OK the CDs are in town. They arrived on Friday and there are some at the club now. The official release will go ahead as planned on the 21st OCt when Stanley play Walsall (but you could probably get copies from the shop anytime from now if you`re mad keen).
After the 21st the CD should also be available from the town hall as well for anyone who struggles to get into the club shop for any reason.
We will not be doing a matchday gig but instead will be doing a full concert in the Sports bar on Thursday 26th October which will be a fundraiser for the club so get plenty of people down. We`ll be playing 2 full sets through our usual gear so I think that will work out more worthwhile than trying 2 songs through a completely alien device and never really ending up with it sounding like you wanted it to.
Anyway there`s no Ifs or buts now the CDs are here so please buy heartily, they`re not extortionate at £3 it`s gonna raise some money for Stanley (how much depending on how many we sell, plus other live benefits we have arranged) and lets not forget the original objective of uniting the Stanley crowd in song, one voice in chorus, the ammunition of support. When this stuff catches on there`s loads of great sing along bits that can ring around the FES if everyone`s got a copy i think you`ll find it fun. It`ll definitely boost the continuity in the support. I myself imagine just how intimidating "HOO HAH HOO HAH Stanley`s back and on the attack !" sounds when chanted simultaneously by a few hundred people.

All three songs are written full of love and praise for Accrington Stanley without once finding need to deride opposition or proclaim superiority, and represent the standards of the sport of football from the times when Accrington last graced the league, those of Sportsmanship and gentlemanly conduct, and for the return of those standards with Stanley as it`s flagship.
Ooooops me soapbox just broke.
I think Ive said enough, Please buy the CD.