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Old 29-09-2009, 09:23   #166


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
UK cowboy, yes, you are right. Its Peter Shaw. Although Peter Marsden and all other directors are welcome to come along to a radio conversation. I really do hope that we can move quickly to resolve these issues prior to the HMRC deadline. Maybe accy web will act as a catalyst to put the club first, and all others second.
Mr. Khan are you in direct contact with the club at this time; are there people willing to work with you to bring about a change of thought inside the club?

On - Stanley – On
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Old 29-09-2009, 09:28   #167
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Doug - firstly i wont be as quick off the draw today as i was last night and this morning on accyweb, so forgive me if i am late in getting back to you. I have been the recipient of a couple of emails in the past week or so from "the club", but other than oneil's delightful message from the programme notes, and a wonderfully abusive email in May, i have not had a communication from oneil. I have written to the club this morning and asked them how they justify going cap in hand to members of the public whilst not stumping up themselves. In any other business, this would not be tolerated. I have asked oneil to at least put some of his own cash on the table, and thus inspire others to take his lead. I will await feedback with interest.
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Old 29-09-2009, 09:47   #168
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

I would not hold my breath on that one Mr Khan, the whole thing is an absolute shambles,how the people in charge at ASFC can call themselves businessman is totally beyond me, all I would say is thank you for your open and honest statements you have made.
Come on Mr O,neill it,s time to wake up and smell the coffee and if you and your fellow directors are not 110% accrington stanley it,s time to pack up and ship out, I for one care about ASFC and want to know if I am going to have a team to follow in a months time.
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Old 29-09-2009, 09:51   #169


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by expatriate View Post
Doug - firstly i wont be as quick off the draw today as i was last night and this morning on accyweb, so forgive me if i am late in getting back to you. I have been the recipient of a couple of emails in the past week or so from "the club", but other than oneil's delightful message from the programme notes, and a wonderfully abusive email in May, i have not had a communication from oneil. I have written to the club this morning and asked them how they justify going cap in hand to members of the public whilst not stumping up themselves. In any other business, this would not be tolerated. I have asked oneil to at least put some of his own cash on the table, and thus inspire others to take his lead. I will await feedback with interest.
You’ll have to forgive me too Mr. Khan, I will be in and out like a yoyo. I work from 6.45 am until 10.30 pm every day, seven days a week. I can only get on during the breaks in between my calls so forgive me if I appear to post and run.

Like others I am keen to see a consensus develop between the two sides, despite the current situation there as been some good work done by the club and I am sure that this apparent split between yourself and Mr. O’Neil will only serve to make some people nervous, so again ask why can’t a partnership be developed that allows the ASSF play a role along side of those experienced in running a football club rather than control passing directly to the ASSF.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 29-09-2009, 09:55   #170
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

from my involvement in the earlier days of the ASSF Doug, I don't think there would have been a problem with maintaining the status quo if ASSF had become majority shareholder at an earlier point. The committee is a group of Stanley fans who want the best for their club. The Dons' regime got off to a good start and nobody had any problem with him or his management.

Since then I fear that irreparable damage may have been caused and people have lost faith in him or his abilities. Not least of all because his Google Page Ranking skills appear to have been learnt at the Whalley school of insults.
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Old 29-09-2009, 10:01   #171


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Sorry rob I have to go...I didn't mean the Mr. O'Neil I was taking it that he would be buggering off.....

On - Stanley – On
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Old 29-09-2009, 10:06   #172
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

doug, i thought i had answered your question. But here goes again. I think that if assf ends up with a majority shareholding, we had already (in may) said that we would love to work with oneil. However he is the one who refused, not assf. Separately, on sept 2nd, our offer assumed a continuing working relationship with people on the board who had experience and commitment. Right now, on the basis of all the evidence in hand, I would submit that oneil has proven by his actions that he cannot run the club. There are many many people who DO work at the club, and even others on the board who are truly inspirational and important, and I can see continuity in that context.

Does this answer, specifically, your question ? would you like further clarity via a phone call ?
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Old 29-09-2009, 10:32   #173
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Thank you ILyas answered my worry & Q regarding your intentions as well as the assf, i doubt that the club will respond on here in all honesty. I hope that matters are resolved quickly & with the greatest regard for all in the name of asfc. I have helped out as much as i can even making sure our players kits are lettered/no'd up without charge, trying to get the idea thro thats businesses can work together as part of the future aspect, but again my main concern is that there is a club for the players to play with pride for & an on pitch as well as off pitch effort from all of those that represent asfc. Old methods aren't working, an effective communicative working relationship & professional Google Page Ranking is essential, things do have to change for the better - whoever takes over.


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Old 29-09-2009, 11:37   #174
Resting in Peace

Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

It's high time the LET, Observer and Radio Lancashire became a lot more proactive in getting a statement/interview from the DON as to exactly how he is going to resolve things before the tax deadline. Searching questions need to be asked of him. After all, he holds all the cards at the moment, even if it is a bum hand. If he is reluctant, then he needs to be publicly shamed into responding. Hereford's Bulls News are doing a better job than our local hacks.

