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Old 27-09-2009, 17:29   #16
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Doug mate - nail hit on head springs to mind - that is EXACTLY IT, even to the last line.


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Old 27-09-2009, 17:29   #17
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by doug View Post
well there you go; by the time all this goes public you the asfc and you the assf between you will have managed to divide not only the opinion of the supporters but also the very public opinion that you have both sought to capture….you are acting like juveniles.

if you the club (mr. O’neil and the board) or you the assf (mr. Khan) are not prepared to go out tomorrow and resolve this debt once and for all, then you between you will be responsible of bringing down this club and the good name of accrington for the final time……nobody but an hand full of diehards will be interested in your petty back biting.

i want to know what your agenda is mr. O’neil…..who are you planning to bail us out the next time given by your own words you have stated that you won’t be throwing money at the club.

and the assf, what next…..if the club accepts the assf/khan offer? Who’s footing the bill once you are in control?

what’s your agenda mr. Khan?

the township, its neighbours and above the supporters and people of accrington have spoken through their pockets……which one of you is going to come clean first, which one of you is capable of leadership and securing the investment that this club needs.

better still if you can’t be professional and act with dignity in this proud clubs name; then **** off and at least let our club die with dignity.

spot on.
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Old 27-09-2009, 17:29   #18
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Is the Don's statement thats sparked this to be found anywhere on the net?
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Old 27-09-2009, 17:32   #19
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

The thing is no-one will back down.....

1) Nobody "gives" £250k to anyone without some conditions
2) O'Neill has sweated & toiled for months & put his own money in. You think he will just step down & write off the time & money invested

As Doug says Supporters are stuck in the middle... Our supporters group is divided, but all we can do is raise, raise, raise....... unconditional support for OUR town & OUR football club......

Blind support? maybe.... time will tell

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Old 27-09-2009, 17:38   #20
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
As a neutral I can only say neither party is doing itself any favours
I think your right Dave!! Any neutral reading both statements would think ,why do they need my money when its all ready their waiting in the wings.This could harm the SOS fund in its efforts to raising the money This should have been sorted privetly IMHO
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Old 27-09-2009, 17:41   #21
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by Kiwi John View Post
Is the Don's statement thats sparked this to be found anywhere on the net?

If u look on the v crewe thread outback ozzy quoted the statement the DON made, hope that helps


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Old 27-09-2009, 17:45   #22
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by mab View Post
This should have been sorted privetly IMHO
Is that what's known as a 'hedge' fund then?

I haven't said much about this since it started, but I'm tiring of the whole thing to be honest. All the back-biting in the press and general silliness is doing nothing for the overall cause.

I'm pretty much at the maximum of my own private contribution and I'm doing the sponsored walk to raise a bit more, but that's the end of it as far as I'm concerned.
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Old 27-09-2009, 18:07   #23


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

I think that is what’s saddening out this episode, I have stated else ware that the fact that O’Neil as put in is own money up now (around £250k I understand) so it’s only right that if the ASSF wants’ control then at least it would show respect and acknowledgement of his previous commitment from the ASSF/Khan camp; he would be an idiot to walk away and abandon that level of investment…I don’t think Mr. Khan will have made his money by doing such things.

What we need is leadership; if the ASSF wants to control Accrington Stanley then it should at least show some common since and allow O’Neil to withdraw with some financial settlement; it would be cheaper for him to let the club die rather than gift it to the ASSF.

That said any reluctance or inability to further invest in the club should be seen as a negative position and there for untenable in the eyes of those currently bailing out the club…………..The Public.

If the ASSF is to be seen as impartial then their must be an irreversible withdrawal of Mr. Khan from the cause, unfortunately that would mean the ASSF is penniless to help anyone.

If Mr. Khan was to purchase 25% Mr. O’Neil’s holding and then gives an equal share to the ASSF and each party was then to pay off the short fall with an equal donation we would have a working consensus.

