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Old 18-09-2006, 07:31   #76
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

I hate to say it but me and Stanleybabe were singing along to it on Saturday after the game
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Old 20-09-2006, 23:23   #77
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

OK had a good session with Bryan tonight (Wed) Oooh Er !
Bass and Guitars now recorded for Stanley`s Back and sonding great (even if I do say so myself) This song is gonna go down great with people who love evil guitars and probably scare the sit out of some of the more elderly members of the fan base. But the following acoustic should be more up their street.
I`ve been madly chopping away at some of Dan`s match commentaries to use as samples in "SB", Dan has given the go ahead for their use as long as 2BR agree. I`ve done a pure Wrexham version which wont be the released version (It`s just too cruel) but I may put it somewhere after the single comes out.
I`ve been checking up some replication costs and hoping for a release on 21st Oct for the Walsall Home game as there isn`t another for nearly a month after that.
If anyone knows any good sources for CD replication, especially who might do it a bit cheaper for the sake of some good advertising, Please let me know.
I`m looking at an initial run of 3000 1 colour on body print onto white, Slimline jewel case (Not J card type) with 4pp booklet printed only 1 and 4, and barcodes if poss, shrink wrap not necessary (I think you`ll agree).
OK shame about the outcome of the Watford game but surely now we must be the proudest team in League 2.
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Old 21-09-2006, 08:13   #78
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

I'll have a copy Zero

looking forward to this

Stanley music online and on fire! Cart on up the charts.
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Old 25-09-2006, 01:03   #79
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Here`s the latest update on the Cds progress.

We had a mighty session again this Sunday and 99.9% of the recording is done. We also did a mixdown of "I love the smell of Accy in the morning" visit our newspage @ to download or listen to a sample. There you will find the lyrics to all 3 songs now on a separate page, a tactical explanation of the chants in "Stanley`s Back" will follow.

Keep the Faith
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Old 25-09-2006, 15:10   #80

Thumbs up Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Can you let me have a copy of " I love the smell of Accy....". If you could leave it with Lee in the club shop, I will collect it on Saturday and play it nice and loud for all to hear.
Like "Chorley FM" - The Tannoy Man is coming in your ears!!
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Old 26-09-2006, 13:11   #81
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track





Loving it Zero, sorry I missed you on Sunday. Needs to be on a CD WITH Cart on.

fade into

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Old 26-09-2006, 16:00   #82
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Originally Posted by Thin Monkey
Just out of interest.

The guy who handed Tannoy Man the recording of his Stanley composition didn't look like he'd been concreting his backyard recently did he?
Did he have an Astra van that would look more at home on a scrapyard than the club car park ?
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Old 28-09-2006, 16:54   #83
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

OK Bambinos lets Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrock este noche !

Recording and mixdown is complete ! and as I type the master is winging its way to Hi-Fi Copies in Bristol for replication, this looks well on schedule to meet the Oct 21st release date I was hoping for so dont forget to take an extra 3 quid to the Walsall game.
For now why not nip over to and check out the new samples and ringtones I have posted.
No news back about a live appearance yet, If anyone wants us to do it then why not get on The Clubs case at the soonest possible opportunity i.e. the Wycombe (Why Comb? my precise policy on hair) Game on saturday.
If anyone wants to see us before that we`ll be at the Castle Pub in Clitheroe this Friday, @ the Plough Fielding lane Ozzy on Wed 11th and the Albion at Clayton on Fri 27th (Oh thats after but)

Don`t forget if you`ve got got a private do, birthday, wedding, funeral etc. and you want a live band why not get in touch ? all our contact details are on our website @

Hey Up !! STOP PRESS !! the Observer has just arrived Check out Page 3 !

Can`t fault that can you ? I`ve spent 30 years with a gun to the press` head to try and get some interest, then mention Stanley and they`re round your house for a Photo Thankyou Thankyou and Thankyou all some more.
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

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Old 28-09-2006, 17:28   #84
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Originally Posted by Zero
Hey Up !! STOP PRESS !! the Observer has just arrived Check out Page 3 !
Yes, nice piece. "Cart on" has been raising the roof, apparently, which roof would that be then?

