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Old 06-05-2004, 23:03   #16
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Re: Accy Observer

I assume that the Observer send a reporter to our matches - in which case they should have 'observed' that there is no hooligan element at Stanley. Seems like either some tired old hack couldn't be bothered to use his brains or a whizz-kid ace reporter doesn't know how to use them. Either way what is an editor for but to use experience to eliminate (excuse me) d--kh--d reporting. Personally haven't bought a paper for years because you can't trust what is printed - suggest you local lads 'n lasses boycott the rag. Am I bitter ? - YEAH !
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Old 07-05-2004, 12:02   #17
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Talking Re: Accy Observer

obviously ive not seen the article but the guy is leeds supporter was at a burnley game and just happens to live in accy....the police and or the observer should be bright enough to know stanley dont have a holligan problem.

the club should be really pushing for a the observer to print a correction....on the front page not buried amongst the ads.

as a fairly new follower of stanley i can honestly say that stanley fans home and away are the friendlist i have met and the few games i have been able to attend have passed off without the slightest hint of trouble quite the opposite.

this idiot and his burberry clad mates arent football hooligans they are just hooligans plain and simple....rant over!!
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Old 07-05-2004, 12:23   #18
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Re: Accy Observer

Maybe the Accy Observer should team up with the Daily Mirror so that we could all see some excelent piccy's of Stanley fans bringing shame and disgrace on the club and town. For instance, we could have.....

Piccy (1) - taken from behind - of a Stanley fan (in Claret & Blue shirt) urinating over a Millwall supporter, with a picture of the Den in the background.

Piccy (2) of another Stanley fan (with a Manchester United Program sticking out of his back pocket) putting the boot into the crotch of some unfortunate individual who has been bound and gagged with his own blue-and -white shirt....

Lovely stuff. Just use your imagination and then write and publish any old rubbish you see fit.
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Old 07-05-2004, 14:04   #19
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Re: Accy Observer

Why dont we all write to the Accy Observer and complain, with everyone on these boards they may even get the message that we think they are and dont know what they are talking about the only problem that I can see would be finding someone who could be objective and not use all the letters as a compliment that people actualy take the rag seriously and not what it should be used for or we should just send them this smiley .

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Old 07-05-2004, 19:58   #20
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Cricket Challenge Champion!
Re: Accy Observer

This is from todays Lancashire Evening Telegraph.

We've no louts, says Stanley chief
THE chairman of Accrington Stanley and the police today spoke out to reassure fans that the Reds were a football hooligan-free club.

Eric Whalley and PC Les Sholicar joined forces to send out the message after a lout, initially said to be connected to the club, was given a football banning order.

***** ********, of Oswald Street, Accrington, was referred to at Burnley Magistrates' Court as an 'Accrington Stanley hooligan' even though he is a Leeds United fan.

He was given the three-year banning order for hurling threats and insults at a man 15 minutes after the final whistle of the game between Burnley and Derby on April 24.

The court was told that it had been a coincidence that he had been in Burnley town centre so soon after the game.

Mr Whalley said: "It was a bit disappointing that the court was told something like that. It was nothing to do with Accrington Stanley. It is a family club and we pride ourselves that we try to look after everybody.

"Certainly over the past 12 months we have never had hooligan elements."

PC Sholicar, licensing officer for Accrington with responsibilities for policing football, said there had been no incidents of disorder in the vicinity of Accrington Stanley's Interlink Express Stadium this season, following a trend set in previous years.

He added: "We want to get across the message that there is no hooligan element attached to Accrington Stanley.

"Unfortunately he has been described as an Accrington Stanley hooligan but I certainly would not say that -- ******** is a Leeds fan."

Stanley average 1,797 for home games. By comparison, neighbouring Blackburn Rovers, average 24,282, are said to have 25 known troublemakers, while Burnley, average 12,255, have more than 50.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 08-05-2004, 11:32   #21
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Re: Accy Observer

Why Should We Block His Name For All Those Who Dont No His Name It Is

David Grimshaw
If You Think Footballs Just A Game ... Your In The Wrong Dressing Room
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Old 08-05-2004, 12:52   #22
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Re: Accy Observer

I think that the Observer will use the defence that the phrase Accrington Stanley Hooligan had inverted comma`s round it. Still write to the Editor, or inundate the letters page, we might even get them to sponser a match next season. Remember Stanleys exploits cover three pages of their paper for twenty six weeks of the year....what would they put in it`s place if they were banned from the ground?
" Crashes "
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Old 12-05-2004, 16:00   #23
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Re: Accy Observer

was it not the police (not Les) that called him a Stanley Hooligan amd as such the paper was just reporting what they said?

The thing that Hurt me most was the Billboard adverts all over town why? the story was page 9 and how many page 9 articles get on the boards?
Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
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Old 12-05-2004, 16:06   #24
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Re: Accy Observer

True.. But the police didn't tell the Observer to make a big headline out of it or to repeat it numerous times througout the article... The observer didn't even have to mention it... they know he isn't a stanley fan... But its a paper being sold in accrington and it makes good headlines for them and stuff anyone else..

Loweiy its me and you and every other stanley fan thats been tarnished... mud sticks.. no smoke without fire and all that...

They didnt have to make a meal out of it IMHO......
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Old 12-05-2004, 16:16   #25
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Re: Accy Observer

well at least its all died down now and by the time all the riots in Portugal have been and gone no one will remember this particular article
Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
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Old 12-05-2004, 20:05   #26
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Re: Accy Observer

i also know this so called accy yob too,hes a Leeds and England fan only,ok he has been to the stanley this season but only 3 times at the most i only saw him at the fa cup games,but what i do know is he was one of them at morecombe in the home end when it kicked of with is prat leeds mates!!!!!
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Old 12-05-2004, 20:16   #27
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Re: Accy Observer

Could this be why the police refer to him as "Accrington Stanley Yob"?

This guy needs banning from Stanley before anything happens
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Old 12-05-2004, 22:01   #28
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Re: Accy Observer

Whats it all matter !!!!!!!!!!!! it will be todays chippy paper, we all know the truth, lets look forward to next season and have a good summer everyone

See you all Saturday
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Old 13-05-2004, 08:23   #29
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Re: Accy Observer

I agree shrum see you tonight?
Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
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Old 13-05-2004, 08:34   #30
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Re: Accy Observer

Well I disagree wiht you both I am afraid ... . I don't want people to see me or my kids in an Accy top and wonder if we are the yobs the Observer tells them about.. The Observer should do a followup backing the club and pointing out that there are no known Accrington Stanley yobs and that we are a family club. Any reason why they shouldn't?

I just don't agree that they can insult Acccrigton Stanley fans and all we do is say oh well never mind....

To answer the question.. yes it does matter!
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