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Old 01-11-2006, 23:53   #31
Full Member

Re: Elliot to leave

When was this interview? unless it was after last nights meeting then it is useless.

As for Eric taking us as far as he can. wash your mouths out. you will be asking for coleys head next.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 01-11-2006, 23:54   #32
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Re: Elliot to leave

The interview was this afternoon after the publication of the Evening Telegraph

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 02-11-2006, 09:22   #33
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Re: Elliot to leave

I agree with bagpuss,cowboy and the like.
All you eric loyalists think on this..... He's quite happy to sit in the stand while all us other mugs are getting P***** wet.
He owes the week in week out fans a debt of gratitude. What do we get???
No roof, silence on player moves and then he whinges on telly re poor attendences.
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Old 02-11-2006, 09:38   #34
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Re: Elliot to leave

Originally Posted by John_Timmins
Ground and facilties passed for league return
12 in league holding our own easily
In the Quaters finals of the JPT
Ready to appear in 1st round of FA cup
Beat nottingahm forest and watford

although like you say the club is learning and mistakes have been made, we are heading in the right direction!!!
When did we beat Watford ?
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Old 02-11-2006, 09:41   #35
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Re: Elliot to leave

It was a morale victory LOL
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 02-11-2006, 10:04   #36
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Re: Elliot to leave

re the above post of mine.
someone has again removed some karma stating "Eric saved the club . you owe him".
he may have saved ASFC but what if there were no fans?
where would we be. as i pay 13 quid a time (unlike the babies and students on this forum ) do my gold bond and spend a fortune in merchandise i feel entitled to grumble at Whalley's totalitarian system.
I owe Eric nothing!!
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Old 02-11-2006, 10:04   #37
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Re: Elliot to leave

On Radio Lancs last night . Robbie will NOT be leaving Accy, presenter put the quote down to Coley.
I agree that other Clubs are signing strikers makes you wonder why we can't, maybe down to the wage stucture, Eric will not pay over the odds, which I agree with in some respect, but if we are losing out to other League Two teams, I feel he will have to make an exception, if we are to progress. We are creating chances but we are not putting them away.
I feel a little bit sorry for Coley, he keeps spouting off about he is going to sign a stricker, but nothing ever comes of it. He must be feeling a little concerned, or at least wondering why we cannot get anyone in, not even from the lower leagues.For example the lad Fearns from Southport, I think he finished up going to Burscough or somwhere. After saying all that he wil probably sign someone today,lets hope so.
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Old 02-11-2006, 10:12   #38
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Re: Elliot to leave

Telegraph says Elliot should be staying so that is good news

stanerlee. stop being a big baby. if you want to slag off people everyone thinks the world of then don't play dumb when karma goes. you would have to be a bit thick to think your comments would not be taken badly.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.
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Old 02-11-2006, 10:18   #39
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Re: Elliot to leave

oohhh stop being a big baby!!!!
blind b******. you're another sheep!!!!
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Old 02-11-2006, 12:09   #40
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Re: Elliot to leave

For example the lad Fearns from Southport, I think he finished up going to Burscough or somwhere.
Terry Fearns went to Droylsden.

Could the reason for us not signing a striker be that anyone we sign would have to play second fiddle to Paul Mullin and probably end up sitting on the bench. Paul is and has been a great servant to the Club, but I think the time has come for us to look beyond Paul, he is rather slow and his footballing brain doesn't seem to work as fast as it did do.
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Old 02-11-2006, 12:46   #41
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Re: Elliot to leave

Originally Posted by JEFF
Terry Fearns went to Droylsden.

Could the reason for us not signing a striker be that anyone we sign would have to play second fiddle to Paul Mullin and probably end up sitting on the bench. Paul is and has been a great servant to the Club, but I think the time has come for us to look beyond Paul, he is rather slow and his footballing brain doesn't seem to work as fast as it did do.

sorry Jeff, I am not having that. Other than the first few games when he was still regaining match fitness after his injury. Paul has been the shining light. He gets better every week, and the step up hasn't fazed him in the slightest. He looks leaner and fitter this season, he is playing against better defenders and midfielders that get back a lot quicker than the conference dollopers, but he still always finds feet of a red shirt. Mullin is the man
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Old 02-11-2006, 14:07   #42
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Re: Elliot to leave

Originally Posted by JEFF
Terry Fearns went to Droylsden.

Could the reason for us not signing a striker be that anyone we sign would have to play second fiddle to Paul Mullin and probably end up sitting on the bench. Paul is and has been a great servant to the Club, but I think the time has come for us to look beyond Paul, he is rather slow and his footballing brain doesn't seem to work as fast as it did do.
I'd maybe agree with the first part of your post Jeff but as for the rest of it - no way. I'll admit I was one who thought he may not make the step up to league level but I reckon he's playing some of his best football right now, we certainly struggle if he doesn't play.
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Old 02-11-2006, 14:47   #43
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Re: Elliot to leave

So, basically we are looking for a striker as back up for Mully, as everybody thinks he is brilliant. Who is going to sign for Stanley just to sit on the bench and wait for Mully to get injured, nobody, that is probably why we have not had much luck in signing a striker.
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Old 02-11-2006, 15:56   #44
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Re: Elliot to leave

who says they need to wait for Mully to get injured? Mully needs a foil, like Lutel was. Somebody to chase his flick ons', somebody to one-two with, somebody who will work in the area with him. Mangan can't do any of the above at the moment, he is somebody to chase lost causes and scare the hell out of tired clumsy centre backs. Browny doesn't get a look in for whatever reason and probably isn't the lethal striker we need and Boco is better served deeper and coming from midfield. A number 9 is what we need, not a number 10a.
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Old 02-11-2006, 19:20   #45
Resting in Peace

Re: Elliot to leave

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
Mullin is the man
Agreed - it is an absolute privilege to see him playing at the top of his game and in my opinion he is by far the player whom we would most struggle to replace if he was injured, or god forbid, was poached by another club.
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