19-12-2006, 18:41
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Join Date: May 2006
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Bristol meet-up
Any Reds arriving in Bristol independently of the now-officially-happening coach? If so, how about a meet-up somewhere? My copy of the 4th Division Football & Real Ale Guide recommends three boozers between Bristol Parkway and the ground. Based on their maps and my train ticket, I’m going for:
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12.15: Ratepayers Arms, Filton Leisure Centre (a swift couple)
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1.00: Inn on the Green, 2 Filton Road, Horfield (might settle in here for the duration, excellent food available)
2.30: Wellington Arms, Gloucester Road, Horfield.
The latter is apparently close to the ground, close enough to be done after the game if the Inn on the Green is as good as legend has it. It is a recent CAMRA regional pub of the year, so naturally one wouldn’t want to leave without properly sampling what it has to offer, eh?
If anyone would like to join me then they would be more than welcome – I’ll be the tubby bloke in the black Stanley polo shirt reading the Guardian. But don’t let that put you off.