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Old 31-05-2010, 20:19   #16
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Don't worry, all's well, O'Neill has said it's "just a case of it being typed up and signed."

Oh hang on a minute, that was on April 16th.

Maybe, Stanley's typist is just very slow.

ut then Wyn, D o'N has said so many things which everyone responding to this post ( so far!) have quite accurately identified as bordering on prevarication ! . He must surely recognise by now that all of his unsubtantiated proclamations
made in the press and elsewhere merely have the effect of driving a wedge between the true fans of our club and all that he is attempting to achieve in his position as Managing alienating himself as a person from all those whose support he must so desperately rely upon at this time.
I also wonder at times if his ramblings are actually aimed at preparing we supporters for another collapse of the Club's
affairs ?..........or am I , having discarded my red-coloured spectacles once again !.....merely looking for some writing on the wall which might just make some sense of the whole catalogue of failed Management and communications listed as presentations of inaccurate and divisive communications from those in whose hands the future of Accrington Stanley rests.

John and Jimmy deserve so much better......perhaps Ilyas Khan and Peter Marsden can resolve the situation so much better than those who have failed them so far ?....
I sincerely hope so !!...

ON STANLEY......ON !!!!

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Old 31-05-2010, 20:34   #17
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

In that case, have we as fans to set a deadline e.g. end of august (this would be an obvious choice because Dave could be focussing on getting players in and then sign a contract with keeping the focus on a good start) and then we will do something if the situation hasn't been resolved. I feel we need a manager who is tied to the club, they can't behind a no money excuse that's been sorted thanks to Ilyas.
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Old 31-05-2010, 20:46   #18
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Originally Posted by theresonlyoneaccy View Post
In that case, have we as fans to set a deadline e.g. end of august (this would be an obvious choice because Dave could be focussing on getting players in and then sign a contract with keeping the focus on a good start) and then we will do something if the situation hasn't been resolved. I feel we need a manager who is tied to the club, they can't behind a no money excuse that's been sorted thanks to Ilyas.
Is it me, or is this post totally incomprehensible?
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Old 31-05-2010, 20:56   #19
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Probably isn't just you... just an idea, however I may be the only person on here who appreciates my crazy-ness!
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Old 31-05-2010, 23:38   #20
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

I remember reading the Telegraph report around the 16th April where DON stated that they were very close to sorting out new contracts for JB and JC. Of course this has yet to materialise but nothing surprises me with him in charge, the guy is quite clearly not upto the job and should step aside for somebody else who has the relevant competencies to run the club for the fans.

I think that the uncertainty surrounding the club at the minute may harm our chances of recruiting the players that are required to help the club push on up the league. We had a real chance of getting into the play-offs last season however it seems that the team involved in this is being disected piece by piece. Budgets have been agreed but it seems that the budget is somewhere distant from the reality of a league 2 budget. This really limits our chances of being able to attract a good quality of players. We are going to received an extra £75,000 from the football league due to the new agreement with the Premier Leage. Why is this not being incorporated into JC's budget? This may give him a little bit more freedom in the transfer market to keep the players that we have or to sign better players.

The issue with Bobby Grant seems crazy as well, he was waiting for a contract offer for a number of months and by all accounts didn't receive an offer till Scunthorpe were sniffing around. He was willing to sign up on a two year contract by all accounts which would have meant there wouldnt have been any messing around with tribunals etc. The trouble with the situation now is that the money received will be around 6 months down the line when it is too late. Contingencies need putting into place so that this is never repeated ie give players longer contracts so that they have security and we are able to command decent fees for any that want to leave.

All these episodes show that the management never seem to learn from past mistakes so until the relevant people either sort themselves out or step aside then the club can never move forward.
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Old 01-06-2010, 00:09   #21
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

time for sum one to move the rubbish out the club .... only one way to go
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Old 01-06-2010, 09:48   #22
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

This is all based on a report in the Telegraph. Ilyas has said before not to believe everything that was reported in the Telegraph and that he did not like to speak to them, so let's just wait and see what happens. John and Jimmy have been eleven years without written contracts and have had verbal rolling contracts so why would they suddenly start to demad written contracts. It is close season and the papers have nothing to report so they print anything. We go through this every close season with players leaving and us signing replacements at the last minute, we are not the only team to do this. Look at Dagenham, their budget isn't much different to ours and they are promoted. They lose players every season and replace them, so let's just wait and see.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:00   #23
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

contracts do not take weeks to do ... players do go but not the best the best stay to be red for 2010-11 the one that go for $$$$$ .... that we do not have ... but its still time 4 sum one to speak out let us the fans know .. we saved the club.... but its still not good 4 people in the club,
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:05   #24
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

I know there'll be a lot of paper hype but it's not just that, is it. That's why in the original post I quoted Jimmy Bell and none of the article. To my reading there's a lot in his quote without even reading the article.

