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Old 07-06-2009, 21:47   #1
Senior Member+
glasgow guy's Avatar

educate me please - ref : stanley - league founders..

having a discussion else where on the net just now and the talk is about the founders of both scottish and english the talk has came round to stanley..and I am aware that stanley were one of the original founders of the football league..?

but someone has said the following..

" It should also be noted that I`m talking rubbish with Accrington . Accrington Stanley aren`t a founder member , Accrington were a completely different club who ceased to exist in 1893 "

is this right? and can someone explain and clarify please?

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Accrington Web
Old 07-06-2009, 22:22   #2
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deeayess's Avatar

Re: educate me please - ref : stanley - league founders..

Stanley were not as many believe founder members of the Football League. That honour belongs to Th' Owd Reds, Accrington FC. Founded in 1878, the club played for five seasons in the Football League, but upon relegation to Division Two, opted to withdraw from the League, joining the Lancashire League.

From the website Accrington Stanley History
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Old 09-06-2009, 12:52   #3
Senior Member+

Re: educate me please - ref : stanley - league founders..

Originally Posted by glasgow guy View Post
having a discussion else where on the net just now and the talk is about the founders of both scottish and english the talk has came round to stanley..and I am aware that stanley were one of the original founders of the football league..?

but someone has said the following..

" It should also be noted that I`m talking rubbish with Accrington . Accrington Stanley aren`t a founder member , Accrington were a completely different club who ceased to exist in 1893 "

is this right? and can someone explain and clarify please?

Have a look at - Accrington Stanley F.C. - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is virtually the same as what I have always believed - the only difference being that it was a the Stanley Arms pub team and not the Stanley St WMC
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