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Old 15-08-2006, 22:20   #16
Full Member

Re: Britcliffe's Split Personality

Politics aside (and I remember the days when the only time you saw a politician of any persuasion at the Crown was the Saturday before a General Election), Britcliffe's attitude is typical of the Borough in general.

Hundred, nay thousands, of people say how great it is Stanley are back in the League, and how wonderful it would be for them to rise higher, but they can't be arsed to go to matches. The roof, the cost, drums, bad language etc. are excuses for staying away.

The real reason for not going is simple -40 years of having better things to do with their Saturday afternoons than go watch a team of 3rd rate semi-pros play on a mud heap.

I'm entitled to say that -I was one of those humping barrow loads of sand on to the pitch in the 1980's. I remember the halcyon days of Hubberstey, McHugh, McDowell, Hargreaves and the rest.

Two generations of Dads have taken their kids to watch Blackburn and Burnley and those kids' first allegiance is now to those clubs. You can't expect them to change allegiance now and I wouldn't respect any one who did. Your football club is in your blood and there is nothing you can do to change that.

If Britcliffe is a Rovers fan but gave them up to start supporting Stanley he'd be an bigger hypocrite than I give him credit for being (which would be saying something for a politician).

The best we can hope for is that the children of those who have taken to watching the Red recently will be indoctrinated at an early age and grow up with Stanley as their One True Love.

It's simply not realistic to expect 40 years of damage to be repaired over night. But a little bit more help from Hyndburn Council might help.
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Old 15-08-2006, 22:59   #17
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Re: Britcliffe's Split Personality

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
Especially the labourite side of the council,who are the most miserable set of t*****s anywhere.
Total agreement from me on the above.

But if Britcliffe starts coming to Stanley I would want a refund on my season ticket.

Let's face it, all politician's are t***'s. Voting only encourages them.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 15-08-2006, 23:05   #18
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Re: Britcliffe's Split Personality

Originally Posted by Thin Monkey
It's simply not realistic to expect 40 years of damage to be repaired over night. But a little bit more help from Hyndburn Council might help.
Well said, and seconded.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.

Last edited by Oggy; 15-08-2006 at 23:17.
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Old 15-08-2006, 23:19   #19
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Re: Britcliffe's Split Personality

Originally Posted by Oggy
Total agreement from me on the above.

But if Britcliffe starts coming to Stanley I would want a refund on my season ticket.

Let's face it, all politician's are t***'s. Voting only encourages them.
Well said Oggy.
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Old 15-08-2006, 23:36   #20


Re: Britcliffe's Split Personality

Originally Posted by Thin Monkey
It's simply not realistic to expect 40 years of damage to be repaired over night. But a little bit more help from Hyndburn Council might help.
Reality is often a closer bedfellow than we would like to admit. Maybe the past three or four have led us to believe in dreams, but the reality is that this is only the beginning and those that continue to work tirelessly for the club will as they all have been, few in number.
Leave the politicians be, if they can’t walk besides those lads through the streets of Accrington or stand beside them home and away, then you don’t need their money or their company. If they are do anything for the club let it be in the planning office. Other than that all we have to look forward to is more years of a few good committed people giving time and effort for the enjoyment of the rest of us. <O
One of <ST1Stanley’s dedicated fans is worth a hundred politicians in the stands and one volunteer worker is worth a hundred more. They will have their uses over the coming years, other than that **** them.<O

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -

Last edited by Doug; 16-08-2006 at 00:08. Reason: Beer
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Old 16-08-2006, 07:27   #21
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Re: Britcliffe's Split Personality

I don't think many of us realistically expected mass defections from the ranks of the Burnley and Rovers supporters in this town. However, with us playing home fixtures when Burnley are away and Rovers not playing some Saturdays due to their European campaign, it's to be hoped that some fans will adopt us as their second team. And, as our Peter is a born and bred Accy lad, I would expect to see him standing on the Clayton End whenever Blackburn don't have a fixture...and the same goes for Graham Jones, too!
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Old 16-08-2006, 11:33   #22
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Re: Britcliffe's Split Personality

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
And, as our Peter is a born and bred Accy lad, I would expect to see him standing on the Clayton End whenever Blackburn don't have a fixture...and the same goes for Graham Jones, too!
Peter Britcliffe, the councillor, is a 'stanley fan'

Peter Britcliffe in real life however ...well this is a family messageboard I can't really describe how much of a waste of space that ****** is

Pity he's to thick to realise that people talk, and even the nasty comments he makes away from the public eye will be exposed eventually.
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