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Old 14-05-2008, 01:16   #16
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Re: Congratulations

OSC doesn't have enough active members to run half the things we'd like to but beyond that .......

OSC ran the Rochdale buses that caused a lot of friction at the club despite the obvious need for it to have been done and the overwhelming success of it. Numerous people at the club had their noses put out of joint over the trip which is why I didn't run it again for Bury, Rochdale, Macc, Stockport and Morecambe. As far as away travel is concerned at the moment we can't run an Official travel until Fraser Eagle are not the official sponsor etc .... personally I'd prefer it if they just carried on doing what they do now but drop the prices for the local games cos a tenner is way way too much for Bury and Rochdale. If they did it at a fiver they'd fill 10 coaches (with a bit of a push) top each. Its got to make more profit than one coach with 10 people on? Those kind of trips are what make people want to go to more away games. Sitting on a half empty (or half full) coach doesn't inspire you to go again.

Any road beyond that I want to push for OSC funding to provide a couple of minibuses to bring people in from other areas. We have a few fans in Darwen, Pendle and Clitheroe, each one of those groups should be encouraged to travel together and bring a friend or two. £30 out of OSC funds to bring in ten people paying £13 + beer/food money when they get here has got to be a no brainer?

There are a thousand and one things we could spend money on but its got to be worthwhile.
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Old 14-05-2008, 06:04   #17
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Re: Congratulations

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
free travel to away games for osc members this would get more people going to away games and more members for the osc this bringing in more ideas, if not free than discount than.
Doesn't the OSC exist to help the club ? Apart from some vocal support away games give nothing to the club. Anything that is fan based has to be something that gets people to the FES.
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Old 14-05-2008, 06:25   #18
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Re: Congratulations

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Doesn't the OSC exist to help the club ? Apart from some vocal support away games give nothing to the club. Anything that is fan based has to be something that gets people to the FES.
That's a fair point!
One of the key things that was discussed on Monday Evening was ways that we can help the Club, Hence Lesley's discussion with Rob Heys as Macca has already said we don't have enough active members to do lots of the things that are often discussed. What I would like to see happen is to be more visible so people know who we are, have more people attend meetings and become more involved and try to unite the Club & Supporters in positive ways that benefit everyone. The End of Season was brilliant and if we could replicate that two or three times a Season that involves Club, Sponsors & Supporters then we are half way there to making a difference! "The Supporters Club" should be exactly what it says but to achieve that we need more people to join and become involved whether that's just by suggesting ideas or actually helping out, the bigger it becomes the more we can do!
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Old 14-05-2008, 13:35   #19
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Re: Congratulations

actively have a presence within the club, i would say at least 50% of the people who come to Stanley don't know what the OSC does and why it exists except for a end of season do every season
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Old 14-05-2008, 15:00   #20
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Re: Congratulations

Originally Posted by John_Timmins View Post
actively have a presence within the club, i would say at least 50% of the people who come to Stanley don't know what the OSC does and why it exists except for a end of season do every season
ya got a good point there john, i have neither the time nor inclination to be involved , but i enjoy me occasional trips to the FES, i aint a clue what they are, n i reckon 50% of people is about right.
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Old 14-05-2008, 15:27   #21
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Re: Congratulations

I saw this while at work and thought it was a great idea that could be easily implemented:

THE BRENTFORD LIFELINE SOCIETY | Brentford | Fans | Lifeline | Lifeline

Yesterday those funds bought two new players for Brentford.............

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Old 14-05-2008, 15:31   #22
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Re: Congratulations

Originally Posted by John_Timmins View Post
actively have a presence within the club, i would say at least 50% of the people who come to Stanley don't know what the OSC does and why it exists except for a end of season do every season

Maybe Pendle Red has the answer ?

"The Supporters Club" should be exactly what it says but to achieve that we need more people to join and become involved whether that's just by suggesting ideas or actually helping out,
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Old 14-05-2008, 22:34   #23
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Re: Congratulations

Originally Posted by KarenFaz View Post
I saw this while at work and thought it was a great idea that could be easily implemented:

THE BRENTFORD LIFELINE SOCIETY | Brentford | Fans | Lifeline | Lifeline

Yesterday those funds bought two new players for Brentford.............
It does sound good but you do have to have the large amount of people involved to be able to run something like that successfully, but great idea kaz

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Old 15-05-2008, 06:16   #24
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Re: Congratulations

There are a lot of good schemes for money raising, the trick is it must have the appeal to attract people in the first place but more importantly the backing of the Supporters to keep it moving forward and make it successful to enable it to make a real difference.

1) Set out a target at the beginning of the Season of how much is aimed to be raised and for what which is already in the process of being done, then plan a series of Events throughout the Season to raise the amounts but these need to have enough appeal to keep raising the amounts.

2) Set up a working group between the Club & Supporters to keep the dialect flowing, keeping ideas fresh and make more use of the Media that is available to keep everyone up to date.
To achieve any of this more people need to become involved

So get your ideas posted up on here, become a member of the Supporters Club and Help make a difference
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Old 15-05-2008, 17:13   #25
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Re: Congratulations

I read about that scheme when we played them earlier in the season. It is a cracking idea but it takes some real organising and pulling together. They also have another few schemes which include

the google search button on one of their Supporters sites - it pays money every time you use it to search for something (open to abuse although it is monitored)

massive backing from the town of Brentford with regards to vouchers and discounts when used through the Website. Buy your car/insurance/cat food or whatever online through the site and you get a discount and the website gets the same.

some other scheme that has Gold silver and bronze levels or something. For each level you pay a fiver or whatever a month and it entitles you to various benefits. I can't remember the exact details but it had hundreds of members.

Now tally any of that to efforts made by our Football Club itself with tregards to the Legends package etc. Despite being promoted at many different opportunities it has never really took off in the way the club would have imagined. Not having any of the functions promised will not have helped membership on that but you get the point.

There has to be a simple but easy way of getting the attention of the public of Hyndburn - quite what that is I don't know.
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Old 15-05-2008, 18:06   #26
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Re: Congratulations

As with all clubs of any organisation, you have to make the folk not in the club feel they missing something if they ain't in it....

Loads ain't got a clue who or what you are.... Unless you are on here or in the Oaklea you'd miss what was happening. (Not a dig - an observation). You need presence in the Main Stand & Whinney Hill, someone spreading the word for you. That type of person is the only people you will get to come to a formal meeting

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