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Old 06-04-2014, 12:18   #46
Senior Member

Re: Early Cobblers' thread

I'm afraid the result gave credence, from a different perspective, to the old saying,
"It's a load of cobblers!"
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:40   #47
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Re: Early Cobblers' thread

Well, having visited my first Stanley game for an eternity, I can understand why folks don't come back [my reason for not coming was work commitments, but as I am now retired, I will try to get to every home match and a good few away ones as well]. Absolutely diabolical and as others have said, why leave it till last 10 minutes to bring on subs. They should have been on after half time. Odejayi was a complete passenger yesterday. In fact, it looked like we were playing 4-5-1 at home, when in truth, we should have played at least 4-4-2 or even 4-3-3 with at least 2 target men up front in Kal and Odejayi. First time I have seen young Adam Buxton and he has the makings of a great defender but needs to build on his fitness.
Again, as others have said, the officials were worse than useless, at times it looked like an all in wrestling match and we got nothing from it. I too haven't listened to JB but again I will believe what others have said about the interview. Hopefully though, will be at York next Saturday where 3 points are imperative.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!

Last edited by Outback Ozzy; 06-04-2014 at 12:40. Reason: spelling
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Old 06-04-2014, 12:47   #48
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Re: Early Cobblers' thread

As I don't get there until after half time for Saturday games, I actually watched the Grand National in the lounge first. At least I missed the more of the game than you lot, so I'm feeling smug
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Old 06-04-2014, 13:11   #49
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Re: Early Cobblers' thread

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
The flat, lifeless performace from the players can be excused after two long distance away trips andthe relentless fixtures of March.
What must be addressed however is any hint of "we've already achieved safety" in the camp. We could be dragged back into the mire and now is not the time to switch off mentally even if the legs are struggling.
I was disappointed by Beattie's lack of game management; no tactical switches to match Northampton's extra man in midfield (which would have helped the leggy Joyce & Murphy no end) and no subs until ten minutes from time when the game was over.
There's a great virtue in having faith in a team and sticking by them but sometimes tough decisions have to be made. I would have taken off Joyce, Hatfield and Odejayi not long after half time and brought on Windass, Mingoia and Webber. We could have matched their narrow shape and made chances with our quality through the middle - our crosses were abysmal all afternoon.
Hopefully changing a dying game is the next module in JB's football BTEC!
I agree Shaker..... add to that the poor performance of the referee and a clever abilty to exploit the rules in light of the ref's weakness by he Cobblers and it became almost impossible to get a anything out of the game. They were a big and rough/tough side but also played good football too. Odejayi has come in for a bit of stick, but in virtually every attempt that he made to head the ball he was being held down or pushed in the back by one or other of the two opposing centre backs. (Specsavers for the Ref and liners?... yes indeed!)
Having said that, I agree that on the field our boys failed to change the tactics to try to "get round" the problem. We needed to get the ball down on the deck, instead of the "Route One" stuff that we were constantly playing. We should have been trying to get behind their full backs with our wingers who could then pull the ball back to the penalty spot, thus taking "The Duke" out of the situations created. The Duke caught every ball hit too long, ( too many!) and nearly every cross and corner kick. Our dead ball kicking has not been good enough in recent matches, not just on Saturday. We need to resurrect the clever "Corner routine" used so effectively up to a couple of seasons ago. This would have been a variation to the hit and hope corners of Saturday! Also JB should have tried the subs earlier in order to effect a change in tactics.
Playing 4 - 4 - 2 with Big K and Gray up top allowed them to over run us in midfiled, where I agree that Joyce and Murphy were out run, out passed and out muscled.
Anyway, JB and the team will reflect on this and I am sure they will be up for the matches over Easter.
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