Last edited by Redraine; 29-09-2009 at 11:40.
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Old 29-09-2009, 12:20   #175
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Redraine, I'm doing my best not to get the hump at the last post...

Here's an update on what's in store tonight:

2BR Sport from 7 - between 7 and 745 we'll try to concentrate on football, then we'll have first half commentary on Port Vale against Stanley.

AT HALF TIME: Rob Heys has agreed to come on the programme (I did ask for David O'Neill, but I'm sure Rob won't mind if I told you that he said he'd prefer to do it) to clear up a few things and answer some questions.


I don't have time to trawl through the 11 pages of this thread. If you have a question, can you please email it to me ([email protected] or [email protected] ) we are dealing in facts, not opinions, and I don't want an arguement. It's a clearing the air and clarification exercise.

THEN we'll have the whole second half.

AFTER WHICH Ilyas Khan will be on the programme (technology permitting - I'll confirm later 100%) to again make some things clear and answer a few concerns (not unlike the earlier posts in this thread)

AGAIN, EMAIL ME [email protected] or [email protected]

I can't stress how much I'd like YOUR questions and YOUR points. It's an opportunity to get straight answers from the people at the forefront of this situation.

“For those of you watching in black and white, Spurs are in the all-yellow strip.” - John Motson

The Dutch look like a huge jar of marmalade.”
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Old 29-09-2009, 12:43   #176
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Well done Dan, should be well worth a listen (can't say I'm surprised it's Rob who's agreed to do it instead of Dave O'Neil but at least one of them has)
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Old 29-09-2009, 12:45   #177


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Thank you Mr. Khan that does answer my question and thank you for the offer of a phone call, I am assured by your response.

Can you assure us that an Action Plan for any take over is complete and if it will be readily available to the supporters for scrutiny?

Given that an Action Plan is in place; can I also ask if Boardroom decisions will be democratic (majority vote) or will the Chair take formal decisions?

Will the chair be elected by the entire board or, will you and any other financial backers involved put the person(s) in situ.

Historically the clubs response to financial crisis has been to sell talented players and or pass the cap around the Township or occasionally borrow. Given your aversion to accruing debt how does the ASSF plan to secure the finances to move forward once this and any other build of debt is cleared.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 29-09-2009, 12:50   #178


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

[quote=Dan;748956]Redraine, I'm doing my best not to get the hump at the last post...

Get him Dan.............

AT HALF TIME: Rob Heys has agreed to come on the programme (I did ask for David O'Neill, but I'm sure Rob won't mind if I told you that he said he'd prefer to do it) to clear up a few things and answer some questions.quote]

And of Marcella Dan, any sign. Did she not put herself forward given her experience and links to the foot balling community?

On - Stanley – On
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Old 29-09-2009, 13:02   #179
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by Dan View Post
Redraine, I'm doing my best not to get the hump at the last post...

Here's an update on what's in store tonight:

2BR Sport from 7 - between 7 and 745 we'll try to concentrate on football, then we'll have first half commentary on Port Vale against Stanley.

AT HALF TIME: Rob Heys has agreed to come on the programme (I did ask for David O'Neill, but I'm sure Rob won't mind if I told you that he said he'd prefer to do it) to clear up a few things and answer some questions.


I don't have time to trawl through the 11 pages of this thread. If you have a question, can you please email it to me ([email protected] or [email protected] ) we are dealing in facts, not opinions, and I don't want an arguement. It's a clearing the air and clarification exercise.

THEN we'll have the whole second half.

AFTER WHICH Ilyas Khan will be on the programme (technology permitting - I'll confirm later 100%) to again make some things clear and answer a few concerns (not unlike the earlier posts in this thread)

AGAIN, EMAIL ME [email protected] or [email protected]

I can't stress how much I'd like YOUR questions and YOUR points. It's an opportunity to get straight answers from the people at the forefront of this situation.


Check your email Dan, just remember you did ask!!


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

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Old 29-09-2009, 13:19   #180
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by Dan View Post
Redraine, I'm doing my best not to get the hump at the last post...

Get him Dan.............

And of Marcella Dan, any sign. :
Doug!...Perhaps it's a case of 'still waters running deep!'...or better still in Marcelle's case 'silence being golden' ..(She may well be sitting on a pile of the golden stuff just waiting to pounce!...although I somehow doubt it!).....

Hey!!why am I typing cliches instead of imploring Ilyas to keep in mind his recent indication that he sees the Accy Web as being a strong, nay even powerful tool in this strange and some might say unnecessary hiatus in the Club's fortunes!!...I think that he might just be right in his judgement!...we are here to Help!!

To all involved I would say....'DO WHAT IS RIGHT !....and the RIGHT conclusion will be reached!...Lose your integrity...and you'll fail !....

'ON STANLEY....ON!!!!'
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