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14-09-2005, 10:40
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Re: any ideas?
What about a sponsored "climb", say from Accy town hall to the IES? I have'nt seen one done in ages and I don't recall one ever been done in Accy. You'll probably need a few others with you and you'll need to get climbing gear - ropes, helmets, etc but its lots of fun and you'll get lots of attention. The only drawback is you'll end up with sore knees and a sore belly from climbing the pavement and the kerb "overhang"; and of course, you will have the major obstacles of Broadway and lots of Accy dog sh*t to surmount.
Last edited by Tealeaf; 14-09-2005 at 10:42.
14-09-2005, 20:29
I am Banned
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Re: any ideas?
At the recent Accrington Carnival you put in a lot of time and effort at both the Supporters' Club stall and the Accrington Ladies Football Club display.
Many of us were impressed with your fundraising for the Ladies by doing what you do well . . keeping goal !
It's simple, it's local and it's bound to raise funds with a minimum of planning or organisation.
If you wanted to make it more sophisticated you could choose between sponsorship (e.g. 'keeper marathon) , prize-kicking (i.e. pay for one's penalty shots and get a prize if , say, one gets five goals) , or novelty kicking (e.g. blindfold penalty kick, three-legged penalty kick, fancy dress penalty kick, set-piece header involving two opponents, and so on). Also, participants could buy a photo of their efforts if one of our many competent photographers was able to help.
There's plenty of grass around Livingstone Road , so you won't wear out any particular goal area !
Simplicity and speed of organisation are the keynotes here, though.
Good luck, whatever you do (and count me in with your other sponsors).
16-09-2005, 00:21
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Re: any ideas?
Okay i know this isnt sponsored but for a fundraiser here is a couple of ideas - a quiz nite and raffle (when i do it for my local school i normally raise around £300 you'd probably raise more than that) and a race night - with a difference! instead of booking someone do it yourself - all u need are 6 horses (broom handles and a bit of wood to make em stand up and paper horses head coloured in different colours), a couple of rolls of masking tape, and two dice (large dice), raffle tickets in 6 different colours and 5 people 1 to do the running commentary, 1 to do the betting workings out and 3 people to sell the raffle tickets. Then all u do is mark out your course we normally do it 1-30 and then u organise sponsors for the races - £10 for each race (name the race after the sponsor and they write the horses names) then on the nite you auction off each horse and the betting for us is normally 50p per raffle ticket get everybody betting on the horses (buying the raffle tickets) and then u get 2 people 1 to roll the dice for the number of horse thats going forward and the other to roll the other dice for how many moves it can go. The horse that wins is the horse that gets to 30 first but it must land on number 30 it cant have 4 spaces and roll 5 it has to land directly on that number. Its good fun especially when it gets later on at night and everybodys had a few to drink and u can raise a fair bit on that. Winners get a % of the takings say you've sold 6 horses at £10 each on one race the winning owner could get £30 then the people who have bet on the horse that wins they get a % back that is why you need someone who is mathematically inclined! You've got the room - the bar at the stanley and there is enough room there because i've done one there with a friend of mine.
16-09-2005, 09:28
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Re: any ideas?
cheers sheilagh.
A quiz night will be forthcoming very soon as i'm already half way through organising one as we speak. Should be sometime in November.
The race night idea is a good one and one Karen the commercial director came up with at the supporters club meeting on monday. I know a guy who does the ones with the old projector and screen and will find out how much he charges for a night.
The other race night idea is a good one too I will run this past the other members at the next meeting.
Cheers for those!
16-09-2005, 10:18
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Re: any ideas?
Sparkie, thanks for the note about the Treasure Hunt, The race nite that shillelagh mentions with made up horses etc is easy, I can supply the large dice and I used to do it with a different theme with teddy bears. Same principal, but works just as well. Heaps of laughs are guaranteed. I will be at the match Satiurday and Tuesday. I still have all the equipment just need some form of working PA system and can be run in any club with a bit of a dance floor. Alternatively, PM me for more info.
Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
16-09-2005, 12:28
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Re: any ideas?
On the theme of betting, a couple of weeks ago I went to a casino night to raise money for our club. It worked quite well, you bought your chips on the way in and at the end of the night they had an auction where you paid in chips, if like me you had lost them in the evening you could buy more for the auction, but you couldn't cash them in for cash if you had any left. You need lots of volunteerers to be coupiers etc but it raised a lot of cash.

16-09-2005, 21:45
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Re: any ideas?
sparkie this has gone down a storm in my local and has earned several thousand pounds for charity in the past, try MAGOT racing on the flat or over the jumps, it gets lots of interest as people just come to see the little critters do the biz, if you want more details pm me and i will give you my phone number and explain all to you
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