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Old 05-12-2007, 22:27   #1
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Well tonight was a complete DISGRACE.

I have for years been paying for for 2 adults and 3 kids for every home game and gradually that has dwindled down to just me going. I ask the kids why they dont want to go ?? "because there rubbish". And after tonight I can see there point.

1-0 up and Perkins sent of "that will do me" I thought.

How wrong............... Branch should be sacked before he eats his supper.. NOBODY who is so lazy should ever grace a "Stanley shirt". He just strolls about and shouts at everyone else. And his outburst to one of his own team tonight showed his bad attitude... HE MUST GO

Rocky can be a really good player but when he is bad ????? We let a goal in..

Brown did nothing.....

Mully is chasing around with nobody playing off him properly.

WHY did Coleman do nothing until it was too late. We needed fresh legs with 30 minutes to go NOT 10....

We lacked PASSION and EFFORT all round tonight. And to get "1-0 and you (messed) it up" sang by your own fans speaks VOLUMES..

I understand our financial restrictions but that should not affect our pride and passion..

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Old 05-12-2007, 22:31   #2
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Re: Discrace.........

Forgot to say...

JAY Harris................ you are pure quality... and the above does not apply to you..

We need 8 Jay harris's and 2 Andy Todd's.
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Old 05-12-2007, 22:40   #3
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Re: Discrace.........

everythinkg you said is right except branch thought he played well as for rocky well time to drop him 'proctor was'nt fireing tonight and we did manage to use 3 subs for once
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 05-12-2007, 22:48   #4
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Re: Discrace.........

I know everyone has their own opinion but how anyone can put 'Branch' and 'played well' in the same sentence in relation to tonights game is beyond me.
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Old 05-12-2007, 22:57   #5
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Re: Discrace.........

U have all said it..... my voice is going again, i was so infuriated with our players & manager, Jay Harris & Bavo were the only consistant effort on our side, mully just didnt get any support to warrent his run offs, but as for the rest of them GGRRR, fault cant be laid soley on Branchys door, granted poor in 2nd half but so was the rest of those not named!!

1 up & we buggered it up is just right & a 1st for the clayton end to unison that!! A serious problem when half time their 1 down & we are 1 up ....2nd half a 5-3-1 u what ???? bang they score & surprise surprise what have me & HR been saying about the gap on goal line with opposition corners bad when only the manager disagrees with that weakness but cost us dearly tonight.

We had the discussion on season tickets earlier but at this rate the club is offering no reason for people to come to watch us at this rate either season nor pay on gaters - disgrace yes Simon it was. The high light apart from the small chance of winning a home match for one half, was the OSC leaflet drop, pleasure to greet many fans & the background staff for their support & welcome for us to do that.


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Old 05-12-2007, 23:10   #6
Resting in Peace

Re: Discrace.........

Originally Posted by simon View Post
1-0 up and Perkins sent of "that will do me" I thought.Mully is chasing around with nobody playing off him properly.
Well I'm sorry, but when Perkins went off my heart sank, as I know how useless we are at playing against 10 men - we just don't have the tactical nous to make the man advantage pay.
True, Mully is usually first to the ball with his head, but not usually directing it with any effectivenes. It's horrible to watch, and much as I admire Paul, I'm afraid we need a different type of big, penetrative leader of the line who can inject some pace into our counter-attacks, who can turn his man and have a blast at goal. I can't see us ever progressing up the league without a change in this direction, although it pains me to say so.
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Old 05-12-2007, 23:47   #7
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Re: Discrace.........

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
I know everyone has their own opinion but how anyone can put 'Branch' and 'played well' in the same sentence in relation to tonights game is beyond me.
sorry i ment ROCKY played well even when he let the ball go over him and let there lad in to make it 1-1 and then did'nt head the ball away to make it 1-2 so YES BRANCH played well only ROCKY let the back down (again) tonight and thats my opinion
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 06-12-2007, 00:00   #8
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Re: Discrace.........

crap tonight

no fight, no idea!

The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 06-12-2007, 01:19   #9
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Re: Discrace.........

Pathetic,Abject,Clueless,Gutless,Incompetent...... ........need I go on searching my vocabulary and maybe the dictionary for words to sum up value for money spent watching that "offering" tonight????

Do the hierachy need it spelling out why the general public will not get down to the F.E.S. to pay good money to support the lads???

Accepted, we have come a hell of a long way in a short time. Up until now,as in previous seasons, I would permit/ accept some of what happens or has happened as being naive,but tonight seemed to stretch the point beyond exasperation.

Our home record (which was once a source of pride) is a JOKE.

We seem to be tactically inept when it comes to changing and adapting to the situation/s we are facing.

It is BLATENTLY obvious that certain individuals are not up to the role of the task they are asked to perform.In any common role of life,i.e. the everyday role, these people are either sacked,retired or moved out of the firing line.

Make YOUR own conclusions folks, but (in my opinion)either these issues are addressed or it's a nervous wait until May, or get the A-Z out for the conference/Blue Square Premier again.

