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Old 04-09-2009, 22:22   #16
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Did O'Neil hint at putting more of his own funds into the Club?

He said he wouldn't be throwing money at it, but would continue to provide certain income in various ways for general running of the club where required.
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Old 04-09-2009, 22:24   #17
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
yer confusing me now shurm ya said "All i am thinking n others ya have spoken too,would rather pledge the money to ASSF, so which is it? the club or ASSF?
Well personally I'd rather give it to the ASSF and have shares in the club if thats how it works. Then all the people who care about the club have a share in it, rather than give my money to keep someone else in charge who will do just what they want. Sorry if thats not what people want to hear but thats just my view.
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Old 04-09-2009, 22:32   #18


Re: Can Someone Explain ?

I feel more comfortable contributing directly to the club via the “Save Our Stanley” rather than spreading it between all the different efforts that are being made; nevertheless I have great respect for those pushing ahead and getting off their arses to help “us” and our club, great or small they should be applauded but coordination should be the key target now. Money I’ve already committed to buying Wrist bands and Sparkies Bike ride will stand, the rest will be directly to the SOS and when I have some money to spend “the Shop”

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Old 04-09-2009, 22:33   #19
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by Shurm View Post
Well personally I'd rather give it to the ASSF and have shares in the club if thats how it works. Then all the people who care about the club have a share in it, rather than give my money to keep someone else in charge who will do just what they want. Sorry if thats not what people want to hear but thats just my view.
well at least ya had the balls to say so,my view is that action may put another nail in the coffin.
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Old 04-09-2009, 22:39   #20
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Money I’ve already committed to buying Wrist bands and Sparkies Bike ride will stand, the rest will be directly to the SOS and when I have some money to spend “the Shop”
Well Doug the money pledged to the bike ride can be redstributed now as i have postponed it. (please see the thread) Thanks for your support though.
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Old 04-09-2009, 22:44   #21
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by Shurm View Post
Well personally I'd rather give it to the ASSF and have shares in the club if thats how it works. Then all the people who care about the club have a share in it, rather than give my money to keep someone else in charge who will do just what they want. Sorry if thats not what people want to hear but thats just my view.
I was asked what I thought about this tonight as an 'outsider'. I can see what both sides are trying to achieve. I actually think both sides want what is best for the club. The danger is you ( stanley fans) are getting so involved with taking sides the split may be more damaging than what is being achieved by the collective spirit of trying to resolve the situation as it stands today. My personal opinion is that the current regime will do whatever it takes to resolve the situation.
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Old 04-09-2009, 22:48   #22
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
well at least ya had the balls to say so,my view is that action may put another nail in the coffin.
I just want the club to survive as well and I hope the money is raised to do it, good luck to everyone with their fundraising and efforts.
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Old 04-09-2009, 22:50   #23


Re: Can Someone Explain ?

[quote=lancsdave;742236]I was asked what I thought about this tonight as an 'outsider'.

Outsider! Nay lad.....its getting under your skin.

But you are right Dave.........Our actual downfall may well be of our own making. I'm hoping the the SOS will act as a war cry and bring people under one banner..........

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Old 04-09-2009, 22:54   #24
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
I was asked what I thought about this tonight as an 'outsider'.

Outsider! Nay lad.....its getting under your skin.

But you are right Dave.........Our actual downfall may well be of our own making. I'm hoping the the SOS will act as a war cry and bring people under one banner..........
hope yer right doug, the owd saying "Ya can't put sense were there is none" though worries me.
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Old 04-09-2009, 23:03   #25
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

I think this (Shurm's point) is what David O'Neill meant when he said in the paper that we wanted the focus on fundraising to be with one organisation. There's clearly confusion on the street.
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Old 04-09-2009, 23:27   #26
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Smile Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
But; if the money isn’t raised then it seems he will admit defeat and except the ASSF/Khan offer in order to keep the club alive; and maybe the chance to pull something back for his efforts…..That’s how I see it, and I will repeat, it is almost like blackmail “give us control or you lose it all”

Personally I hope Mr. O’Neil, the Club and the Fans succeed; despite my support for the ASSF I think it’s too early for control to be taken away from the current line up.

But I could be wrong…..
The A.S.S.F. offer has a timescale on it, to ensure that if it is required it can be put in to action A.S.A.P.! Five weeks down the line there will not be enough time to put the wheels in motion via a share issue. So it is now or never S.O.S. wise.

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Old 04-09-2009, 23:51   #27
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Ideal scenario is that the club raise £300k and things continue. My only concern is if there is a shortfall, will the club guarantee that 100% of the money raised will go to the taxman or benefit the club and not go in someones pocket before they leave and the ASSF take over. If I knew for certain all the money would benefit the club I would do what I could to help but I just don't feel things are right at the club from what I've read, again this is my personal opinion.

I know people should all be pulling together in one big group to help the club survive but I also don't want to see people paying out hard earned cash for it to 'disappear' as it so often does or not be used for the purpose it was raised.

Anyway good luck to those who have got off their backsides to do something I salute you, all to often the club has suffered because of that word apathy.

Hope it all works out in the end one way or the other I don't really mind as long as the club keeps going. My views are my own if you don't agree then fine but were all on here as supporters of Accrington Stanley and I'm sure everyone wants the best for the club at the end of the day.
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Old 05-09-2009, 00:05   #28
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

Shurm old son sometimes when things are this serious ya just gotta all pull together n go with it. IMHO.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-09-2009, 00:36   #29
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Re: Can Someone Explain ?

brief cos hammerd. Ihave took notes most of tomight and will post them up as soion fingers allow comprehension, 40 odd pertinent quetion were asked to prepare for war nd peace ,,,,
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Old 05-09-2009, 07:08   #30
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Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
The A.S.S.F. offer has a timescale on it, to ensure that if it is required it can be put in to action A.S.A.P.! Five weeks down the line there will not be enough time to put the wheels in motion via a share issue. So it is now or never S.O.S. wise.
. Thats the problem i have with the assf, this share issue! Many people are putting hands in pockets to keep the club alive - not wanting control of it. I think the sos fund is a better method there for the purpose not so people have their own vetted interests imho.

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Last edited by Stanleymad; 05-09-2009 at 07:15.
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