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17-10-2009, 12:23
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
I wish for three points today. Come on Accy.
17-10-2009, 16:50
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
One part of my wish list answered, according to Helen Chamberlain! 
Waddya mean?
17-10-2009, 18:06
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
I was just going off what Val said on the Save Our Stanley thread:
It is OK, Helen Chamberlain has just said on Soccer A.M. Stanley have succesfully raised the £300+K and will survive!!!!
...but it would appear that I spoke too soon! Still no sign of this big announcement that was promised in the next 48 hours. Still no sign of the SOS fund being updated. All very confusing. 
17-10-2009, 21:58
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
Since ruminating together in the Nerve-Centre of 'Stanleyland'.. The Oaklea Tavern.. Wyn !...and confirming yet again our joint belief that the terms 'Google Page Ranking' and
'Positive Communication' are not ones that can be found in the Management Lexicon of those attempting to enlist support for the Salvation of Accrington Stanley...I have had this premonition constantly appearing and assailing my mind's eye!!.......
So it would seem that my 'Wish List' has been hijacked by my 'Aides Memoire' thread..and I feel that must share this image with those, who at one stroke could allay everyone's concern....and uncertainty!!...SO TELL US PLEASE !..
..and 'IF NOT...WHY NOT...AND WHEN ???'...
17-10-2009, 22:33
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
Quote from the LET, 10.07am, Wednesday, 14th Oct
ACCRINGTON Stanley could be set to announce in the next 48 hours that the threat of winding up proceedings on October 28 is over.
We're waiting, Don and Rob, we're waiting...
By the way, Mr Y, did Alfred E win anything on the bandit? He certainly looked highly excited about something when he was going out!
18-10-2009, 00:25
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
Originally Posted by yonmon
I've had a 'Wish-List' thread on THE Forum once before!... really!....as you might expect!!)
on my part !...for Accrington Stanley !.
So here's another one !!...SOS appeal !..
HMRC Debt !..
I could go on...and on!..and on!!.. an impassioned wish of their own !!.
Just type ' I WISH THAT !!,,,,,,,?' and the rest will follow !!!
I wish that there were still some exclamation marks left for the rest of us to use and that the entire 2009 allocation had not been exhausted.
18-10-2009, 07:38
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
What a strange time and place to challenge one's 'Grammatical Integrity' Mr Morton ! (ooops! there goes the first one ! ), After reading this alarming admonition, I can only assume that like myself you find some pleasure in recognising where a fellow postee has made an honest attempt to garner the attention of those reading his words in a manner which not only makes the Post interesting to read, but also emphasizes a situation in a way that will hopefully draw some response (either in concurrence with his point- of- view, or made in a more critical vein!).
In my defence I can only say that I generally and genuinely attempt to follow Grammatical Rules when I make one of my occasional visits to our Forum, in the case of 'Exclamation Marks and their usage'...the two I remember are very simple..(Not wishing to overdo it you see!)...
1. Expressions of strong emotion do call for the exclamation mark to be used!..: (as Marmion's last words in Sir Walter Scott's epic work 'Marmion' demand... "Charge, Chester, charge! "On, Stanley, on!"(From which line I suppose our Club's famous Battle-Cry could have had had it's origin ?, a romantic thought !)
and 2)...When the emotion is very strong double exclamation points may be used: "Assist him!! I would rather assist Satan!!" (No allusion to any person at Accrington Stanley intended!).
Two points then Mr Morton which might persuade you to forgive any over-use of this powerful 'tool' in the writer's armoury..
Firstly. My emotions ARE usually very strong when I write about many of the situations which excite most of the users of our Forum...
and secondly, I am, in my dotage, and usually charged up with 'Absolut' Vodka, inclined to get over-excited, and some would say a little verbose ?,
in my attempts to provide interesting variations on the more intensely serious themes pursued by other friends on the Forum.
However,I take your point...!!!!.
Last edited by yonmon; 18-10-2009 at 07:42.
27-10-2009, 23:33
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
I Wish that....
1) The Red's will be playing at Grimsby on Friday Evening!!.
2)..That Mr o'Neil would stop making pledges that he must know it is impossible to keep !.
3)..That this feeling of being patronised and presumed to be foolish by Mr o'Neil and Mr Heys would go away !!.
and 4)...That this bottle of Absolut Vodka wasn't empty!!
(And that Alfred.E. would start to Worry for once!!)
27-10-2009, 23:43
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
I wish O Neil takes Mr Khan n Mr Marsden on board tomorrow, that to me is the ONLY chance of survival. IMHO. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
27-10-2009, 23:56
God Member
Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
Originally Posted by cashman
I wish O Neil takes Mr Khan n Mr Marsden on board tomorrow, that to me is the ONLY chance of survival. IMHO. 
That cashy is the only anwser and the way forward 
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
28-10-2009, 00:02
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
I just wish people would be honest and stop taking the p**s out of the fans
The Only Way Is The Stanley Way
" Have You Seen The Force Called Stanley"
Last edited by CLAYTON RED; 28-10-2009 at 00:10.
28-10-2009, 00:04
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
Originally Posted by cashman
I wish O Neil takes Mr Khan n Mr Marsden on board tomorrow, that to me is the ONLY chance of survival. IMHO. 
The logistics of actually doing that could be very interesting. According to the fishy site, O'Neill will not be in court - only a representative.
28-10-2009, 00:33
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
according to radio lancs about 6.20pm tonight ... rob heys said both him and mr o neill would be at the court tomorrow along with all the receipts ... to show that they had the money but just waiting for it to come through to their bank as it takes 4 - 6 weeks for the money from credit cards to come through to their bank.
that basically was about all i heard .. ive been fielding phone calls and texts for most of the night ...
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
28-10-2009, 01:38
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
Court Hearings - Companies court Winding up list
Just found Stockleys sweets on the list too 
Last edited by simon; 28-10-2009 at 01:44.
28-10-2009, 03:33
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Re: Another WISH LIST !!!
i wish that I'd worn a jumper under my coat tonight.
I attempted to sleep on the Clayton End tonight in case it was the last night before the vultures swoop. But I gave up about 10 minutes ago cos I was that cold I couldnt sleep.
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