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Old 05-10-2009, 22:56   #76


Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Mr. O’Neil is a very inapt communicator, which is blatantly obvious. However, there are those around him that are maybe less than helpful to his position otherwise he would have never had made the error he did with the programme. But without the financial assistance of Mr. Khan or Mr. Marsden, he’s all we’ve got….He Owns the Club, for now there’s nothing we can do but to continue to support Accrington Stanley and pray we come out of this **** smelling of roses.

Please; there are more than enough posts on the subject, please lets not make it any more difficult

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:11   #77
Junior Member+

Re: Dave O'Neil statement

I am just in hope that he has a very big ace up his sleave and can manage to shut everyone up.... he'll be the best person for the job if he pulls this one off, the bloke can't win, this is not down to him and the backlash is very wrongly being aimed at him and his team, ...They asked for support the day after the court hearing? How do we know that initiatives and ideas were not being put forward behind closed doors...
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:11   #78
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Please; there are more than enough posts on the subject, please lets not make it any more difficult
More difficult? Than what?

I for one am not happy to allow people to make claims that are untrue. And it was untrue to say that people were quick to judge the DON - they weren't.

Yes, at the moment he seems to be all we've got and we have to hope that he can get us out of the mess.

And we all support Accrington Stanley. Let's not confuse the club with any individuals.
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:19   #79


Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
More difficult? Than what?

I for one am not happy to allow people to make claims that are untrue. And it was untrue to say that people were quick to judge the DON - they weren't.

Yes, at the moment he seems to be all we've got and we have to hope that he can get us out of the mess.

And we all support Accrington Stanley. Let's not confuse the club with any individuals.
I don't think we are really, and when I said about making it any more difficult, I meant by the number of posts we have to keep going back and forth over to discuss the same issue.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:23   #80
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

I dont belive this is an untrue statement, I feel people have been quick to judge, a couple of months ago, noone really knew the extent of the problems, people wanted shut of Mr Whalley and were quite happy for DON to take the helm, it was only after he took over that the real financial problems came to light.
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Old 05-10-2009, 23:46   #81
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by kenny254 View Post
I feel people have been quick to judge,.
not true. he was given ample time, which now we dont have. For weeks we have been lied to, and for weeks we have been deceived. Allied to this is the fact that people like me and Loweiy (and others, just picking on the better known) are apparently not 'true fans'. He was given a chance to rescind this statement but 'stands by everything he has said'.

He has failed to lead, he has failed to inspire, and above all else he has failed to lead by example. At his point (22 days to go) we do not now have time to purely trust him. We need to take decisive action and make the individuals realise that they are without a shadow of a doubt taking the club down.

Originally Posted by kenny254 View Post
a couple of months ago, no-one really knew the extent of the problems, it was only after he took over that the real financial problems came to light.
first part is true, second part is not. We owe significantly more than £308k but yet we are assured by the club that we only owe month-to-month trading. Absolutley, postively not true.

More lies
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:10   #82
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Re: On stanley on>>>>>

Originally Posted by kenny254 View Post
How can the present situation at Accrington Stanley be the fault of Dave O'Neill, he hasen't got the club into this financial mess, but people are determind to blame him and make him out to be the bad guy that we should be in favour of flogging... There are a lot of hard working people at Accrington Stanley, who work long hard hours for a very basic wage, people are to quick to judge. I for one are getting behind the local club who deserves backing and support from the people of Accrington.
Very well said.If Dave O'Neill hadn't been 'in the wrong place at the wrong time' what situation would we be in now,if a certain Eric Whalley was still in charge.Obviously he hadn't the money to pay off these debts,how much further in debt would the club be?,perhaps that's why they turned to gambling to pay the debt off!!
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Old 06-10-2009, 13:09   #83
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

first part is true, second part is not. We owe significantly more than £308k but yet we are assured by the club that we only owe month-to-month trading. Absolutley, postively not true.

