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Old 23-10-2006, 23:38   #16
Full Member

Re: Colemans comments?

Originally Posted by shakermaker
So disagreeing with his comments is attacking his managerial abilities? !

But all the following are in this thread. Please explain how this is disagreeing with him. I call it attacking him. What do you call it?

I don't see coleman insulting you for having your opinions. But look at some of the stuff posted in here. I disagree with coleman changing goalkeepers. But I don't insult the man for it.

coleman doesnt engage his brain before he speaks and ends up sounding like a child

It was abit harsh by coleman.

he comes accross as an absolute idiot in interviews

totally unfair

Biggest load of verbal diarrhoea that I have heard in a long time

he comes across as a big child
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 23-10-2006, 23:53   #17
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Re: Colemans comments?

Please explain how believing that his comments were "totally unfair" is attacking him!
Granted, some of the comments in this thread are a little crass, however if Coleman is to make public statements like the ones he has then backlash like that should be expected from football fans.
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Old 24-10-2006, 00:33   #18
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Re: Colemans comments?

Walsall played poorly saturday there is no disputing that but we still came away with the points. Its called winning ugly , 15 teams have tried to beat us in this league only one has managed it we must be doing something right . Coleman is an idiot if you were a better side than us you would be top not us , still after reading Colemans idiotic ramblings Accrington are top of something - top of my list of teams i hope we stuff out of sight in the return at Bescot.
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Old 24-10-2006, 07:45   #19
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Re: Colemans comments?

Originally Posted by shakermaker
however if Coleman is to make public statements like the ones he has then backlash like that should be expected from football fans.
why? it wasn't you he had a go at and I am sure the players are able to respond if they so wish. Why should he expect a backlash from the likes of you and others on a messageboard?

Doing what he does has got us into the football league and it looks like keeping us here. if this means upsetting a few players who it would seem have taken it on the chin then why does it need you and others to give him a public backlash

God help you if we are ever we find ourselves with a bad manager again

People like you who think John Coleman deserves a public backlash simply don't deserve him as manager of Accrington Stanley. Let him doe his work how he sees fit.

John Coleman deserves a public backlash - shakermaker 2006
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 24-10-2006, 07:46   #20
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Re: Colemans comments?

Dear 'rugely saddler77',the doctor that smacked your bum was clearly sick and misguided as well.You are, by nature of your post, a prime dickhead.
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Old 24-10-2006, 08:09   #21
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Re: Colemans comments?

I agree with Coley - it doesn't matter how well we played, we didn't make it count by putting the ball in the back of the net more than them, so our players didn't do their job properly.

Fair enough if you disagree with that, you've got a right to express your view here. That's what this forum is for. But some of the comments on here ("an absolute idiot", "a big child") are downright insulting and totally unwarranted.

As for airing his comments in public, Coley has his own way of motivating his players. Considering that he has taken us from Unibond One to the Football League in seven seasons on pitifully limited resources, he must be doing something right!
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Old 24-10-2006, 09:02   #22
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Re: Colemans comments?

so you dont think by saying i could of done better myself, they deserve no credit, and four players carried the team are childish comments?
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Old 24-10-2006, 09:36   #23
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Re: Colemans comments?

Not particularly, no. "I could have done better myself" is hyperbole, "they deserve no credit" and "four players carried the team" are simply observations about what he saw on the field.

If Coley was as immature as you maintain, I doubt that he could have led and motivated the squad to three promotions. However, please feel free to carry dishing out gratuitous insults against the most successful manager we have ever had. I'm sure you will find many like-minded souls amongst the Hereford fans next Saturday.
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Old 24-10-2006, 10:15   #24
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Re: Colemans comments?

I'm probably going to get slaughtered for this but here goes, in my opinion the club needed the win mainly to deflect the weight of feeling from the fans about the timing of Gary's departure. Coley needed to say 'there you are, we've done it without him'. That's why he was so angry but to slate the lads in public as he did was wrong especially when they had all played their backsides off. Ok, give em a rollicking if he feels it's necessary but keep it in the dressing room.
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Old 24-10-2006, 10:29   #25
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Re: Colemans comments?

I can see what you mean about Coley desperately wanting a win in the aftermath of Gary's departure. As for airing his comments in public, some managers do, some managers don't. Coley is a very, very passionate man and he says what he feels at the time, no matter what the circumstances. It's nothing new - he has done this many times before, right back to Unibond days and it's certainly done the trick up to now!
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Old 24-10-2006, 10:33   #26
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Re: Colemans comments?

Originally Posted by Someone
why? it wasn't you he had a go at and I am sure the players are able to respond if they so wish. Why should he expect a backlash from the likes of you and others on a messageboard?
Get a grip!!
We all know he is has done & will continue to do brilliantly as manager and are not calling for his name or anything like that.
I am making the criticism that his comments were uncalled for, and that comments like that are not constructive, if at all correct.
He should expect the backlash from fans because he has been in the game long enough to recognise how the fans can differ on opinions of the manager, that's football, get over it.
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Old 24-10-2006, 10:55   #27
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Re: Colemans comments?

The beauty of football is that we all have opinions on how things should be done. We can all pick a better team or more suitable formation, we can all build a better stadium within the budgetary constraints that we have, we can all run a better commercial department and we all know how to make every fan in the ground sing their hearts out.

At the end of the day (bloody cliches) Coleman will not be the slightest bit bothered whether he gets a backlash or not, even off Eric. Eric is not and has never been bothered whether we say we want a roof or not. The commercial department is not bothered whether we think the range of merchandise is expansive enough. Coley does what he thinks is best for his team, Eric does what is best for Accrington Stanley, and Accrington Stanley does what it thinks is best to stay in business.
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Old 24-10-2006, 11:08   #28
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Re: Colemans comments?

that sounded almost poetic macca
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Old 24-10-2006, 12:53   #29
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Re: Colemans comments?

Originally Posted by Kiwi John
Dear 'rugely saddler77',the doctor that smacked your bum was clearly sick and misguided as well.You are, by nature of your post, a prime dickhead.
Why? Rugeley Saddler is spot on.

Away from home especially it doesn't matter how you play, it's all about scoring more goals than the opposition. We did that and won fairly and squarely.

Coleman's comments stink and are extremely bitter, have some people heard the interview that he gave on BBC Lancs?

He said it would have been a disaster to even draw against us, let alone lose. Why exactly? We have lost just once and kept 9 clean sheets this season, it doesn't happen by luck.

It comes from excellent defending and taking chances...whatever happens in between quite frankly doesn't matter.

You lost because your defending was poor and your goalkeeper was awful. That's down to the manager to sort out so to criticise our manager and our style of play is embarrassing. We are a footballing side, always have been, always will be....and you will certainly see that if you travel to Bescot.

Thank your manager when you next speak to him because he has made Dicky Dosh's team talk for the return fixture very easy. All he has to do is play this:

BBC - Lancashire - Sport - Accrington Stanley FC Interviews
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Old 24-10-2006, 14:35   #30
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Re: Colemans comments?

Well this one has stirred up a hornets nest aint it got to agree with maccawozzagod and wyonie on this one JC wears his heart on his sleeve as far as ASFC and its fans are concernd and i respect him for having the balls to say it out loud and not just behind the dressing room door this is why we pay the man.We should have taken all three points off wallsall on saturday it was there for the taking and we failed yes they were well oganised in defence but we had the chance to send them back down the M6 with nowt top of the league or not they were lucky but thats football.As for any wallsall fans on here thinking they will have an easy ride when we visit them think again cos STANLEY ARE BACK and we will not roll over and play dead
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