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Old 25-02-2007, 09:59   #1
Full Member+

Clubhouse bar

Can anyone tell me what’s going on with the clubhouse bar? Arrived, as usual, after a 50-mile drive, at about 2-15, looking forward to a couple of pints before the game. (N.B. Earlier in the season we used to stop at a pub not long before we arrived, but once the club seemed to have solved the clubhouse problem by opening the other door, we felt we’d rather our money went to Stanley).

Yesterday, the back door to the clubhouse was firmly closed. However, a guy with a mobile phone in his hand said, “Don’t worry lads, we’ll be okay, they’re coming to open it”. Sure enough, two minutes later the door was opened – by Russell Whalley. In went the guy with the mobile but, when we tried to follow, we were told “ You can’t come in ‘ere.” When we enquired as to why the first guy was allowed in, we were greeted with “E’s wi’ me!” and the door was slammed in our faces! So… it was off to the Crown
How different from the reception we received at Darlington on Tuesday - welcomed into their bar with open arms, even wearing Stanley colours, banter with their fans, all in all, a good atmosphere. Will we ever learn?

However, at the risk of sounding a bit petty, I WILL make my own small protest. As from yesterday, the only money that goes from me to Accrington Stanley FC will be my entrance money ---- programmes, drinks, raffle tickets, calendars, merchandise … forget it, until the club is taken over by people who CARE about the fans.

Okay, rant over, well done lads today. A much improved performance on the field… pity the same can’t be said off it!

Last edited by Oldgobbin; 25-02-2007 at 10:02.
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Accrington Web
Old 25-02-2007, 10:12   #2
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Re: Clubhouse bar

I aggree with you there OG, something needs sorting with this situation, we don't know where we stand from one minuet to the next...
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Old 25-02-2007, 10:12   #3
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Re: Clubhouse bar

the clubhouse provides the only toilets for people in the stand therefore has to be available for them to use.

If the bar is open from outside then there is the risk that people walk straight through onto the gorund without paying. Apparently this has been happening.

System abused by our own fans therefore closed. Apparently.
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Old 25-02-2007, 10:26   #4
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Re: Clubhouse bar

How hard is it to monitor the situation? It can't be that hard surely? No excuse for rudeness, especially towards paying customers. Tinpot!!
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Old 25-02-2007, 11:14   #5
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Re: Clubhouse bar

This is a classic example of poor communication. Is it too much to expect the club to put a notice on t'fishy site explaining the situation, along with a notice on the door or even a member of staff positioned at the doorway to tell people what's happening in a pleasant manner? Instead, it's left to Macca to tell us after a dedicated fan has been alienated (and who knows how many others who don't post on here?). As for slamming a door in fans' faces...that is totally unacceptable. I thought we were trying to attract new supporters, not drive existing ones away!
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Old 25-02-2007, 11:16   #6
I am Banned


Re: Clubhouse bar

Well then they have every reason to sort out bars at clayton end then & open the main door to club which u can enter once u paid your entry fee - a bit of common sence its not rocket science!!
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Old 25-02-2007, 11:44   #7


Re: Clubhouse bar

Hi Oldgobbin, I was the good looking bloke by the door, again a long drive and no ale in our own bar before the game. I have to agree with the other comments made here, if there’s been abuse of the open door system it’s in the clubs hands to resolve it in a manner that still caters for the needs of the fans.

Again no communication, No real interest in the fan base, unnecessary loss of income, a Board that favours the few. Come on Eric, Rob! This is our club as well.

All it takes is to issue a ticket on entry or to stamp the back of the hand of those entering the main stand. Anyone abusing the system and enters the park without paying should be photographed and ban for life from the ground.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 25-02-2007, 12:57   #8
Full Member

Re: Clubhouse bar

Yesterday, the back door to the clubhouse was firmly closed. However, a guy with a mobile phone in his hand said, “Don’t worry lads, we’ll be okay, they’re coming to open it”. Sure enough, two minutes later the door was opened – by Russell Whalley. In went the guy with the mobile but, when we tried to follow, we were told “ You can’t come in ‘ere.” When we enquired as to why the first guy was allowed in, we were greeted with “E’s wi’ me!” and the door was slammed in our faces! So… it was off to the Crown

RUSSELL WHALLEY That says it all.... A very rude person imho
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Old 25-02-2007, 13:20   #9
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Re: Clubhouse bar

I'm getting a bit p****d off with it to, 1 day you can go in next you can't, Why can't they close the bar from the main stand completely until kick off, that way anyone can go in through the back door only and out the same door, then go to the turnstiles and get entrance to the ground, I know they'll have to sort something out for the sponsors but they'll have tickets won't they so should be easily solved.

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Old 25-02-2007, 13:44   #10
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Re: Clubhouse bar

its got nothing to do with the sponsors, the door from the stand to the club house has to be open for the people in the main stand to go to the loo, and I belive its also a fire exit!!!
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Old 25-02-2007, 13:44   #11
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Re: Clubhouse bar

Originally Posted by K.S.H View Post
I'm getting a bit p****d off with it to, 1 day you can go in next you can't, Why can't they close the bar from the main stand completely until kick off, that way anyone can go in through the back door only and out the same door, then go to the turnstiles and get entrance to the ground, I know they'll have to sort something out for the sponsors but they'll have tickets won't they so should be easily solved.
Then people already in the main stand would have to **** in a bucket in the corner.

Just bring in the hand stamps on the door it's not rocket science.
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Old 25-02-2007, 14:03   #12
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Re: Clubhouse bar

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Then people already in the main stand would have to **** in a bucket in the corner.

Just bring in the hand stamps on the door it's not rocket science.

The exact process i suggested at an OSC meeting just before the bar was re-opened(?). The idea is so simple it's foolproof, all the club have to do is rotate the stamps and colour of ink used. And before anyone says, the ink won't smear and wash off if the correct stuff is bought.

I hope someone connected to the club is reading this and takes the idea on board, it's common sense at the end of the day.
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Old 25-02-2007, 14:16   #13
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Re: Clubhouse bar

Well stop them thats in the club going to the loo's so the ones from the stand can

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Old 25-02-2007, 15:47   #14
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Re: Clubhouse bar

At the first few home games we tried to enter the club bar, but could never get in, so we`ve now taken to having a pint in the Greyhound, really nice pint to, we`ve been going there every home game since we couldn`t get in the club bar, there`s usually 3 of us sometimes 4 having a pint maybe 2, thats quite a bit of lost revenue over the season for the club, but now we like the Greyhound so i doubt we`d use the club bar even if we could get in.

Last edited by Haz66; 25-02-2007 at 15:48. Reason: spelling
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Old 25-02-2007, 16:29   #15
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Re: Clubhouse bar

due to my mates being 30 the day of the notts county game we decided to pay to go in the stand as we knew the bar would be required for the birthday celebrations (actually we never left) but anyway ,on entry to the clubhouse we were given a raffle ticket half time draw?.....seeing our puzzled expression the steward went on to tell us it was because the bar is open to all so the ticket had to be shown upon re-entry to the main stand to stop people who had`nt paid getting free(obviously), quite a good idea i thought, being a clayton ender i just assumed this was in place every week but obviously not.
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