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Old 14-02-2008, 17:31   #1

Anyone thought about the pitch?

Just to add to the million and one theories on why we are performing so badly has anyone considered the effect that the condition of the pitch has. It has to be noted that in general the FES pitch is an uneven slope but this season it has got particularly bad, making passing flowing football nearly impossible.

A friend of mine who only goes occasionally has noticed this and points out that most of the other clubs in the league (Stockport apart) will have half-decent level pitches. When Stanley manage to pass the ball about a bit they can put some decent football together.

Is it any wonder that the form away from home has been better this season? My suggestion would be that the one major investment at the end of the season is a completely new, levelled pitch.
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Old 14-02-2008, 17:33   #2
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

That gives coleman another excuse to use
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Old 14-02-2008, 17:36   #3
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

could be possible,they aint the greatest team in the division,but dont think as bad as the home form suggests, another theory is attendances of which away ones are better, creating a better atmospherewho knows?
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Old 14-02-2008, 17:36   #4
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

Think you could have a point forever red with regards to the pitch & home performance, maybe thats why the hoof it up rather than on the pitch, tho can say with experience that the ground staff do a great job with what they have, shoould be noted


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Old 14-02-2008, 17:40   #5
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

Lets hope they get mechanical covers when they upgrade it then
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Old 14-02-2008, 18:37   #6
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

Usually if a pitch is not great it should always benefit the home team. We should be using this to our advantage. I don't want a bowling green type surface to help the opposition play "nice" football on. The only thing I would change about the pitch we have now is to perhaps grow the grass a little longer in the corners.
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Old 14-02-2008, 18:37   #7
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

Originally Posted by Forever Red View Post
It has to be noted that in general the FES pitch is an uneven slope but this season it has got particularly bad, making passing flowing football nearly impossible.
Other teams seem to manage quite well at the FES. Lincoln's passing was pretty good.
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Old 14-02-2008, 18:52   #8
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

Yet again Revived Red has hit the nail on the head. The teams who have beat us here this season seem to have managed OK.
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Old 14-02-2008, 20:48   #9
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

We apparently spent a 5 figure sum on the pitch in the summer, trouble is no-one mentioned where the decimal point was!!!

The whole thing really needs rotavating, filling, levelling and reseeding fully, I'm sure Gary the groundsman must be cursing it, unfortunately a pollished turd is still a turd. No matter if you're the best groundsman in the world, you need somewhere to start, I've played on better council pitches, unfortunately. Gary is a very good groundsman, but he'd need to be a miracle worker here.
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Old 14-02-2008, 20:51   #10
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

i think you would find the pitch is in tip top condition no way could you get it like a bowling green the weather we have had...
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Old 15-02-2008, 15:36   #11

Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

All credit to the groundsman for managing to keep the pitch going at all given the weather over the course of the last year which has been particularly wet. However, as has been said, there's only so much he can do with what's there. I remember them saying that money was spent on the pitch last close season but I really don't know what as it didn't look any different on the first match.

I accept that other teams have succeeded on our pitch but a lot of it has been close range stuff partly caused by our nervous defence. It was clear against Lincoln that when we had stuff in their box the keeper was confident and in command of his area, his defenders built on that confidence. I was worried every time the ball got in our box - Bavs is ok on point blank stuff but doesn't seem to have a clue when its bobbling around in the box (and neither do those in front of him). That, in my opinion was the difference between us and Lincoln on Tuesday - they were no great shakes and we were all over them in the first half.
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Old 15-02-2008, 21:36   #12
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

Originally Posted by Forever Red View Post
I accept that other teams have succeeded on our pitch but a lot of it has been close range stuff partly caused by our nervous defence. It was clear against Lincoln that when we had stuff in their box the keeper was confident and in command of his area, his defenders built on that confidence. I was worried every time the ball got in our box - Bavs is ok on point blank stuff but doesn't seem to have a clue when its bobbling around in the box (and neither do those in front of him). That, in my opinion was the difference between us and Lincoln on Tuesday - they were no great shakes and we were all over them in the first half.
You are dead right. This problem is a major factor in why we are not challenging for play-off places this season, IMHO. I think it's called the Crighton/Bossu(?) syndrome, but maybe that's being a little bit harsh?
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Old 15-02-2008, 22:36   #13
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

Not at all harsh, Redraine. I'd call it the Crighton/Bossu/Dunbavin syndrome.
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Old 16-02-2008, 11:59   #14
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

The pitch isnt the best around but given the financial recources Gary has he works bloody miracles.

I personnally feel it's down to the lack of preperation, we are just not focused enough imho. Also on another note the team has been at loggerheads with the chairman for most of the season surley that cant be helping, i know some of you will lambast me and say "yes but they are proffesional's" of course they are i agree but any slight distraction is enough to unfocus the mind.

Although we won at Chester the preperation was poor !! We prepare like we are still in the Unibond on and off the pitch.. if we are to suceed and push on we need to be polished and prepare like the succesfull club's do.

Anyhow... lets get positive and get three points today at Brentford.
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Old 16-02-2008, 12:26   #15
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Re: Anyone thought about the pitch?

The team has been at loggerheads with the chairman for most of the season
about what?????????????
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