19-08-2021, 11:26
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Re: Doncaster match thread.
Originally Posted by pidge
We win the game with a clean sheet against a decent enough side an we as fans are moaning at the lack of substitutes. The mind boggles. We have the best manager an staff in the league let them do there jobs. The reason why we are we’re we are is because of them. Great performance an 3pts for everyone involved. Onto Saturday.
Pidge, believe it or not I agree with what you are saying......However, I see no problem in making suggestions which could improve performances even further. We all know Coley doesn't like making substitutions, he's admitted that himself in interviews post match. I'm pleased with the points tally after 3 games even though we've only played one of the better sides in the division (and lost to them). I also acknowledge that the illness in the camp must have made performances well under par. Not sure if Dion's been ill but he hasn't got back to the playing levels he was at for most of last season. Colby looks the more effective of the two up front to me at the present time. And the bits I've seen of Mumbongo make him look to me like a real handful and potential goalscorer par excellence.......in my opinion he needs far more game time.......as a substitute or starter.......Coley can always bring him off if its not working....and it may make the other two try harder....