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Old 25-07-2011, 16:30   #46
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
This is my last post on my thread as there is no point in it ! Why talk about Stevenage or Cheltenham ? This is a thread about Barrow ? also smoking is banned in a public place ?

We know it's illegal and so are lots of things in life but we only do the smoke to create a scene of colour and atmosphere ! Not to cause people problems ! The terrace was open and there seemed to be no risk so we planned to do it ! Right or wrong as it is, it's what we do !

We will keep doing displays and supporting the club ! By different means, flags etc etc !
+ it was a small smoke not a flare , we have never done a flare ! Massive difference!

Sorry to the people who don't like it but it's what we do best and will keep doing it !

Adios .
its not about if people like it or not, its what implications are there to the club? a question you seem to refuse to answer, or yeh aint got the intellect.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-07-2011, 16:41   #47
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Re: Barrow Friendly

the boy is obviously of a certain mentality that is just not capable of seeing beyond his excitable need to rack up what he and his mates see as ultra support. The fact that some of their repertoire could have consequences for our club and offends life long thick 'n thin Stanleyintheblood supporters is no concern of theirs. The ultra's have been an asset to Stanley in the past but this element destroys the good intention. If the lad is representative of current Ultra thinking, then they seem to think that they are bigger than the club and majority of supporters. Unless they wake up and smell the coffee then Stanley must act to avoid league sanctions and conventional fans walking away.
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Old 25-07-2011, 17:01   #48
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
But you are obviously causing people problems. You will be caught on camera one of these times and then it really will be adios. Was it you who set off the smoke or were you just an innocent bystander who watched whilst somebody else did the dirty work and got arreated ?
I'm not saying any names or any more info on the matter.

The conclusion is that the person involved got sorted by the police and it's all be done and sorted ! If people want to do what happened then it's their risk ! But like i said, it got sorted by the police and that's the end of it ! Is there any point of the thread as there's no talk about the team as we played well the second half by the way !

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Old 25-07-2011, 17:29   #49
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Re: Barrow Friendly

FC your missing mine and a few others point.

NOBODY is saying ban everything ultra related altogther, the atmosphere they and u create is absolutely fantastic, by far the best in this and any other league, the Newcastle game in particular will live long in my memory.

HOWEVER there is a difference between songs, shouting, flags, banners, drummers etc etc (which we ALL love)............. and Smoke bombs, insulting stewards + police, blatantly aggravating opposition fans ( as seen at Macclesfield away) , which is what I have seen creep into the ultra's following the team in the last few months. Wouldent you agree??

As well as this I know for a fact its only 3-4 individuals out of everybody that goes that are being idiots, and in my opinion its these fools that need telling.

Yes before you ask, I attend almost every game home and away and have done for 18 seasons!!!
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Old 25-07-2011, 17:41   #50
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by smudgie View Post
FC your missing mine and a few others point.

NOBODY is saying ban everything ultra related altogther, the atmosphere they and u create is absolutely fantastic, by far the best in this and any other league, the Newcastle game in particular will live long in my memory.

HOWEVER there is a difference between songs, shouting, flags, banners, drummers etc etc (which we ALL love)............. and Smoke bombs, insulting stewards + police, blatantly aggravating opposition fans ( as seen at Macclesfield away) , which is what I have seen creep into the ultra's following the team in the last few months. Wouldent you agree??

As well as this I know for a fact its only 3-4 individuals out of everybody that goes that are being idiots, and in my opinion its these fools that need telling.

Yes before you ask, I attend almost every game home and away and have done for 18 seasons!!!
Yes I do agree , but there the young ones who go Blackburn and Stanley! You can't do anything about it ! But the person who got nicked is a true follower but it's been dealt with on that front !! The bit regarding Agro to police etc I know what you mean !

I know you do and you probably know I do! I think this thread is being taken miles out of context as it wouldn't of happened on the terrace and only happened because of the open terrace and the fact no-one was there and it's s friendly ! It got sorted !

