As Captain, Proc has grown into the role!!! When He and the creative football genius John Miles, were named as C & VC, many of us were left scratching our heads and even at the start of this season, many - inc me!! - were thinking what about sunbeds...
Proccy has been - by far and away - the single most best player, Captain, leader we could have had!!!
Gone are the "Headless Chicken" performances!!!, He has carried the armband with pride and direction!!!
Many will laugh, but he has been
ourStevie G!!
Committed to the cause, whilst leading from the front.
I hope he has the honour of being the first Captain to lead us out in FL1 and I hope, beyond hope, that he is player of the year, because he deserves it, but if it is Terry, Macca or Sunbeds, he will not be disappointed, because he is Stanley through and through!!!!!!!!
All I can say is, "Doctor Procter" not only walks on water, but he also is a "Medicinal Genius"...........
P.S. It is Bank Holiday and I have been on the Stella, but ask me tomorrow at K.O. and I will tell you the same!!!!!!!!!
Bring on The B's!!!!!!!