And to add to what i've said already, I will break my own rules and name who I think are "fuelling" the fire, i.e problem, and say.....

Williams- not good enough to perform the task that is required. Maybe one promotion above his level. Makes mistakes(that to my memory have cost us a lot of points this season)consistently.

Branch- Good footballing brain,but sadly the legs have gone. As with Cooky, the intentions of bringing Branchy here were brilliant.In the harsh light of day, a phrase springs to mind......"the best laid plans of mice and men"

I could go on, but I will close by saying that unless the problems are addressed, the situation WILL NOT improve, I.E. the apethy that the local public are currently showing towards the team now. It's a simple equation. If you want to sell/market your product to increase revenue (i.e get more paying customers through the turnstiles) then you have to make the product worthy of the purchase price. Tonights display,which has echoed the majority of our home performances this season,was a damn poor advert for attracting people back to the F.E.S. / Stanley.

Sort it out.
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Last edited by carpon; 06-12-2007 at 01:24.
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Old 06-12-2007, 01:48   #10
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Re: Discrace.........

tonight is the beginning of the end of trying to attract the accrington public.when i was waliking home i heard a group of youngsters saying they will never go back to stanley for a long while .they said they have better things to spend their pocket money on, ther conversation went on ,why do stanley keep pumping the ball up to that big guy up front it never worked once and that is coming from 13-14 year olds so any decent coach will adjust tactics to combat it its the same old story.i think its time for mullers to play in defence because he has no attacking options left hew tries too hard.when the ball was out wing at one point he was the one with the ball if hes a centre forward he should be in the penalty box the rest all played out of position as well even bavs when we conceded the first goal .tonight was another disgraceful performance im even contemplating not going to the next couple of home matches its a disgrace we have to pay to watch so-called professional football players who have no desire or effort when they are playing in front of their home wonder the public of accrington dont want to watch them.i think it is time for drastic changes before stanley are humillated by having the lowest ever attendance for a league game because people are not going to spend their hard earned money watching non triers rant over..
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Old 06-12-2007, 04:57   #11
I am Banned

Re: Discrace.........

well if they cant beat 10 men with 70 minutes left asfc might as well shut up shop and f**k off back to the conference,i read every comment on the board and as a supporter for 16 years it hurts like hell that this team is CRAP and do not deserve the support that they get,week in and week out people who cant afford much spend their hard earned money watching a tin pot team in a tin pot stadium, for f**k sake coley jb AND ERIC WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE BEFORE THIS TEAM TAKES ASFC BACK TO THE P*SS POT LEAGUES that we spent years trying to get out off. sorry rant over now BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH NOT PASSIONATE ENOUGH
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Old 06-12-2007, 08:40   #12
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Re: Discrace.........

No matter how bad the result, I usually manage to shake it off by the following day and start looking forward to the next match...not this time. I can't believe how bad we were last night. Apart from events on the pitch, the sad thing is that we were starting to slowly cultivate the grassroots of new support with the roof and resultant improvement in atmosphere. In recent matches, the Clayton End had started to look more crowded, with a rise in the number of youngsters on. Last night, there were large gaps on the terraces again and it was, by and large, back to us old faithfuls. Cynical chants like "1-0 and we 'messed' it up" and booing at the end from the most loyal supporters in football prove just how deep the disenchantment now runs. Unless Coley changes his tactics and desists from stubbornly playing the likes of Branch and Williams who obviously aren't up to it, I really fear for the future.
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Old 06-12-2007, 13:18   #13

Re: Discrace.........

Believe it or not there is one positive from last night. Before everything went wrong the atmosphere was absolutely cracking. The noise from the Clayton End was great and it felt like a really good Lancashire Derby from the old days. Especially when the heavens really opened at the start of the second half.

In spite of the small crowd (and there looked like more than 1600 to me) no one can say that the fans who do turn up aren't doing their bit - and paying for the privilege of watching the crap on the pitch.

I'm afraid though with that performance a number of people will be put off, particularly as has already been said, children who are absolutely key to our future chances of expansion.
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Old 06-12-2007, 16:33   #14
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Re: Discrace.........

Originally Posted by mab View Post
everythinkg you said is right except branch thought he played well as for rocky well time to drop him 'proctor was'nt fireing tonight and we did manage to use 3 subs for once
Branch ? What game were you watching Branch is useless week in week out he should be replaced with someone willing to fight for everything not just give the ball away and have a go at everyone else no room for playing all your MATES in this league play the best players!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Darwenred1968; 06-12-2007 at 16:39.
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Old 06-12-2007, 17:06   #15
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Re: Discrace.........

3 tough games coming up, mk dons, chestefield and shrewsbury. Gonna be a tough december. hopefully we can pick up points at grimsby and mansfield at the back end of the month. Then bradford and chester in early january...
thank god we picked up some early points in the season. Remember, we also had 10 days off as no game on saturday so they should be have been itching to win this local derby!!!
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