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Old 28-10-2009, 16:15   #61
God Member
K.S.H's Avatar

Re: 'd-day'..a one- day only thread !

Yeah, paid £96k even though we "had" £116k in the sos fund, "possibly" another £10k going in today - don't know where thats from, and £100k going in from PFA.
1st place to start might be 2br and listen to the interview

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Old 28-10-2009, 16:16   #62
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: 'd-day'..a one- day only thread !

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Bare with me, I've only had 5 minutes to try and get what's happened today. I can't make any sense of it.

Did O'Neill's reps turn up with 96k? 212K missing? Why does it say on the plackards that we're 90k short? I don't get it.
easy shaker mate, theres bin nowt but bullsh** n Lies from our glorious leaders, nowt else to get.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 28-10-2009, 17:39   #63
Junior Member

Re: 'd-day'..a one- day only thread !

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
Bear with me, I've only had 5 minutes to try and get what's happened today. I can't make any sense of it.

Did O'Neill's reps turn up with 96k? 212K missing? Why does it say on the plackards that we're 90k short? I don't get it.
Bury fan here and first of all well done in getting past today. From reading this messageboard I feel your battle is just beginning but one that you will win. The efforts of your fans cannot be ignored or wasted.

Just thought I would point out the reason why the 100k was not added to the total today.

If indeed the directors etc do have this money they would not have paid it over today whilst there was a shortfall. If you went bust today they would have paid over 100k to the taxman and you would still have gone bust.

So in effect they were prepared to risk your club going bust and the SOS money but not their own money.

Good luck and see you in 2 weeks.
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Old 28-10-2009, 18:21   #64
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Re: taxman paid tuesday 27th October

Originally Posted by ukcowboy
Surely no. 6 should be Mushroom Management
Mushroom management is an allusion to a company's staff being treated like mushrooms: kept in the dark, covered with dung, and – when grown big enough – canned. The connotation is that the management is making decisions without consulting the staff affected by those decisions – and possibly not even informing the staff until well after such decisions are made. (From Wikipedia)

For another description try here: mushroom management
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

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Old 28-10-2009, 22:32   #65
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Re: 'd-day'..a one- day only thread !

Well folks ..the One Day allotted for my' One-day-only' thread has almost gone...
For least after 11:00am it just got better and better , culminating with my little chat with Ilyas Khan tonight which, confirming all I had read on our Forum,filled me with absolute delight!!...almost shedding a tear with Stanleymad at the same time!!..

So perhaps it's time for this brief thread to bite the Dust !!...might have served a purpose...I hope so!!..

(Alfred.E. thinks that Ilyas Khan is the Bee's Knees....and is already thinking up our next 'Foray on the Forum'...which should be somewhat lighter following the frenetic machinations of the last week or so !!)


pps..... " god natts søvn godt."...( Just for SM !!)
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Old 28-10-2009, 22:42   #66
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Re: 'd-day'..a one- day only thread !

lol yonmon i look forward to a new thread of optimism, a tear or few of relief these past few weeks have been tough for all of us. It was a delight to meet and chat with ilyas he has my kind of humour lol. Im with Alfred E on that sentiment the bees knees indeed


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Old 28-10-2009, 22:50   #67
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: 'd-day'..a one- day only thread !

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post
Well folks ..the One Day allotted for my' One-day-only' thread has almost gone...
For least after 11:00am it just got better and better , culminating with my little chat with Ilyas Khan tonight which, confirming all I had read on our Forum,filled me with absolute delight!!...almost shedding a tear with Stanleymad at the same time!!..

So perhaps it's time for this brief thread to bite the Dust !!...might have served a purpose...I hope so!!..

(Alfred.E. thinks that Ilyas Khan is the Bee's Knees....and is already thinking up our next 'Foray on the Forum'...which should be somewhat lighter following the frenetic machinations of the last week or so !!)


pps..... " god natts søvn godt."...( Just for SM !!)
Hope ya now had summat to eat yonmon n not dust.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-10-2009, 00:14   #68
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Re: taxman paid tuesday 27th October

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Surely no. 6 should be Mushroom Management
Mushroom management is an allusion to a company's staff being treated like mushrooms: kept in the dark, covered with dung, and – when grown big enough – canned. The connotation is that the management is making decisions without consulting the staff affected by those decisions – and possibly not even informing the staff until well after such decisions are made. (From Wikipedia)

For another description try here: mushroom management
Too late to edit it now, but yes I think thats a much better analogy!


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 29-10-2009, 00:21   #69
Senior Member

Re: taxman paid tuesday 27th October

lol uk

They must of read the manual
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