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Old 27-09-2009, 16:03   #1
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

this statement will be sent to the press tomorrow as a direct result of the accusations made in fridays programme


Accrington Stanley Supporters' Fund Ltd. (ASSF) was formed when a group of supporters, including Ilyas Khan, came together following the May 09 court hearing when Accrington Stanley Football Club appeared for non payment of tax revenues.

Supporters were fearful that the club would be put in to administration. We were delighted when the Club announced that it had come to an agreement with the tax man to pay off the arrears over twelve months, confirming it could restructure its finances to meet the arrangement.

Indeed, Professor Glasson and then the Supporters' Fund, made substantial loans totalling some £45,000 to the Club. Professor Glasson and the Supporters Fund believed, mistakenly as it happens, that this cash would help pay instalments off the tax bill.

The Supporters' Fund, with the backing of Ilyas Khan, made the offer to pay off a further substantial amount of the tax bill in July 09. Two main conditions were requested by the Supporters Fund, one that the Club create a share issue and two, that the Club make its accounts transparent so the true financial picture could be assessed.

This has been the consistent and only approach of the Supporters' Fund.

The directors of the Club have continued to ignore this offer.

We were informed by the Club on Friday 28th August that Accrington Stanley was to appear in the High Court the following Wednesday, 2nd September. HMRC were petitioning for Accrington Stanley to be wound up as none of the outstanding tax bill had been paid since the alleged agreement made back in May 09.

On Saturday, 29th August, we met with the Club's chairman and the chief executive and again reiterated the offer from the Supporters' Fund, with conditions as before. At no time did Mr. O'Neill indicate he would be prepared to relinquish his control of the Club.

Despite it being a Bank Holiday weekend, by 4p.m. on Tuesday 1st September, the Supporters' Fund's offer was reinforced by a letter, through our solicitor, which was presented to the High Court. The Supporters' Fund have demonstrated that we are genuine in our offer to help save Accrington Stanley from extinction.

The result was an eight week stay of execution by which time HMRC have to be paid £308k. The ASSF made a proposal to the chairman and directors of Accrington Stanley, shortly after the court date on 1st September, outlining again the two main conditions and the time scales necessary to finalise the arrangement to meet the court's deadline.

ASFC has again declined to respond to the offer.
Accrington Stanley is facing a forest fire of debt, and its directors are using water pistols to try and put it out, and are not even prepared to use their own water, i.e. none of the directors have put their own cash on the table at this critical time.

We believe that the Club's debt is now substantially more than just £308k owed to the tax man. If the Club wish to dispute this statement then we ask that they open up their accounts to scrutiny.

The Supporters' Fund, allied with the generosity of Ilyas Khan, is able to remove Accrington Stanley Football Club from debt.

The continuing and prospering League status of the club must override the intransigence of the Club's chairman and its directors, who seem interested only in avoiding a dilution of their shareholdings and losing control.

Ilyas Khan has made it quite clear that he has no wish to take control of Accrington Stanley Football Club.

If the Supporters' Fund offer was to be accepted, and as a result it becomes the majority shareholder, control of ASFC would be vested in the Supporters' Fund and not Ilyas Khan.

Through its membership, the Supporters' Fund is well placed to take over the administrative affairs of the club, with skills in business management, communications, media, finance and funding.

The Supporters' Fund has every confidence in the club's manager, coach, playing staff and players.

The removal of Accrington Stanley from debt would allow the finance that is currently having to be used to service the debt, to be channelled into strengthening the playing side of the Club, allowing a challenge for promotion.

Very few Football League clubs will have the advantage of such an offer.

The Supporters' Fund, and indeed all supporters everywhere, are delighted with the generosity shown so far in helping to minimize this financial burden on the Club. However, it is necessary to look at the future sustainability of Accrington Stanley Football Club, and it does not look as if the present board of directors is able to fund that sustainability.

They must not be allowed to mortgage the Club's survival against future income as this would be disastrous.

As true supporters of Accrington Stanley, the Supporters' Fund has amply demonstrated its willingness to step up to the table. Our offer is one that ensures finance goes directly into the club.

We ask that fans everywhere, and the public at large, join us in supporting the offer that will ensure a confident future for Accrington Stanley Football Club. Also, we invite all and any supporters to take up any number of shares when the offer has been made, and thus become part of ASFC's future.
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Last edited by maccawozzagod; 27-09-2009 at 16:07.
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Accrington Web
Old 27-09-2009, 16:03   #2
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

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Old 27-09-2009, 16:23   #3
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

I think that when the time comes,the present board will come up with the cash to pay the tax burden.
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Old 27-09-2009, 16:27   #4
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

As a neutral I can only say neither party is doing itself any favours
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Old 27-09-2009, 16:32   #5
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Posted via Mobile Device Discuss ? Erm explain again laymens terms please? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting mr khan so cannot assess his intentions, nor formulate any true opinion. What is the statement trying to say, it seems all round the houses as to basically rebut the don's hastily direct comments on the programme without a thought on the readers point of view that i can agree with.
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Old 27-09-2009, 16:32   #6
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

As a non-neutral I can totally agree Dave.

