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Old 05-10-2009, 17:54   #31
God Member
shakermaker's Avatar

Re: Dave O'Neil statement

O'Neill needs to put his money where his mouth is. Still no donation from directors into the fund; only one less director.

Of the people appointed by O'Neill, who has done what exactly? Marcelle has done nothing for the club except have a night out at the dogs and appear in a couple of specialist media outlets. Granville, as far as we know, got lost somewhere.

Ilyas Khan could've wiped the club's debts clean and recapitalised the club. That was deemed as 'too conditional' and 'not in the best interests of Accrington Stanley Football Club'. ON WHAT ****ING PLANET is that not in the best interests of ASFC? O'Neill would've lost a holding majority in a debt-ridden, North West Counties bound wasted club and gained a position within a debt-free club with potential to prosper. He would've made his money back in a few seasons if he so wished. But no. He didn't even have the courtesy to meet with Mr Khan and discuss the offer.

David 'don't blame me, it's not my problem' O'Neill is only looking out for number one. He knew well before the winding-up order that HMRC were on the hunt and that football clubs were being targeted primarily. He knew that he did not have the funds to wipe the debt clean and move the club forward. He knows that he can't support a football league club financially. David O'Neill can't cope and is too stubborn to see that.

Despite what anyone says, Accrington deserves a football league team. Of course we will all watch Stanley whoever we play in whatever league, but that feeling of hammering goals past ex-Premier League big boys pretending to be massive and actually competing in the league is what it's all about. Constantly proving people wrong. It'll be tragic to see this club resign and fall.

What we face now is a question of the lesser of two evils. Do we let this club fall unfairly into the pits of non-league football or do we fight to clear this immediate debt, putting up with the total idiot that currently owns the club? I'd rather not raise money to keep O'Neill in his ignorant bliss, but now Mr Khan has been told to **** off for the last time there's no way to save the club without backing O'Neill. As has been said elsewhere (think it was WM) and should perhaps be used as a new slogan for fans; we can't let Coley & the boys down. They deserve this club to be in the football league just as much as the faithful do, if not moreso.
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Old 05-10-2009, 17:54   #32
Resting in Peace

Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Pathetic from the interviewer:-
"Did you expect all this when you took over?"
"Has it been a stressful time for you?"
"How confident are you that the debt will be cleared?"
"Thank you for coming on - I know you don't like interviews"
Complete absence of probing of O'Neil's wishy-washy platitudes, like " Lets all get together and get this thing sorted out".
Words fail me.
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Old 05-10-2009, 17:56   #33
Accy Red

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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
You got a plan for who takes over?

John Batchelor? An Arab businessman? That bird off Corrie? Jim Bowen?
Winstanley the mascot?

PMSL nice one.

At the moment I believe any of those would do a better job than DON, my personal favourite from that list would be Mr Bowen, smashing.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 05-10-2009, 17:57   #34
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
Presumably the interviewer did not press him on this. What's wrong with these media people? We needed a Paxman or a Humphrys to really have a go at him.

"And I assure you that I will not let Accrington Stanley fold again".

He was pressed on this statement Red...and honesty he sounded more Hopeful than Assured !! he admitted the man finds it difficult to find what to say when perhaps he was a little bit 'lost'...or did he just sound that way!!.

Still, there's Ms Lazarus' declarations to come who knows??

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Old 05-10-2009, 18:00   #35
Senior Member+

Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
Pathetic from the interviewer:-
"Did you expect all this when you took over?"
"Has it been a stressful time for you?"
"How confident are you that the debt will be cleared?"
"Thank you for coming on - I know you don't like interviews"
Complete absence of probing of O'Neil's wishy-washy platitudes, like " Lets all get together and get this thing sorted out".
Words fail me.
Just as I thought. Are there no real budding investigative reporters out there?
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Old 05-10-2009, 18:00   #36
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
PMSL nice one.

At the moment I believe any of those would do a better job than DON, my personal favourite from that list would be Mr Bowen, smashing.
I was banking on winstanley with those puppy dog eyes money will roll in. That bird out of corrie always finds solutions to problems ours a piece of cake to her. As for wishful thinking - well thats me


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Old 05-10-2009, 18:06   #37
Resting in Peace

Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post

"And I assure you that I will not let Accrington Stanley fold again".

He was pressed on this statement Red...and honesty he sounded more Hopeful than Assured !! he admitted the man finds it difficult to find what to say when perhaps he was a little bit 'lost'...or did he just sound that way!!.

Still, there's Ms Lazarus' declarations to come who knows??

Stop kidding yourself, Yonmon! O'Neill had a golden opportunity to allay our fears and came up with jack s**t. No way can this lot keep us in the football league.
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Old 05-10-2009, 18:10   #38
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post

"And I assure you that I will not let Accrington Stanley fold again".

