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05-12-2006, 19:30
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are you a member?
The Supporters Club will be having a big push for members on saturday. You really would not believe how few members we currently have in this our triumphant return to the Football League. These reasons are varied from not having badges until November, not having cards until late November to lots of reasons.
We really need members as this is the staple of our fundraising efforts every year. Every penny we raise goes back into the club via whatever means our vote decides (as a member you can help decide this).
Are you a member?
Do you know somebody who is an ardent fan but not a member of the supporters club?
Do you at least want a limited edition badge?
Can you offer the club anything in terms of input of ideas or donations (cash welcome but specifically material goods such as raffle prizes or paper/ink for printing), are you able to offer your services such as printing.
Please help us to contribute better to the club we all love.
Membership costs season 06/07
£5 adults
£4 oaps
£3 children
£5 online national membership
£10 online international membership
would you believe that until 6 weeks ago there were more people from outside Hyndburn who were members?
07-12-2006, 12:19
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Re: are you a member?
I've seen the info in your signature, & can't get to the games. Is there any way of joining locally?

"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"
The views expressed here are my own & are not necessarily those of the site.
07-12-2006, 12:20
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Re: are you a member?
thanks Marty71 first donation of paper and ink. Thank you it is much appreciated.
07-12-2006, 12:25
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Re: are you a member?
sorted Accyjay.
07-12-2006, 15:03
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Re: are you a member?
What does the supports club do ?
Students classed as adults or children ?
09-12-2006, 09:55
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Re: are you a member?
I have more than a passing interest in this thread. Although I live in Bristol, I travel to as many home and away games as I can and I want to do as much as possible to help the club. I sponsored 2 players' shirts last year (one never arrived and had to be replaced with something else) and have sponsored another 2 this year. I wanted to join the Supporters Club but waited until the new committee was sorted. I sent off my cheque almost a month ago, since when there has been a deathly silence.
I have a Stanley sticker in my car and never a day goes by without someone asking me about the club. There is huge interest in the club and its name but I feel that there is a distinct lack of marketing and commercial acumen to capitalise on this. If I give details of the club or the Supporters Club to those who ask me, what response will they get?
I hate to say this because I don't really want to be critical, but I sometimes have a feeling that too much effort is put into dealing with message board issues than into the real issues.
09-12-2006, 10:26
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Re: are you a member?
The messageboard is the quickest and easiest way to deal with anything as I can have quick looks whilst at work, such as now. PM me your name and I will look at whether we have your details logged yet. Was it posted to the club? Badges and memberships have been getting posted out for the past few days and will continue to do so next week, but I dont recall having received a cheque in the past few weeks from the post.
09-12-2006, 21:11
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Re: are you a member?
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
You really would not believe how few members we currently have in this our triumphant return to the Football League.
'Fraid I would.
I run one of the most successful transport campaigns in Yorkshire which about 90% of the regional population support but try to get people to fork out a fiver let alone do anything towards it.
6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!
09-12-2006, 21:23
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Re: are you a member?
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
thanks Marty71 first donation of paper and ink. Thank you it is much appreciated.
No probs, just let me know what stationary you need before January and I will see what I can do....But please be quick!!!
Tractorboy Red

11-12-2006, 11:43
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Re: are you a member?
The messageboard is the quickest and easiest way to deal with anything as I can have quick looks whilst at work, such as now. PM me your name and I will look at whether we have your details logged yet. Was it posted to the club? Badges and memberships have been getting posted out for the past few days and will continue to do so next week, but I dont recall having received a cheque in the past few weeks from the post.
OK - I've done as requested. I await reply. I also offered my help with the calendar. No reply. I can do no more.
I'm pleased to see that Saturday's event was a success.
11-12-2006, 19:02
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Re: are you a member?
Sorry Rob, cannot make the meeting tonight - absolutely knackered and falling asleep at the wheel is not on. Will see you for Bury match if not before e.g. 22nd for Poker night
Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
11-12-2006, 20:19
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Re: are you a member?
Tonight? is there a meeting tonight?
11-12-2006, 20:22
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Re: are you a member?
yep its on the supporters club website somewhere near the bottom
The Voice of the Terrace
11-12-2006, 20:23
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Re: are you a member?
whoooosh mister timmins.... whooosh 
14-12-2006, 21:57
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Re: are you a member?
The messageboard is the quickest and easiest way to deal with anything as I can have quick looks whilst at work, such as now. PM me your name and I will look at whether we have your details logged yet. Was it posted to the club?
Still no reply to my post three days ago, nor to my PM.
I rest my case!!!
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