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Old 17-04-2009, 07:26   #16
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
If Coley wants a brighter future for the club perhaps he could start by persuading EW to start talking to Ilyas Khan...because, the way I see it, that's the only way this club is going to progress.
Must say that is true. Stanley must get every possible income available to them....

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Old 17-04-2009, 09:51   #17
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
stanleys gates down, the fans aint going to premier- rovers gates down, both sides have poor home form, Dingles gates up - there having a great season, it aint rocket science, apart from yer hardcore, fans are very fickle Fact. sod all anyone can do about that. Recession aint helped, but that's a bit of a cop out to me.
Think your right about fans being fickle cashy, only the other week when Man U lost those two games there were some numpties calling for Fergie to be sacked, you can't get more fickle than that.
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Old 17-04-2009, 10:03   #18
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Re: Coleman's Fears

As K-P always says, fans will always go to see a winning team. Once we gained promotion to the Football League, the club should have been ready with promotional packages to try to keep those fans in the knowledge that life would be tougher in League 2.

If the fans do not come to the club, the club must go out to the fans. And that is what it notably failed to do in the first season in League 2 - and since. In fact it has taken three years for that realisation to dawn, and in the meantime a lot of fans have been lost. The club's Google Page Ranking has improved but remains inadequate.
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Old 17-04-2009, 10:04   #19
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Think your right about fans being fickle cashy, only the other week when Man U lost those two games there were some numpties calling for Fergie to be sacked, you can't get more fickle than that.
How about ten years of success and shout for the manager to be sacked..

How about a club chairman who loves the club and as promised gets them into the fl and his reward is people telling him to go

Theres a lot more examples from stanley supporters not wanting to renew season tickets with lame excuses , refusing to go to games for the most bizzare reasons, Refusing to support the team away from for even more pathetic reasons.

Theres loads of fickledom (new word?) and you dont need to look very far from this mesageboard for perfect examples.
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Old 17-04-2009, 12:27   #20
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
How about ten years of success and shout for the manager to be sacked..

How about a club chairman who loves the club and as promised gets them into the fl and his reward is people telling him to go

Theres a lot more examples from stanley supporters not wanting to renew season tickets with lame excuses , refusing to go to games for the most bizzare reasons, Refusing to support the team away from for even more pathetic reasons.

Theres loads of fickledom (new word?) and you dont need to look very far from this mesageboard for perfect examples.
How about the fact that some have worked very hard to promote the new season tickets, 600 sold is n increase on last season, the likelihood of more putting hands in pockets now will be significantly reduced following J.C.s dumb comment, think he should stick to what he does best (manage team on poor resources)n leave other stuff to folk who aren't as daft.
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Old 17-04-2009, 17:00   #21
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Re: Coleman's Fears

A good run at the end of a mediocre season when people are worried about their cash is never going to be enough to bring the fickle back regularly. New season optimism will hopefully mean we start in August with about 1500 home support and a six game unbeaten run then, and maybe progress in the Carling Cup, might provide the sort of boost we need.

Beginning to dream, staying in touch with the playoff places towards Christmas might bring gates back towards Conference-winning levels. And drifting into fantasy land, presumably we could sell out the home leg of a play-off semi, but how many people does anyone think we could take to a final?

Imho, the best possible outcome for next season would be to get to the play-off final and lose, on the grounds that if we got promoted we would almost certainly struggle in League 1, and even if we'd been promoted on regular gates of 4000 plus, I bet a losing season in L1 would see us back down to 1500ish in next to no time. To get to Wembley would gain maximum interest (much more than automatic promotion) and should mean we start the following season from a good base and with a good chance of a second successful season.

Of course, everything depends on who is playing in red at the start of next season ....
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Last edited by Chimer; 17-04-2009 at 17:01. Reason: Spelling!
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Old 17-04-2009, 17:05   #22
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Originally Posted by Chimer View Post
... the best possible outcome for next season would be to get to the play-off final and lose ....
Not a betting man, by any chance?

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 17-04-2009, 19:23   #23
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Chimer .. a stanley fan wanting us to lose a game should be in the same boat as a stanley player betting we will lose
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Old 17-04-2009, 19:51   #24
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
Chimer .. a stanley fan wanting us to lose a game should be in the same boat as a stanley player betting we will lose
Never doubt that I'd be there cheering us on for the win with all my heart - it'd just be my head worrying about what might happen next.
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Old 17-04-2009, 22:50   #25
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Re: Coleman's Fears

I agree with the sentiment that Chimer has expressed - as I had the same concerns 3 years ago. However, we are still in the FL and will have been for at least 4 years

The point made though is that we were tinpot for the Conference and now we are ridiculously tinpot for L2. League 1 would just be absurd - would be a blast though!
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Old 17-04-2009, 22:57   #26
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
I agree with the sentiment that Chimer has expressed !
I can understand the thought behind not wanting to get ahead of ourselves... but wanting to see your team lose a game? i cant get my head around that

its probably me being awkward eh.. probably me picking an argument.. probably me spoiling the forum for everyone.. probably me being me.... i dunno... but i can honestly say.. hand on heart.. i would never want stanley to lose a game... sorry if that offends anyone
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Old 18-04-2009, 00:15   #27
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Re: Coleman's Fears

it don't offend me anyway, can see chimers reasoning, but disagree if opportunity presents itself grab it wi both hands, theres many teams gone straight back down from premier, but i bet the fans were damn glad they had a shot.
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Old 18-04-2009, 07:36   #28
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Re: Coleman's Fears

Difference is though! When you fall out the premier league you get about 30million. So droppin out of league 1 how much do you get. We would have a fair chance in league 1 we certainly have a few players who could play in league 1 but we still could not afford to pay them anymore than we are now. And we would proberly lose players but how good would it be in league 1 party party party aslong as we got to keep the half terrace.
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