He was pressed on this statement Red...and honesty he sounded more Hopeful than Assured !! he admitted the man finds it difficult to find what to say when perhaps he was a little bit 'lost'...or did he just sound that way!!.

Still, there's Ms Lazarus' declarations to come who knows??


A good interviewer should make it easy for him to know what to say.
  • "Will you personally be putting any more more money into the SOS Fund, Mr O'Neill?" (To help him, the answer would be YES or NO)
  • "Will any of your fellow board members be putting more more into the SOS Fund, Mr O'Neill?" (Again YES or NO)
......and now for a really difficult one because it requires a full sentence :
  • "What fund raising plans do you have, Mr O'Neill?"
But the real reason for his reticence could well be that he did not want to steal Marcelle's thunder when she reveals all (about fundraising, of course) on her radio programme.
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Old 05-10-2009, 18:14   #39
Resting in Peace

Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
O'Neill needs to put his money where his mouth is. Still no donation from directors into the fund; only one less director.

Of the people appointed by O'Neill, who has done what exactly? Marcelle has done nothing for the club except have a night out at the dogs and appear in a couple of specialist media outlets. Granville, as far as we know, got lost somewhere.

Ilyas Khan could've wiped the club's debts clean and recapitalised the club. That was deemed as 'too conditional' and 'not in the best interests of Accrington Stanley Football Club'. ON WHAT ****ING PLANET is that not in the best interests of ASFC? O'Neill would've lost a holding majority in a debt-ridden, North West Counties bound wasted club and gained a position within a debt-free club with potential to prosper. He would've made his money back in a few seasons if he so wished. But no. He didn't even have the courtesy to meet with Mr Khan and discuss the offer.

David 'don't blame me, it's not my problem' O'Neill is only looking out for number one. He knew well before the winding-up order that HMRC were on the hunt and that football clubs were being targeted primarily. He knew that he did not have the funds to wipe the debt clean and move the club forward. He knows that he can't support a football league club financially. David O'Neill can't cope and is too stubborn to see that.

Despite what anyone says, Accrington deserves a football league team. Of course we will all watch Stanley whoever we play in whatever league, but that feeling of hammering goals past ex-Premier League big boys pretending to be massive and actually competing in the league is what it's all about. Constantly proving people wrong. It'll be tragic to see this club resign and fall.

What we face now is a question of the lesser of two evils. Do we let this club fall unfairly into the pits of non-league football or do we fight to clear this immediate debt, putting up with the total idiot that currently owns the club? I'd rather not raise money to keep O'Neill in his ignorant bliss, but now Mr Khan has been told to **** off for the last time there's no way to save the club without backing O'Neill. As has been said elsewhere (think it was WM) and should perhaps be used as a new slogan for fans; we can't let Coley & the boys down. They deserve this club to be in the football league just as much as the faithful do, if not moreso.
Great post, Shaker, but;-
"there's no way to save the club without backing O'Neill" seems to be a non-starter unless he grovels at Ilyas's door, and as Ilyas says, that's not going to happen. O'Neill will go down with his ship like the captain of the Titanic.
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Old 05-10-2009, 18:18   #40
Accy Red

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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
O'Neill will go down with his ship like the captain of the Titanic.
It's not his ship it's ours, he's just a stowaway.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 05-10-2009, 18:23   #41
Resting in Peace

Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
It's not his ship it's ours, he's just a stowaway.
Untrue, sadly. If it was our ship Ilyas would be on board it.
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Old 05-10-2009, 19:12   #42
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

I am starting to get the impression that even if David Oniel was to pay off Whalleys tax bill, pay the players wages out of his own pocket, put a new roof on the away stand, and give away free pie and peas to the home fans,he still would not be liked(can this be true)?
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Old 05-10-2009, 19:23   #43
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by caretaker View Post
I am starting to get the impression that even if David Oniel was to pay off Whalleys tax bill, pay the players wages out of his own pocket, put a new roof on the away stand, and give away free pie and peas to the home fans,he still would not be liked(can this be true)?
I'd like anyone that bought me a pie...
All the best,

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Old 05-10-2009, 19:24   #44
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

I rather think so. But if he were to give free pie and peas to the away fans (beef sarnies for Hereford, jellied eels for Barnet), he may win a modicum of popularity.
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Old 05-10-2009, 19:26   #45
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by caretaker View Post
I am starting to get the impression that even if David Oniel was to pay off Whalleys tax bill, pay the players wages out of his own pocket, put a new roof on the away stand, and give away free pie and peas to the home fans,he still would not be liked(can this be true)?
If he gets us out of this mess he will have my unconditional support, forever.

The Voice of the Terrace

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