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Old 25-07-2011, 17:58   #51
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Re: Barrow Friendly

So hows the team shaping up people that was there?? due to a holiday coming up ive not been able to make it to games . I see it as im saving my voice for season
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Old 25-07-2011, 18:02   #52
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by smudgie View Post
FC your missing mine and a few others point.

NOBODY is saying ban everything ultra related altogther, the atmosphere they and u create is absolutely fantastic, by far the best in this and any other league, the Newcastle game in particular will live long in my memory.

HOWEVER there is a difference between songs, shouting, flags, banners, drummers etc etc (which we ALL love)............. and Smoke bombs, insulting stewards + police, blatantly aggravating opposition fans ( as seen at Macclesfield away) , which is what I have seen creep into the ultra's following the team in the last few months. Wouldent you agree??

As well as this I know for a fact its only 3-4 individuals out of everybody that goes that are being idiots, and in my opinion its these fools that need telling.

Yes before you ask, I attend almost every game home and away and have done for 18 seasons!!!

That bit about blatantly aggravating the opposition has always and always will be part of the game, the only difference with it involvin stanley is that the age of group of us ultras is of similar age, majority being 16-24, myself included, alcohol can fuel alot of the tension most of the time.

I wasnt at barrow personally but i dont think the smokes a big deal, it looks good and everything else, and if anyone wants to set it off, 90% percent of the time that person will get caught and suffer the consequences anyway.
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Old 25-07-2011, 18:33   #53
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
I think this thread is being taken miles out of context...
As do I mate.

Everyone's got the same interest at heart: The name and reputation of Accrington Stanley Football Club. The Ultras want to give the best possible displays to support the team, which is admirable. Those who have voiced their views on this thread are worried that the club will get a bad rep through continuous rule-breaking, which is fair enough I suppose.

It's not really my place to comment as I couldn't be there on Saturday but I think both camps need to 'calm down, calm down' a bit here (calling people 'scum' or questioning others' commitment to the club won't do any good). Pre-season is supposed to be where the blood pressure gets a rest guys
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Old 25-07-2011, 18:50   #54
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Can I just add my two'penneth. Firstly to FC Stanley - it is NOT illegal to smoke in a public place unless it is covered and has two enclosed sides. Barrow is not a football league club, whereas ASC are, hence the reason smoking is not allowed anywhere within the confines (metal fence) of the football ground. Secondly there is something that can be done about the Accy/Blackburn kids - talk to them (as Jase would have done) if they step out of line, get rid of them as they are a stain on the club and the town.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 25-07-2011, 19:39   #55
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
We know it's illegal and so are lots of things in life but we only do the smoke to create a scene of colour and atmosphere ! Not to cause people problems !
Have the Blackburn supporters involved "done the smoke to create a scene of colour and atmosphere" at Ewood Park? If not, why not?

You might not do it "to cause people problems" but that is the result. Do you know anything about the effects of smoke inhalation? If not, I suggest you find out.
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Old 25-07-2011, 19:48   #56
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Re: Barrow Friendly


The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 25-07-2011, 19:54   #57
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Re: Barrow Friendly

yeh jase, was a molehill got you banned?
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Old 25-07-2011, 19:59   #58
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
yeh jase, was a molehill got you banned?
was moaning on here that got money in the buckets in accy town center
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Old 25-07-2011, 21:17   #59
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by tommiasfc View Post
was moaning on here that got money in the buckets in accy town center
yeh n many of those yeh call moaners contributed.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-07-2011, 21:35   #60
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Re: Barrow Friendly

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
yeh n many of those yeh call moaners contributed.
I pressume they didn't contribute by being sat on here why not one of the people with a problem actualy say something instead of hoping one of bigger ultras will have a word? It'll save hours on here just getting each other mad. You all no whose probably best to talk to calling people names isnt going to make people listen.
Proud to be ASFC

Last edited by tommiasfc; 25-07-2011 at 21:37.
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