More lies[/quote]

How can you be so sure that significantly more money is owed? Do you work in the day to day running of the club?.... Because the people who do work behind the scenes and who are under real threat of having no job after the end of the month are trying their very best and are the only people who truley understand what is going on, for gods sake give um a break.......
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Old 06-10-2009, 13:34   #84
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by kenny254 View Post
How can you be so sure that significantly more money is owed? Do you work in the day to day running of the club?.... Because the people who do work behind the scenes and who are under real threat of having no job after the end of the month are trying their very best and are the only people who truley understand what is going on, for gods sake give um a break.......

Kenny!!..Whilst I laud your compassionate leanings towards the Club's employees..Can I remind you that, due to the existing emergency, there just isn't time for anyone at 'The Crown Ground' be it The Co-Chairmen..The Directors...The CEO and all his be given, or to take a break!!..

I would have thought ...with all the news, views, and opinions posted here ,there and every where on the Forum that you might have guessed that it's not only those previously mentioned who have some insight into the Fiscal and other matters making up the Debacle unfolding before our eyes..but also many other informed and intelligent persons who are privy to the details existing within these elements of concern !!.

I am also certain that, like me, you would hope that an urgent and more industrious resolution of the situation that is tearing the insides out of our proud Club...will lead to it's early salvation from it's throes !!

'ON STANLEY!!!!...ON!!!!'
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Old 06-10-2009, 14:38   #85
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Smile Re: Dave O'Neil statement

I never said take a break and do not belive they are...... I said give um a break, they are under stress at the thought of loosing their jobs and can well do without the many negative views.
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Old 06-10-2009, 14:46   #86
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by kenny254 View Post
If people put as much effort into getting behind Mr O'neill and the hard working people at Accrington Stanley, instead of making silly little insignificant comments then the possibility of the club being saved may become more of a reality..... Have you ever thought that Mr Khan might be a glory hunter, who is enjoying the discontent at the club.........
What a load of bull, now get back to doing what you're paid to do.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 06-10-2009, 23:08   #87
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

I know this is a serious subject, but after reading the Don's statement I couldnt resist this little gem................the last couple of lines sum it up for me!!



Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 06-10-2009, 23:10   #88
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Top bannana.............
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Old 06-10-2009, 23:42   #89
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by kenny254 View Post
.... I feel people have been quick to judge, a couple of months ago, noone really knew the extent of the problems, people wanted shut of Mr Whalley and were quite happy for DON to take the helm, it was only after he took over that the real financial problems came to light.
What happened to "due diligence". Didn't DON go through the books to ascertain what the true picture was before he took over? Or is this too simplistic a question?

Anyway, what's done's done. We are where we are and it's only the supporters together with any benefactors who can be found who'll save us from administration or worse.

For the life of me, I can't see what's wrong with bringing Ilyas Khan on board, he does seem to have an impressive business track record and is clearly an intelligent man of some financial worth.

Long term, however, it's difficult to see how a club of our size can seriously compete in the Football League when attendances are so low.

Clearly there are sections of the Accrington public who support the club - many with soft words rather than hard cash through the turnstiles - but, in all honesty, I think there are too few of them to sustain the club at this level.

Any outside party - by that I mean anyone other than the current directors - interested in investing in or owning the club will need either deep pockets or be able to come up with something radical to keep a club with average gates barely above 1,000 solvent.
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Old 07-10-2009, 06:55   #90
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Re: Dave O'Neil statement

Originally Posted by ukcowboy View Post
I know this is a serious subject, but after reading the Don's statement I couldnt resist this little gem................the last couple of lines sum it up for me!!


As you might have guessed Cowboy, this pleases me immensely !...and now that 'The Ides of October' are upon US!...can I add this little reminder to our 'I'm no Villain' Co-Chairperson :-

It is now the 7th of October...the clock ticks a little louder than it did yesterday! just as my little effort for Aide-Memoire !....

Your Pledge to everyone concerned is!:-

"I assure you that I will not let Accrington Stanley fold again.".

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