At last nights game a lady stopped one of our lads while they were doing flags to hand him a donation for the fun day,there was no name on the donation,but I believe she does travel away sometimes.............hopefully I can thankyou through the wonders of accyweb.
It is very comforting to Coxys family to see all these people pulling together for the fun day,we have had many offers of help items for the raffle/auction,offers to lose body hair,offers to have head shaves,all the daft things which coxy would of loved.
Carson mummy is over the moon with the event and will be attending the fun day with her family and the little chappy Carson himself.
John C & Jimmy B have offered to unveil Coxys plaque on the day,a time is yet to be agreed.
Once again thanks to everyone who has offered their help,although it will be a day for remembering Coxys it is also a day to really help a local family.
Look out for a update on how Carson is doing and details on the fun day in this weeks paper