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Old 27-07-2005, 15:46   #16
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Originally Posted by Smiffy16
Had a long chat with Rodney after the game just before we set off home and he told me that he's still on trial with Wrexham and Rodney has till Friday to make a decision whether he wants to sign for them. Coley has apparently offered Rodney a contract so if he has definately got another offer and one to fall back on. He seemed very happy with our setup, he told me he liked the management and the players he said he would definately come here.......and by the way he was speaking to us it sounded like he wanted to turn down Wrexham and come here!

He will be playing for us against Wigan next Wednesday.

Well yesterdays performance......First half we dominated as expected, we played very well and looked the better side. Both the goals were sweet strikes one from Jaggers and one from Anthony Barry very good goals and Ian Craney (Curry) was very unlucky with his 25 yard lightening strike which nearly snapped the crossbar!... The second half was poor, team took it like a stroll in the park and the effort and determination level was poor totally different to the first half. We should of really done a lot better. But all credit to Arnold they came out in the second half and played some good football and deserved to pull the game back to 2-2.......

Maybe we'll see the first WIN at Dundonald on Saturday! I hope so!!
Good report Smiffy keep em coming. Nice possitive attitude.

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Old 28-07-2005, 07:55   #17
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Originally Posted by Smiffy16
The second half was poor, team took it like a stroll in the park and the effort and determination level was poor totally different to the first half. We should of really done a lot better
Have the players STILL not learnt the lesson of last season??!!
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Old 28-07-2005, 08:48   #18
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Come on Rodneywe know you are not quite a scouser but please sign we need some help

Ta very much

Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
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Old 28-07-2005, 13:29   #19
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Yes, this was a pre-season friendly, but if it is not planned to play him in competition matches why play him in a pre-season friendly? He was poor last season so he won't be any better this season will he? What is the justification for playing him? Maybe the Manager could inform us. Maybe he didn't do anything wrong against Arnold, but on the other hand he didn't do much and is far too slow for this level of football. I could stand in open space receive a pass and then make one. Was it coincidence that Arnold's 2 goals were scored after Cook came on?

Not sure how selecting my games can stop me being an ASFC supporter, however I don't see much point in watching a side that deliberately fields only 10 players in effect, especially as I usually have to travel a long way to watch games.
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Old 28-07-2005, 15:46   #20
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

I could stand in open space receive a pass and then make one
If you could do that then you would make a very good footballer that most of the Premiership teams would be after, because most of the Premiership players cannot stand in an open space, receive a pass and then make one, so please put yourself forward for a trial at Stanley then we could sign you and sell you for millions.
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Old 28-07-2005, 22:49   #21
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

word to the wise, wporter - spouting venom against someone wearing the Stanley shirt will only get you nominated as the antifan. I saw Paul Cook captain Burnley down south against Crystal Palace only 3 or 4 years ago and made him my man of the match - a bit slower now maybe, but class is class and an experienced presence can be worth far more than a novice flying about the pitch like a blue bottomed winged thingy. Slagging players will cost us points - lets make a pact to cut it out right now - united we stand and all that.
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Old 01-08-2005, 12:01   #22
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

'Venom' is too strong a word. It is my opinion that, however good though Paul Cook may have been in the past, and he was probably 100 times better thn I ever was, he is not now Nationwide Conference material. At the age of 38 that is hardly surprising. My criticism is as much of the Manager for picking him, not just the player.

Discussion of teams and players has been going on since football began and I don't see why it should be excluded from this forum. Having stood on the Peel Park Terraces, as did my Father and Grandfather before me, and my Great Grandfather having been an Officer of the then Club in the 1880s, I feel that I have an interest in the well-being of this successor Club. If, however, discussion of players (and the Manager) is not allowed, and if there are other topics that are banned from discussion please let me know.

We have, at last, won a pre-season friendly (just), and although one should not read too much into these games, the results are not encouraging. Who are Dundonald Bluebells and at what level of the struggling Scottish football scene do they play?
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Old 01-08-2005, 13:47   #23
Resting in Peace

Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Don't worry, Wsupporter! I was similarly chided for suggesting that Ged Brannon's performances last season were not up to much, but I have only been watching Stanley since 1953, so what do I know?
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Old 01-08-2005, 14:33   #24
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Don't worry, Wsupporter! I was similarly chided for suggesting that Ged Brannon's performances last season were not up to much, but I have only been watching Stanley since 1953, so what do I know?
Just because you have been watching Stanley since 1953 doesnt make you a bigger fan than any of us and we dont have to agree with you on your opinions of players performances do we?

Or is it that we have to because you have been watching Stanley since 1953 and that gives you a certain power over the rest of us?
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Old 01-08-2005, 16:14   #25
Resting in Peace

Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Originally Posted by Smiffy16
Just because you have been watching Stanley since 1953 doesnt make you a bigger fan than any of us and we dont have to agree with you on your opinions of players performances do we?

Or is it that we have to because you have been watching Stanley since 1953 and that gives you a certain power over the rest of us?
Certainly not, Smiffy - in fact your eyes are probably in much better nick than mine. I was merely trying to say that it is not necessarily disloyal to state an adverse opinion on a player, in support of Wporter's post.
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Old 03-08-2005, 23:25   #26
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Re: Arnold Town 2-2 Stanley

Sorry, Wporter, - hadn't realised you were a fellow peelparker and so mis-judged the validity of your remarks. Suffering the frustration of being isolated down south I am desparate for positive vibes and just haven't seen any ( before the Wigan report that is ). Unreservedly withdraw the venom and antifan jibes and just accept a differing view from my own.
On a lighter note, today entered one of these fantasy football comps at work - have called my side Stanley Reserves - asked how I reckoned to only play a lad called S.Gerrard in a reserve side, I looked astonished at the ? and told this bunch of Phillistines that they obviously hadn't seen Rocky Williams play. Keep smilin'.
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