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Old 04-07-2011, 09:16   #16
Resting In Peace
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
I had personally hoped that Ilyas and the board would have advanced funds to keep as much of the team together and built upon it for a push on promotion in the 11/12 season.

We've proven we can take on Premiership teams in the cup matches and win
Two questions Doug.

Where would you have hoped that Ilyas and the board would have advanced funds from ? - We have no funds.

Which Premiership teams have we proven we can take on and win ?
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Old 04-07-2011, 20:00   #17
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

DOUG - your living in a dream world.

the board are correct to minimise the wage budget to ensure the survival of trhe club.
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Old 04-07-2011, 20:11   #18
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Use all this money to get a quality striker like Jeffers playing for us? Therefore attracting better players as we show a little bit of ambition?!

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Old 04-07-2011, 21:25   #19
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Agreed FC.

It would be a shame to break the wage structure (I use that very loosely mind) as it could upset other players. But now could be a great time to bring in some sort of marquee signing that signals some kind of intent from the club. As said on other threads the club has to somehow build on the positive end to the season and so far haven't shown any interest in doing so other than increasing the prices of everything.

I'm hoping this AGM thingy will be the catalyst for some big statements from Ilyas, but I'm also preparing for much of the same as the last few weeks.
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Old 05-07-2011, 12:10   #20
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Not for me, signing such as that would be a gimmick.

We shouldn't be relying on Illyas to provide the money for players, go down that route and we'll end up bust. Let's see if we can stand up before we start running.
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Old 05-07-2011, 13:25   #21
Resting in Peace

Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

The sad fact is that EVERY single club needs a money man to progress, or even just to maintain the status quo. Without someone writing the big cheques we are never going to be able to hold on to our players. We will be stuck with having to re-invent the team from the bargain basement season after season. That's fine as long as we are content aiming to just retain our F.L. status, but John and Jimmy have repeatedly said they are ambitious to progress as far as possible up the footbal pyramid. That surely won't be possible at Accy unless Ilyas digs even deeper than he already has with such generosity. Or am I missing something?
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Old 05-07-2011, 14:25   #22
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

if we are resigned to being a selling club every year then we need to do something about it quickly. We have been fortunate over the last couple of years that we have had some big games to prop up the ailing finances, play offs, Fulham and Newcastle must have put half a million into the club but where has it got us? The infrastructure is still poor, the ground is still poor and we still haven't got the funds to keep hold of our better players. The club still hasn't displayed any profits neither

We could be another half million better off with the "sale" of Ryan, Gornell and Cisak, can this money be put to use in a fashion that could provide us with future funding?

Once again I hope that the AGM will provide some clue as to how the future will pan out
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Last edited by maccawozzagod; 05-07-2011 at 14:27.
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Old 05-07-2011, 14:29   #23
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

We haven't heard much from the transparent one of late.As some have muted,thought after the board meeting we would have heard a little more.
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Old 05-07-2011, 14:37   #24
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by Fourth official View Post
We haven't heard much from the transparent one of late.As some have muted,thought after the board meeting we would have heard a little more.
seems odd to me,none of the "Shareholders" who attended the meeting last week have said owt either. very strange imho.
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Old 05-07-2011, 14:55   #25
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
seems odd to me,none of the "Shareholders" who attended the meeting last week have said owt either. very strange imho.
That would be because the shareholders are attending the AGM on the 29th July

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Old 05-07-2011, 15:14   #26
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
That would be because the shareholders are attending the AGM on the 29th July
ah dummy cashy thought twas june 29th
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Old 05-07-2011, 15:27   #27


Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
That would be because the shareholders are attending the AGM on the 29th July

Was there anything from the Board Meeting (was it last week). I thouht Peter was there to engage on behalf of the supporters via the ASSF

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Old 05-07-2011, 15:27   #28


Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
if we are resigned to being a selling club every year then we need to do something about it quickly. We have been fortunate over the last couple of years that we have had some big games to prop up the ailing finances, play offs, Fulham and Newcastle must have put half a million into the club but where has it got us? The infrastructure is still poor, the ground is still poor and we still haven't got the funds to keep hold of our better players. The club still hasn't displayed any profits neither

We could be another half million better off with the "sale" of Ryan, Gornell and Cisak, can this money be put to use in a fashion that could provide us with future funding?

Once again I hope that the AGM will provide some clue as to how the future will pan out
What I don't get is why we haven't looked beyond the end of the season and exploited the success of team on the pitch to encourage bigger gates and sponsors; we should have been screaming out to people: Look what we can do out of adversity. Come and watch build upon our success; be part of our history.

What do we do? "We're poor, we can't afford to keep what we've developed and we can only afford to maintain last seasons budget".

We should be banging on doors; get us on the TV. get those cameras on the sponsorship boards. Get industry on our side, Ticket bundles for small business, get people to sponsor a Tickets for Troops campaign; get the whole community engaged; how many ethnic/culture groups are represented. engage with people. try engaging with us as a starter project.

On - Stanley – On
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Old 05-07-2011, 15:38   #29
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Once again I hope that the AGM will provide some clue as to how the future will pan out
Originally Posted by Fourth official View Post
We haven't heard much from the transparent one of late.As some have muted,thought after the board meeting we would have heard a little more.
Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Was there anything from the Board Meeting (was it last week). I thouht Peter was there to engage on behalf of the supporters via the ASSF

I'm only guessing here, but I think because the AGM has been called and is only a few weeks away the future of the club and the contents of the last board meeting are being kept to inform the shareholders first. I think given the recent past where the shareholders have effectively been the forgotten army that is probably the right thing to do on this occasion. It's a new start so maybe there is a bit more proffesionalism ?
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Old 05-07-2011, 15:40   #30
Resting In Peace
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Re: Coley to quit over Cisak

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
What I don't get is why we haven't looked beyond the end of the season and exploited the success of team on the pitch to encourage bigger gates and sponsors; we should have been screaming out to people: Look what we can do out of adversity. Come and watch build upon our success; be part of our history.

What do we do? "We're poor, we can't afford to keep what we've developed and we can only afford to maintain last seasons budget".

We should be banging on doors; get us on the TV. get those cameras on the sponsorship boards. Get industry on our side, Ticket bundles for small business, get people to sponsor a Tickets for Troops campaign; get the whole community engaged; how many ethnic/culture groups are represented. engage with people. try engaging with us as a starter project.
Who is there to do all that ? The bloke in charge is half way up Kilimanjaro. Who is running the Club whilst he is away ? Surely at this important time we should have our CEO available for transfer negotiating, etc
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