am I also to to take it that I shouldnt be alarmed that this float isn't listed on the official carnival page even though I handed over the forms to the supporters club chaiman more than 3 months ago and I alerted the supporters club secretary and the float organisers a couple of weeks ago that it wasn't listed...

Any info?.. Just asking
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Old 25-05-2005, 19:00   #2
I am Banned
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Re: Accy Carnival supporters float

No problems that I'm aware of, Kipax.

The float is booked and paid for, and half a dozen Members of the Supporters Club have taken on board the responsibility for getting things together for the big day.

You're the exception on this forum for being interested in the float's progress, because when stanleybabe asked for volunteers a few weeks ago there was a quite underwhelming response ! That's one of the reasons the Supporters' Club is just getting on quietly with it.

Thanks for keeping it aired, though. Volunteers will still be welcome (contact Sam, Kate, Bill Nuttall, Cammy, Lindsay Ormerod, Ken Young) but only if they really want to put a bit of work into the project rather than make empty promises.

As for it being a secret, well slightly . . . but only in respect of its theme and content. The overall theme for the procession is "Musicals" , I believe, but I expect that our musical contribution will be limited to a few well-known footie songs !
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Old 25-05-2005, 19:13   #3
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Re: Accy Carnival supporters float

Just glad its all going to plan.. I have to admit I was worried that the float isn't listed on the carnival website and one of the organisors saying they know nothing of it... But your not one to say something unless your sure so I will take it that all is going well.. Can't wait to see whats produced.. between the supporters club and the ultras it should be far better than last time...

well done everyone
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Old 26-05-2005, 00:16   #4
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Re: Accy Carnival supporters float

Yes, it will be a great occasion.

Also, we're well aware that there are hundreds of Stanley supporters out there who would like to join the Supporters' Club . . . if only we could make it easy for them !

So, we're going to make it really easy for them by having a stall/stand at Peel Park where they can join the Club at a very special and advantageous rate.

Also, National and International Supporters can join during the next three weeks for only £2 when renewing or applying for 2005-6 Membership !

Blimey ! I know . . . the 2004-5 badge is worth more than that !

The Supporters' Club is doing its absolute best to provide a quality service to Members around the world. Please forgive our occasional mistakes ; we're learning, and with your help we'll get it completely right eventually !

You only need to log on to

Many Thanks !

Last edited by Henry Morton; 26-05-2005 at 00:19.
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Old 26-05-2005, 09:44   #5
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Re: Accy Carnival supporters float

Don't know about you but i love the carnival. I turn into a proper child
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