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 28-09-2006, 17:36   #85
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Originally Posted by Oggy
Yes, nice piece. "Cart on" has been raising the roof, apparently, which roof would that be then?
Raising Money for the roof hopefully
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Old 28-09-2006, 19:39   #86
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Originally Posted by Zero
OK Bambinos lets Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrock este noche !

Recording and mixdown is complete ! and as I type the master is winging its way to Hi-Fi Copies in Bristol for replication, this looks well on schedule to meet the Oct 21st release date I was hoping for so dont forget to take an extra 3 quid to the Walsall game.
Will you be eligable for the charts if you sell the CD's yourself?
You said earlier that you wanted the record to chart.
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Old 28-09-2006, 20:52   #87
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Wink Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

He's a handsome chap at the back of the observer picture isn't he?
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Old 28-09-2006, 21:20   #88
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

I'll certainly try to sell a few copies before the Walsall game. Sounds simple but I'm not a music person, but can you not just stick the barcodes on any old piece of paper and then 'launder' the three quids and the barcodes through a friendly music outlet?
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Old 29-09-2006, 02:47   #89
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Originally Posted by Redash
Will you be eligable for the charts if you sell the CD's yourself?
You said earlier that you wanted the record to chart.
From my research it looks like it`s pretty much tied up by Cowellalike bigwigs to make it difficult for tinpot hooligans like our selves. You can search the internet for a lifetime and not find a clue as to how its sorted out. After about 6 hours it was doin my flippin head in and I thought Fek it. As long as we get our own sound out and raise a few quid let em listen to the same old ****e week in week out.
That said if anyone knows what it takes feel free to sort it out.
I will be sending promos to all the local radio stations and as many nationals as I think will tolerate us, then maybe people will take notice. As long as I get back the 1500 quid it`s cost me to make it everything else is a bonus, the main thing is that as many people as poss part with the 3 quid and all their friends and relations from far away and people dont start uploading the tracks for free download and **** like that cos thats gonna take money from the club (and me).
I`m still on the case anyway so if we can get as many people scoring one on the saturday we might get a chance but nowadays they count download singles towards the charts and thats pushed the envelope of how few you used to need to get in there. They change their week on saturdays as well so it would be one day and thats its. We all know how many people come to matches so we would never go platinum or anything although like I said its soooo cool the away fans will be buying them as well. If they buy enough we`ll put a roof on that end as well.
Anyway if we do sell up and have to get some more we`ll know how many we`ve turned out. We`ve been playing it at gigs from Kendal to Derby and no-one`s had a bad word to say about it so maybe it`ll exceed all expectations or maybe it`ll fall on its arse. But after the response on here, the support from the club and being thrown onto page 3 by the Observer (If I`d known we`d make page 3 I would have took me top off) I think not.
There`s bound to be an anti clan, I`ve been in the music game for 30 years and I know for every 1 that Loves you there`s 2 that hate you. If I hear the word "Cringeworthy" again I`m going to subject you to my Brown Noise experiment (Music to make you spew and S**T yourself simultaneously) How can anyone in the world say that such a gorgeous bunch of young ladies like the Stanley`s Angels are "Cringeworthy" get a f in Grip and take a masculinity check asswipe ! It`s a word that`s definitely gotta go as is worrying about what other clubs fans think, they`re obviously dicks anyway and we know better.
How did I get onto this rant when I started talking about charting the record (maybe the same way the "Stanley online store" post turned into slating the ladies by entry no 2) I`ll take over as merchandising boss if you want to buy some stuff, and I`ll reduce the prices by 50%.
I don`t think I should make posts when I`m drunk, that said the spellings not that bad.
Blah Blah that`s enough I`m off to answer the next question.
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

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Old 29-09-2006, 02:48   #90
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Re: Cart on Stanley - New Music Track

Originally Posted by Gomez
He's a handsome chap at the back of the observer picture isn't he?
He looks like most people on the Clayton End
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

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