24-01-2016, 13:13
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Re: Banned
It is juts the picking up point off J19 on the M6 and teams on he banned list still use it. There is the lane where the garage is where they all park up and then the coach waits on the road where the pub is.
The pub has little to do with it except it is there, it would be used as a picking up point whether or not the pub existed as there is parking near a motorway junction and it is convenient for the sub-regional city centres of Manchester and Liverpool, even central Lancashire where teh majority of the players ten to live. I doubt any fans used it as for your trips south when it is used it is far too close (40 mins from Accy on a good run).
I doubt banning the teams will have much of a detrimental effect on the pubs income as the issue seems to be that money wasn't being spent, and players aren't going to be ordering double single malts on the way to a game. The Landlord has every right to ban who he wants (particularly if he phoned up and was fobbed off with 'put it in an email' by a Stanley employee) but going to the papers is pathetic.