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Old 25-06-2007, 10:15   #1
I am Banned

crown inn (scarfs and pennants etc)

as most of the members on here go to asfc i was just wondering now that accrington stanley have got a 5 year lease on the crown and are going to turn it into a asfc themed pub can anyone tell me were all the conference club pennants and scarfs have gone, i know that budmak and shotgun spent a lot of time and money getting them(no nasty remarks please ) also all the framed photo,s of asfc players that KIPAX took and framed,they all seem to dissapear,i dont know if the framed asfc shirts were bennys but i know that the pennants and scarfs were,nt, so does anyone know were they are as it seems a shame if asfc are going to do a themed asfc pub and all this stuff is missing,
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Old 25-06-2007, 10:23   #2
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Re: crown inn (scarfs and pennants etc)

Have you been in there to know that they are missing? Maybe they've just been put away in storage until the decorating's been done?
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Old 25-06-2007, 10:27   #3
I am Banned

Re: crown inn (scarfs and pennants etc)

they went missing about 2 years ago when benny did the pool room up and have,nt been seen since,and i have been upstairs and they were not there,perhaps in the loft i dont know but it seems a shame if the have been thrown out or mislaid
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Old 25-06-2007, 10:57   #4
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Re: crown inn (scarfs and pennants etc)

They were kept upstairs, as you said they took them down when they were decorating but never got round to putting them back up. The shirts were actually Benny's with the exception of one, the white one round the corner which was won at an auction and donated to the crown....Hopefully now Stanley have taken over we'll see lots of Stanley memorabilia around the place
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Old 25-06-2007, 13:21   #5


Re: crown inn (scarfs and pennants etc)

Did Macca not have a post a few months ago about collecting odds and sods for the Clayton End Bar? Are we going to be allowed to pass stuff on from other clubs for display

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Old 26-06-2007, 08:52   #6
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Re: crown inn (scarfs and pennants etc)

I know that I bought several scarves from different matches that I went to (scarves of some of Stanley's opposition) and donated them to the Stanley bar. I gave them to Jase and last time I saw him, he told me that he had them in storage in his garage, presumably until there was the opportunity for them to find a permanent home.

I am more than happy to buy some more and donate them, especially now that we have the Crown pub, where I hope that all Stanley memorabilia will be displayed.
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Old 26-06-2007, 10:39   #7
I am Banned

Re: crown inn (scarfs and pennants etc)

thanks smiffy 16, i hope that the club pub (not a bad nickname) looks even better after all the memorabilia is put back up
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