Alternatively stop messing about and buy the club Mr. Khan and then turn it into a business in partnership with the people.

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Last edited by Stanleymad; 28-09-2009 at 19:39. Reason: asterix's family forum
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Old 27-09-2009, 18:12   #24
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

The real thing that gets me about all of this is that EVERYBODY is right. I have spoken to many people of all walks of life, ages, professions and everybody has an opinion and many of them differ from person to person.

Ilyas has been trying to make the club come clean about the true nature of its accounts. Should this be done he is/was willing to put money in. The club wasn't able or willing to divulge this information so a man with more wealth than the rest of the fan base put together is/was unwilling to shed any more of his money.

The thing that got me about the Dons statement is that he accused the ASSF of not being true fans - well you all know me and Loweiy and Valarian and UK Cowboy and Accy Mad and that statements cuts me to the core. The other aspect was that he said that ASSF was offered the chance to buy the club when it wasn't - so that is a bare faced lie.

There is a statement on here that says this business should be conducted privately and it is right.

But I also believe that the club itself has damaged the fundraising effort by not actually spearheading the campaign, by not being seen to be on the frontline and in the trenches, by not having its Chairpersons, Co-Chairman and directors out there physically knocking on doors. Last week was a no mention week as far as fundraising was concerned and that allowed seeds of doubt to be sown in everybodies heads. I'm not happy about any aspect of this campaign but the only option I see is to carry on fundraising because until we know different that is what we are expected to do.

I'm not on anyones side in all this but both sides have the right to express opinion and to defend themselves.

The club thinks that it can dig itself out of this hole and ASSF and Ilyas think that they can't. The worry is that if it can't ASSF will be able to do nothing about it until it is too late (as far as admin and points deduction is concerned) and that may jeopardise our league position.
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Old 27-09-2009, 18:33   #25
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

As the saying goes u can lead a horse to water but u cant make it drink! Think thats the main issue that is causing the utmost problems tho my main worry is the rumours of the ghost of eric visable. I do think honesty is needed but most likely not going to get and i seriously am worried about the state of our club and would so hate to lose it.
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Old 27-09-2009, 18:40   #26


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

A statement from Mr. Khan would be good around now…..

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Old 27-09-2009, 18:58   #27
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Surely one question is this - when the Don pushased the majority shareholding in ASFC, did he undertake a complete exercise of Due Diligence? If he did, then a fully reconcilied balance sheet would have revealed the amounts due to HMRC. If he was aware of this then he should have known that future cash resources would have to be made available to cover the liability. If he was not aware of it, then why not? Was everything due to a spit in the hand, followed by a shake of the hand? Or was there possibly some incorrect financial recording in the books ?
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Old 27-09-2009, 19:05   #28
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Well expressed macca. Unfortunately if ASFC doesn't dig itself out of the hole HMRC are going for a 'winding up order' - not administration - which means complete closure, out of business. It saddens me to be the bearer of such news.
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Old 27-09-2009, 19:38   #29
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
Maybe i should forward a reminder of how serious a case it is to be forced to resign from the league resulting from money troubles & bad management, please can we get the matter sorted asap.
Maybe you should make your "reminder" available for all parties to see, SM. I must admit, I haven't had sight of it, but when you described it to me, even on a busy Friday afternoon in Peel Street, I felt, a cold, dark chill run through my heart, and I'm sure any true Stanley would feel the same. Perhaps, to actually see this document would concentrate minds on what could be the true consequences of the present situation for our club and would spur the participants on to find a solution!
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Old 27-09-2009, 20:27   #30
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
Think thats the main issue that is causing the utmost problems tho my main worry is the rumours of the ghost of eric visable.
Like TM I've been very quiet recently with the opinion that SOS is the only thing that matters but this Whalley thing is gaining momentum which I don't like. Just a thought is it possible that DON didn't buy Whalley out and it was all a sham, it would answer one or two questions.

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