09-05-2005, 12:36
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Re: Are we being fair to Management
Adam stated that in his opinion, Stanley stood no chance of being promoted next season, as there are much better teams in the Conference. I may have paraphrased slightly, but that's pretty much the gist of it.
You can not defend such a statement in my opinion, whether you are paid for your work or not. Deleting the statement does not atone for making it and as an aspiring journalist you should know better. When you work for the media (paid or otherwise), your views are always taken seriously and in this case it's no different. If I posted something like you did, then so what? Who cares what I think? However, for you it's different. You are the official Stanley voice of Radio Lancashire and it is not acceptable for someone in your position to make such feelings known. Not only is it plainly wrong, but it is also extremely unprofessional! OK, so maybe you aren't paid for your radio work, but do you want to be seen as unprofessional in your aspiring future career?
You state that you do care about the club? So why make such a potentially damaging statement on an internet messageboard? You need to think very carefully before posting such things on a public internet forum.