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24-01-2007, 19:10
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
My forecast is a 4-1 defeat with Welch scoring in the 84th minute. 
24-01-2007, 19:24
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Oh look I was right
<TABLE style="PADDING-LEFT: 20px; padding-rigth: 20px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=arial20AzulOscuro colSpan=2>4-1: Amistós de color local</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>  </TD></TR><!-- CONTENIDO --><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><!-- COLUMNA IZQUIEDA (TEXTO) --><TD vAlign=top noWrap><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=arial13AzulOscuro1></TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=arial12Azul1 vAlign=top height="100%">El combinat format pel primer equip i el filial s'ha imposat amb rotunditat a l’Accrington Stanley de la League Two en el partit d'entrenament que s'ha disputat aquesta tarda a la ciutat esportiva. L'equip anglès, que es troba a Catalunya gaudint d'uns dies d’stage i vacances, només va ser rival durant la primera meitat, en la qual va posar en dificultats al conjunt blanc-i-blau.
Els deu jugadors del primer equip van participar en la primera meitat i només Ángel, del filial, els va acompanyar, mentre que després del descans només van continuar en actiu Ito, Fredson, Costa, Gorka i Moha fins que van ser substituïts al minut 60 per jugadors del filial.
Fredson (en el minut 23) i Jônatas (en el 26) van posar el 2-0 amb el qual es va arribar al descans. Després de la represa, Moha va posar el 3-0 (en el 57) i Javi Márquez, de penal, en el 66, va aconseguir el quart gol blanc-i-blau. El punt anglès el va aconseguir Welch en el minut 84. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
24-01-2007, 19:26
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
WOW! You must be psychic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or a fraud 
24-01-2007, 19:31
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
hi all, im a newbe, good friends of andy todd, hes just text and said that they last 4-1 but espanyol played with most of there first team, they beat barca 3-1 recently.
anyway, best wishes for the rest of the season,
simo (derby fan + stanley of course!)
24-01-2007, 20:28
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
I gather Stanley lost 4-1 with Michael Welch scoring the Reds goal
24-01-2007, 20:30
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Originally Posted by Red-Osbornello
WOW! You must be psychic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or a fraud 
MMMmmmmmmmmm i wonder too 
24-01-2007, 20:55
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
I gather Stanley lost 4-1 with Michael Welch scoring the Reds goal
What gave it away? 
25-01-2007, 00:43
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
A (very) rough, slightly edited version from a web translator. I've put 'reserves' but could it be the 'youth team'? I've no idea about a 'formed cocktail'!
4-1: Friendly of local color
The formed cocktail has been imposed with firmness to the Accrington Stanley of League Two in the match of training that has been contended for this afternoon by the first team and the reserves in the sport city. The English team, that is in Catalonia having some days of training and holidays, was only rival during the first half, in which they put the white and blues in difficulties in the game.
Ten players of the first team participated in the first half and only Ángel, of the reserves, while after half-time they continued Ito in assets, Fredson, Costa, Gorka and Moha until they were substituted to minute 60 for reserve players.
Fredson (in minute 23) and Jônatas (in the 26) made it 2-0 with which half-time was arrived at. After the resumption, Moha put 3-0 (in 57) and Javi Márquez, of penalty, in 66, achieved the fourth white and blues goal. Welch achieved the English goal in minute 84.
Last edited by MikeA; 25-01-2007 at 00:48.
25-01-2007, 08:20
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
how many did we have sent off?
25-01-2007, 10:18
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
has everybody at the club gone? its just that there appears to have been no news of any sorts since Wycombe on saturday
25-01-2007, 11:48
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
I know I aint been to a game for nearly two weeks but who is this guy
new signing?
(edit - sorry picture 2, I know who pic 1 is)
25-01-2007, 12:33
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Isn't he the french lad who's been hanging around at games with Rommy & Francois?
25-01-2007, 12:41
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
dunno, I was hoping it was a tanned Mannix!
25-01-2007, 13:16
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Maybe we didn't have enough fit players and had to borrow one of theirs 
25-01-2007, 13:38
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Originally Posted by AccyMad
Maybe we didn't have enough fit players and had to borrow one of theirs 
Maybe they'll let us bring him back, like other people bring straw donkeys back. 
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