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Old 25-02-2006, 01:07   #16
Senior Member+
Oggy's Avatar

Re: Cheerleaders

Call me old fashioned, but I go to the match to watch football. I talk to my friends before the game, and at half time, I don't need pop music and like to hear myself think.

The tannoy should be audible but ignorable, the atmosphere is provided by the fans, and is of the highest quality, and has been for several years.

I strongly objected to the muppetry provided at Colchester, orchestrated by a powerful PA system. I don't like the way some of the Stanley songs have degenerated into Rugby type schoolboy songs of male genetalia.

And to get back to the point, is this a place we should be asking 12-13 year old girls into?

The whole subject is a minefield, sorry I'll shut up now.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 25-02-2006, 10:06   #17
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Re: Cheerleaders

i like the idea of adding razzamatazz to the warm-ups although I think they should be older. The whole idea of pom-pom birds was that they were good looking college girls who could add a touch of glamour to pre-match activities. High kicking and shaking of booties and boobies to get the lads going and up the testosterone levels. When one looks at skimpily dressed birds on a footy field, one would like to say 'cor, look at that'. But, they are about twelve years old or summat.

Thank god the monkey has moved on.................
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Old 25-02-2006, 11:34   #18
Senior Member

Re: Cheerleaders

We thought that it was somthing new, for Stanley anyway, and it was light hearted entertainment. I agree if you don't like them you needn't watch, but don't knock the girls, they gave their all, on a bitterly cold night.
Well done to the Accrington Angels
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Old 25-02-2006, 12:55   #19
Junior Member+

Exclamation Re: Cheerleaders

I find all the bad press about the cheerleaders a bit over the top. I have never been interesed in any formal kind of half-time entertainment but the fact remains that some people enjoy this sort of thing. Some of the people who are calling these girls are probably the same people who are grown men and who sometimes wear childrens face paint, wear stupid clothes and blow silly little horms etc.

Are these the same people whom are saying 'young people today don't do enough physical activity and that they are always hanging around on the streets and not doing anything structured etc.

These girls pay good money every week and train really hard.

Not my thing but where is the harm.
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Old 28-02-2006, 22:54   #20


Re: Cheerleaders

Originally Posted by Oggy
I don't like the way some of the Stanley songs have degenerated into Rugby type schoolboy songs of male genetalia.

And to get back to the point, is this a place we should be asking 12-13 year old girls into?

The whole subject is a minefield, sorry I'll shut up now.
Based on what I heard tonight I woudn't worry, They'll be quite at home.

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