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Old 23-08-2010, 10:17   #106
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expatriate's Avatar

Re: D'on gone!

good morning everyone.

I am excusing myself from active participation on this discussion just now as I am not really able to put too much into writing due to being on the road and in various meetings down in London today and tomorrow. However, I think the rendition of events given by people at the Crown is accurate and I have nothing to add.

HOWEVER, my reason for coming on the site right now is a personal plea to everyone. Can we please look forward and focus our energy on getting the next steps (and those beyond) right.

For the record :

1. we are all human, and we all make mistakes. I have more than my fair share of howlers. In this regard can we please be tolerant and courteous to all members of the management team, past or present ?

2. Specifically with respect to David O Neil. Its no secret that I have had many disagreements with him, but I also wish to record my gratitude for his many contributions as well. If we are to be critical, we must also be balanced and note the positives. He has had a rough time, but at the end of the day I believe he wanted what was best for Accy Stanley. He might not be red blooded fan that many of the rest of us are, and he might not have the Accy heritage, but I would like to think we are able to deal with people in the same way we would wish to be treated. Lets therefore please act with dignity, and wish him well in everything he does. I must state for the record that I have not, and did not ask David to step down as a director and I hope(d) that he would/will remain a director. We all make mistakes, we all learn from them, and teh club is bigger than all of us put together.

2. Similarly with Eric. If anything my disagreements about policy and principle have been greater with Eric than with David. However, he must be respected and thanked for his contribution as well. Lets please now treat him also with dignity. The future is far more important than the past.

3. Rob is our CEO. He must have our support. Not least to get ready for the games ahead.

ANd finally, no more on this thread till we have beaten Newcastle. Please ?

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Accrington Web
Old 23-08-2010, 11:09   #107
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Stanleymad's Avatar

Re: D'on gone!

On that note thread closed, thanks Ilyas for update


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