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Old 07-09-2007, 09:11   #16
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Re: Eric on the radio

Originally Posted by carpon View Post
Has the club not hit on this stat?? I know of at least one club(there may be more?) who offer a discount for the unemployed.Don't quote me but I think our neighbours up the road at Bury give a discount to those who produce their signing book at the turnstile- I think they get in for £5 ???

I'm out of work myself at the moment, this week has sorely stretched my budget, hence I went to the Posh game, missed the Oldham game,but will be there for the Grimsby game!! Simply couldn't afford to go to all three,as much as I would have loved to
This has to be one of the suggestions of the year!!! EW, Lew please take note. If ever you want to boost the gate, why not give this suggestion a try. The other thing that is not mentioned is the fact that Accrington and all its districts is heavily populated with ethnic minorities. We need to get some incentive going to get these people into the ground as well. Every extra helps. BTW, I happen to know that a PNE fan and a Wigan fan are coming on Saturday so that is at least 2 extra. If we can increase the fan base to about 1800 home fans who regularly come on then that would be a start, and surely when we play the likes of Morecambe/ Bury and Rochdale, the gates should be boosted and also with the likes of MK Dons, though I think the manager might not be so welcome after last year.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 07-09-2007, 09:23   #17
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Re: Eric on the radio

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
The other thing that is not mentioned is the fact that Accrington and all its districts is heavily populated with ethnic minorities. We need to get some incentive going to get these people into the ground as well.
I thought that's what the diversity committee was for?
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Old 07-09-2007, 10:42   #18
Full Member

Re: Eric on the radio

Originally Posted by carpon View Post
Has the club not hit on this stat?? I know of at least one club(there may be more?) who offer a discount for the unemployed.Don't quote me but I think our neighbours up the road at Bury give a discount to those who produce their signing book at the turnstile- I think they get in for £5 ???

I'm out of work myself at the moment, this week has sorely stretched my budget, hence I went to the Posh game, missed the Oldham game,but will be there for the Grimsby game!! Simply couldn't afford to go to all three,as much as I would have loved to
I've tried to email and phone the club on more than one occasiion to enquire about concessions but as usual have had no reply. Communication is non existent.
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Old 07-09-2007, 14:48   #19
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Re: Eric on the radio

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
The other thing that is not mentioned is the fact that Accrington and all its districts is heavily populated with ethnic minorities.
Mr Wynonie Harris is this where I make an appearence in this thread?

30% unemployment hmm could it have something to do with an influx of Eastern Europeans I ask myself?

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 07-09-2007, 14:54   #20
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Re: Eric on the radio

Once you start giving incentives beyond the normal adult. student, oap thing, ( ie minorities be they ethnic, unemployed, blonde etc ) the only thing you succed in doing is alienating the core support.

You can sympathise with those who are genuinely unemployed but lets face it these days there a lot of lazy workshy people about. I don't think the genuine paying supporter really wants to subsidise everyone.

We have had this debate many times down the road but all it does is become heated and nothing changes.
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Old 07-09-2007, 15:16   #21
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Re: Eric on the radio

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
30% unemployment hmm could it have something to do with an influx of Eastern Europeans I ask myself?
Surely, the time and place to debate that is elsewhere. The point is, there are a lot of ethnic minorities in the area and it would be a boost to our income if we could get some of them through the turnstiles. I'm doing my bit by bringing a few Peruvians every now and then!
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