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Old 30-03-2006, 23:03   #1
Junior Member

Better than the Prem

My first Stanley game was only last season - a scrappy home win v Leigh RMI. As a Brummie in exile struggling to get tickets to watch the Blues (yes I know, why would anyone want to watch them at the moment) and to afford to go with two kids I thought I'd give Stanley a try - famous name and all that.
I loved it - standing on terracing, changing ends at half time, close enough to the action for my lads to have banter with the goalie and they did not have to be next to me, and a crowd with passion and a sense of humour who sang about their team rather than try and cause a ruck with the opposition - it was like St Andrews circa 1967 - except for crowd size and lack of roof.
Blues are still in my blood - generations of us and all that - but we've hardly missed a Stanley home game since that first time and have enjoyed delights of a few away games. Its like football should be - players who give their all and who give a damn and relate to their fans and appreciate their efforts. Fans who come for the football not the "experience" and to support the team.
It beats paying £35 to sit in a plastic seat watching overpaid overrated prima donnas.
Thanks Stanley and the Ultras for reminding me why I love football - and for letting me see a bit of history take place.
Oh - and this team can play a bit too.
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Old 30-03-2006, 23:05   #2
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Re: Better than the Prem

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Old 30-03-2006, 23:20   #3
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Re: Better than the Prem

say no more, great post

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 30-03-2006, 23:26   #4
I am Banned
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Re: Better than the Prem

That's a wonderful piece of writing , bluenose , and we're all the better for having your support.

Accrington Stanley has been one of the most successful clubs of the last decade , but I honestly believe that the friendly welcome which newcomers receive has barely changed.

The warmth and friendship which you experience immediately upon entering the ground is something which marks Stanley out as something very special.

Many thanks for taking the trouble to tell us of your own positive experience.
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Old 31-03-2006, 18:52   #5
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Re: Better than the Prem

well done Brummie Boy. More people need to see the light, but htis is what its all about
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Old 31-03-2006, 20:36   #6
Senior Member+

Re: Better than the Prem

Originally Posted by bluenose
yes I know, why would anyone want to watch them at the moment
David Dunn?
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Old 31-03-2006, 21:39   #7
Accy Red

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Re: Better than the Prem

Nice one Bluenose, I could have written it myself its so true. Funnily enough the Leigh game was the first game I took my young son to, although he wanted to go home at half time, too noisy.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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