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Old 07-03-2024, 14:46   #61
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Re: Coleman and Bell sacked

I don’t much like the tone or form of Andy’s message, and sacking people via text isn’t the most elegant way of doing things.

But from a supporter’s point of view that is cosmetics. Loyalty is a reciprocal thing, and attacking the owner for not handing out new contracts after relegation isn’t the most intelligent action, either.

There is no way Coley and Jimmy deserved new contracts after last year’s poor showing. They had done well to get us into League One, but did very poorly in getting us back down. Last year’s relegation was quite unnecessary as the bottom teams were so poor.

And as much as I wish that Andy could at times show a more polished facade, he is not wrong.

In my opinion there can be no doubt that in the end Coley got himself sacked. And although he no doubt has reservations about Andy’s description of events, I hope he will abide by Crowngrounders advice, and keep it to himself, until he is safely installed in his new job.

Thanks for the memories, John and Jimmy. It has been a good ride, quite enjoyable for the most part.
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Old 07-03-2024, 15:08   #62
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Re: Coleman and Bell sacked

Yes I agree with you it is a very personal decision on Andy Holt's part. What I can't forgive is Bell's interview to Radio Lancashire about contract negotiations. Just a totally unbelivable misjudgement on his (their?) part. Anyway, we now have to move on......just proves the only constant in football is the supporters.
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Old 07-03-2024, 17:29   #63
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Re: Coleman and Bell sacked

Haven't posted for quite a while but as a Peel Park veteran I would like to air my twopennth. Stanley are not a club that changes managers like you change your socks. Player recruitment, results and balance sheet losses + the incredible contract gripe on radio were each alone grounds for a goodbye. John n Jimmy had loads n loads of tether given to them. Inevitably it's over and in the cold light of day not unexpected. Mr Holt has done wonders for our club by digging deep into his pockets. The time is now for all Stanleyites to get behind him with the trust he so deserves. I shudder to remember that owd photo of the gasman turning up (and off) at Peel Park ? You don't move on and upwards by looking back, so come on lads n lasses - on and on with Andy Holt.
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