Just been reading a book "The best season ever" the story of accy stanley season 1954-1955.
found the following quotes:-
"Are you a Stanley fan? If not, why not? Join the happy 10,000 and enjoy football next season. Help to make history at Peel Park"
"If we are to get promotion next season we shall need YOUR help. Don't let it stop at coming to the first team matches. Come every week, and bring your wife and pal."
"If every one of our last seasons supporters were to bring another friend with him next season, we should have average gates of 20,000. Large enough for any Second Division Club. DO YOUR BEST."
"Don't just be a spectator, become an active supporter. Buy a season ticket, join the supporters club and help their efforts. You'll be surprised what a few enthusiastic supporters can acheive"
"Good as we were last season, We can be a lot better this. Don't fail to support the New Accrington Stanley, and help to make football history."
"We have only 1,500 season ticket holders. We ought to have 4,000. Make sure your not to blame. Get your ticket now. It's a real bargain this year"
"If you've enjoyed reading this book, ask your pals to buy one. All proceeds are for the Club and will be devoted to your enjoyment."