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Old 03-07-2005, 12:15   #1
Junior Member

conference fanzine

Most of todays football clubs have fanzines, it is common place for fans to but fanzines, along with programmes and read them before, during half time and after the game.
However, these fanzines only cater for one club. As a support of one team, would you love to know what you rivals fans are saying about your star player. What they think of those descisions always going your way....
I am keen to launch a conference League Fanzine, where fans from all over the country can write in and express their views on the latest goings on at any club.
The fanzine is currently under way, with contributions coming in thick and fast. We are currently looking for people connected with every club to sell the fanzine. Our proposal is to sell the fanzine in batches of 100 (sellers can have as many batches as required) for £60.00 (60p/each), The price on the front of every fanzine is £1.20.... you do the maths!
If you are interested in working with us, by stocking the fanzines, or know of anyone who maybe interested please contact us (via reply of email) for further information.

Many Thanks
OneZineFanZine Editor
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Accrington Web
Old 03-07-2005, 14:11   #2
I am Banned
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Re: conference fanzine

yellow pages / newsagents might be a good place to start or maybe ring around some pubs and see if any landlords want to try them out

good idea though for the footie mad
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Old 03-07-2005, 14:49   #3
God Member
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Re: conference fanzine

needs moving into stanley section i think?

Sorted now!!!
The Voice of the Terrace

Last edited by John_Timmins; 03-07-2005 at 21:33.
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