The bickering and in-fighting is not needed WHATEVER the situation. The best for both parties is to aim for full clarity.

All that statement will do is divide opinion and cause a rift.

Bad idea
Its da beast!!!

Last edited by dabeast; 27-09-2009 at 16:33. Reason: spelling error
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Old 27-09-2009, 16:38   #7
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Originally Posted by dabeast View Post

Bad idea

As, incidentally, were the D'on's programme notes imho
Its da beast!!!
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Old 27-09-2009, 16:41   #8
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

I'm glad the ASSF has defended itself against those idiotic words in the programme.

The ASSF doesn't want to be seen as fighting against the club but when the chairman (or one of them) comes out with tripe like that they can't just sit back and let people believe it.

O'Neill spoke of being 'focussed' and 'in control'. His blurb defied any remnants of that image.

I was more than sucked in by his turd polishing over the summer and now only see an empty shell of a football club. Thank God for Messrs Coleman & Bell giving us brilliant home football matches to make us forget the crap that goes on at the top.

Last edited by shakermaker; 27-09-2009 at 16:43.
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Old 27-09-2009, 16:47   #9
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

The other point is that as many others may feel, is that im sick of the piggy in the middle of the sides squabble. My only main interest is to the players & management of ASFC team - whom are seemingly getting it right on the pitch & say that we are an able league 2 side atm - they are the ones too who must feel the same too, very unsettling, but praise them for keeping their heads in the game even tho this must be hard on them too. Not forgetting the support that fans, supporters & people of Accrington whom have tried despite reservations of history repeating itself, helping the club in huge support in order that the taxman goes away. Maybe i should forward a reminder of how serious a case it is to be forced to resign from the league resulting from money troubles & bad management, please can we get the matter sorted asap.


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Old 27-09-2009, 16:57   #10
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

In a nutshell then,

The Don says that ASSF were offered the chance to gain control of the club immediately prior to the 2nd Spetember HMRC hearing.

ASSF says that they weren't

ASSF has repeatedly offered money in return for shares and clarity (to try to ascertain whether there are any other debts that have yet to rear their ugly heads)

ASFC has not declined the offer - but they have refused to respond.

ASSF has the capacity to remove the club from debt in its entirety

ASFC isn't interested.
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Old 27-09-2009, 16:58   #11
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

What was said in the program?

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Old 27-09-2009, 17:01   #12
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

The longer it drags on, the more harm it is doing to the playing side. This, at the end of the day, is all that truly matters when supporting a FOOTBALL club....

Shares, directors, profit, loss, financial forecasts... all boring!

Sort it out before the mess really harms the football!!!

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 27-09-2009, 17:03   #13
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

wrongly or rightly, I don't think that conflict at this stage will do any help for both parties.

This is a time when everyone, fans, directors, players, ANYBODY, needs to come together and work towards one goal... Saving OUR Stanley.

I know this is exacly what your doing, but achieving our goal will only be done in harmony.

This Is the Club That Wouldn't Die.. and I have every faith in all concerned that these very words will live on, Like the Stanley

You know who we are.
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Old 27-09-2009, 17:03   #14
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Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Come on Rob, at the end of the day ASSF is Illyas...... Don't see it any other way

BTW we counting money at 8 in the crown if anyone is free???

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 27-09-2009, 17:24   #15


Re: ASSF response to The Dons programme notes ...

Well there you go; by the time all this goes public you the ASFC and you the ASSF between you will have managed to divide not only the opinion of the supporters but also the very public opinion that you have both sought to capture….You are acting like juveniles.

If you the club (Mr. O’Neil and the board) or you the ASSF (Mr. Khan) are not prepared to go out tomorrow and resolve this debt once and for all, then you between you will be responsible of bringing down this club and the good name of Accrington for the final time……Nobody but an hand full of diehards will be interested in your petty back biting.

I want to know what your agenda is Mr. O’Neil…..who are you planning to bail us out the next time given by your own words you have stated that you won’t be throwing money at the club.

And the ASSF, what next…..if the club accepts the ASSF/Khan offer? Who’s footing the bill once you are in control?

What’s your agenda Mr. Khan?

The Township, its neighbours and above the supporters and people of Accrington have spoken through their pockets……Which one of you is going to come clean first, which one of you is capable of leadership and securing the investment that this club needs.

Better still if you can’t be professional and act with dignity in this Proud Clubs Name; then and at least let our club die with dignity.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -

Last edited by Stanleymad; 28-09-2009 at 19:40. Reason: asterix's family forum
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