We all know that they've been working without a contract for eleven years, and that if we were to lose them, the loss wouldn't be lessened by any compensation package (unless it included Jose Mourinho). But, when a contract is 'days away' from being signed over six weeks ago, the anger and confusion is understandable.

This is one thing I can never understand about O'Neill. Why say things are about to happen when they just won't? It's much better to say that things aren't going to happen and to give a reason for why, than to say they will happen without ever following through.
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Old 01-06-2010, 10:29   #25
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
This is all based on a report in the Telegraph. Ilyas has said before not to believe everything that was reported in the Telegraph and that he did not like to speak to them, so let's just wait and see what happens. John and Jimmy have been eleven years without written contracts and have had verbal rolling contracts so why would they suddenly start to demad written contracts. It is close season and the papers have nothing to report so they print anything. We go through this every close season with players leaving and us signing replacements at the last minute, we are not the only team to do this. Look at Dagenham, their budget isn't much different to ours and they are promoted. They lose players every season and replace them, so let's just wait and see.
after facing oblivion through mismangement, surely for people to have any faith at all, the openess n transparency promised has to materialise? it certainly HAS NOT. the statement about those contracts is a prime example. waiting n seeing fer people who never keep their word is not acceptable in my book.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:23   #26
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
This is all based on a report in the Telegraph.
Right, so where's the confirmation it has happened on the fishy site?
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Old 01-06-2010, 11:53   #27
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
John and Jimmy have been eleven years without written contracts and have had verbal rolling contracts so why would they suddenly start to demad written contracts.
There are three answers to this. Firstly, their talents seem to have been in demand elsewhere. Secondly, in view of their achievements, I would have thought that they were entitled to a more formal arrangement. Thirdly, maybe the idea of anything "verbal" with David O'Neill does not appeal to them. It certainly would not appeal to me.

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
It is close season and the papers have nothing to report so they print anything.
I think I am correct in saying that the report started in mid-April, before the close season.

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
We go through this every close season with players leaving and us signing replacements at the last minute
Agreed, but in view of the potential that we saw last season, I think we are justified in expressing the hope that something more positive and tangible would be happening during this close season.
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:06   #28
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Whilst i agree the "Telegraph" is capable of reporting any owd crap, this report if untrue would surely put "Jimmy Bell" in n awkward/embarrasing position? as it is close season n not as busy i would assume, it would be very simple to refute either to media/radio/or fishy site? as nowt as happened i can only assume theres some truth in it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-06-2010, 11:36   #29
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post

But then Wyn, D o'N has said so many things which everyone responding to this post ( so far!) have quite accurately identified as bordering on prevarication ! . He must surely recognise by now that all of his unsubtantiated proclamations
made in the press and elsewhere merely have the effect of driving a wedge between the true fans of our club and all that he is attempting to achieve in his position as Managing alienating himself as a person from all those whose support he must so desperately rely upon at this time.
I also wonder at times if his ramblings are actually aimed at preparing we supporters for another collapse of the Club's
affairs ?..........or am I , having discarded my red-coloured spectacles once again !.....merely looking for some writing on the wall which might just make some sense of the whole catalogue of failed Management and communications listed as presentations of inaccurate and divisive communications from those in whose hands the future of Accrington Stanley rests.

John and Jimmy deserve so much better......perhaps Ilyas Khan and Peter Marsden can resolve the situation so much better than those who have failed them so far ?....
I sincerely hope so !!...

ON STANLEY......ON !!!!
Unfortunately, I don't think O'Neil realises anything of the kind - apparently at the presentation evening he was telling folk he is determined to win the 'Supporter of the Year' award at the end of next season - he's got quite a job to do if he's going to achieve that particular aim
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Old 02-06-2010, 12:46   #30
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Re: Coley & Jimmy Demand Contract Resolution

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
Unfortunately, I don't think O'Neil realises anything of the kind - apparently at the presentation evening he was telling folk he is determined to win the 'Supporter of the Year' award at the end of next season - he's got quite a job to do if he's going to achieve that particular aim
I think that O'Neill & Heyes are more likely to be fighting it out to be 'Liar of the Year' and if O'Neill wins he can receive his prize 'next week'
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