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Old 10-04-2008, 13:36   #16

Re: Bell bemoans dwindling attendances

Hi. I know its prob been well publicised but when does the supporters club meet?
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Accrington Web
Old 10-04-2008, 20:40   #17
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Re: Bell bemoans dwindling attendances

every 2nd monday of the month, 7:15pm in the Clubhouse. All are welcome, members or otherwise although only members may vote on things should that be required.

We have our AGM next month where the committee jobs will be up for re-election, other than our newly installed Vice-Chair. There will definitely be a new Chair though as the present one is standing aside.

As stated previously, we are the fans and if you think that a Supporters Club could or should do this or that then please feel free to get involved. If we can do something we will try to do it providing we have the numbers to do it. If the same handful are relied on time after time then they begin to feel as though why should they bother. Every year we have half a dozen people who are prepared to get stuck in. Usually though some of the half dozen don't do it the year after although someone else always steps into the breach. If one year we could keep hold of the half dozen whilst enticing a new half dozen we would suddenly be labour rich and could start to get things done a little more.
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Old 11-04-2008, 11:56   #18
Senior Member+

Re: Bell bemoans dwindling attendances

I am still amazed that the club havent got 2 betting booths - one in the home and one in the away end.
A good return could be achieved from renting the spaces out - as their is no bookies near by.
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Old 11-04-2008, 14:38   #19

Re: Bell bemoans dwindling attendances

I know this is going to sound like excuses but I'm heavily involved in another organisation that also meets at 7.30pm on the 2nd Monday of the month and as I'm the Chair there's no chance of me getting out of the meetings. Is there any other way of getting involved?
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Old 11-04-2008, 15:48   #20
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Re: Bell bemoans dwindling attendances

The Supporters Club website carries a forum where OSC related matters are discussed and 'kind of' decided on. There are numerous forums/categories on there, some of which carry full access to the public or members and some that don't. You can join in with discussion on there at any point and get involved with the organisation of anything.

The meetings are there mainly for 'Officialness' that has to be in order to be an organisation such as we are - without it we would never have got the lottery grants etc. But we do tend to discuss things pre and post match and via the website. At that point we have an idea before meetings of what people are interested in or not so we save a bit more time that way.

As of next season we should be back to where we were 10 months ago with regards to ideas towards fundraisers. This was agreed to be pretty much shelved this year to concentrate efforts towards the Exhibition.

We also put out a few requests per season for help with handing out flyers at matches, which is usually largely ignored other than three or four whom we depend on every time (thanks guys/gals). These can be anything from Player of the Year voting slips (still need a couple of names for the Barnet match) to information sheets or membership renewal forms.

If people are the strictly hands off types then they can get involved by simply joining. Each season carries its own term so its rather late for this year. But by next season (full details of when will on here when applicable) we will have new cards and badges available.
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