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23-01-2007, 12:19
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Espanyol v Stanley
Fairly sure Stanley are playing Espanyol 'B' today in a friendly..
If anyone can translate their site...might tell us more
23-01-2007, 12:43
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Could be possible, they were due to go to Spain for training at somepoint this week. Whether it's versus them, or even today I'm not sure.
Unfortunately I can't speak fluent Spanish :-), but I couldn't find anything on there that would suggest anything.
23-01-2007, 12:47
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
From the gist of it they are playing at 5pm; ( Ciutat Esportiva is the ground where the reserves play. The first team play in the Olympic Statdium in Barcelona)
Seguint amb el pla d'entrenaments previstos per l'Espanyol B, el filial blanc-i-blau s'enfrontarà demà dimecres, a les 17 hores, a la Ciutat Esportiva, a l'Accrington Stanley, conjunt anglès que milita a la League Two (l'equivalent a una Segona B), com ja va fer la setmana passada davant el FK Moscou. Malgrat això, durant el partit de demà, els homes de Rubi podran comptar amb el suport de fins a 10 jugadors del primer equip, ja que Ernesto Valverde ha previst que un grup dels seus jugadors no participi en l'entrenament matinal i sí ho faci en aquest partit d'entrenament amb l'equip anglès. Gorka, Lacruz, Ito, David García, Fredson, Costa, Jônatas, Moha, Coro i Pandiani seran els encarregats de reforçar al filial per a aquest partit.
L'Accrington Stanley, que es troba disfrutant d'uns dies de descans a Catalunya, es troba classificat en 18è lloc (de 24 equips) de la League Two i serà una bona prova, fonamentalment, per calibrar el nivell dels nois del filial, després de la preparació específica que han tingut durant el període nadalenc.
23-01-2007, 12:57
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
. Seguint amb el pla d'entrenaments previstos per l'Espanyol B, el filial blanc-i-blau s'enfrontarà demà dimecres, a les 17 hores, a la Ciutat Esportiva, a l'Accrington Stanley, conjunt anglès que milita a la League Two (l'equivalent a una Segona B),
today sees the blue and whites, Espanyol B, play host to Accrington Stanley who have no game this week due to Champions League and International commitments, in a match that begins at 5 o'clock. They play the League 2 (the equivalent of one better than our La Liga)
com ja va fer la setmana passada davant el FK Moscou summat about better than FC Moscow) Malgrat això, durant el partit de demà, els homes de Rubi podran comptar we found them on the computer and invited them for a kick about amb el suport de fins a 10 jugadors del primer equip their support consists of 10 jugglers with the best equipment , ja que Ernesto Valverde ha previst que un grup dels seus jugadors no participi en l'entrenament matinal i Ernie Valverde has refused to let the jugglers enter this afternoon s í ho faci en aquest partit d'entrenament amb l'equip anglès. Gorka, Lacruz, Ito, David García, Fredson, Costa, Jônatas, Moha, Coro i Pandiani seran els encarregats de reforçar al filial per a aquest partit. in case their equipment upsets our Ultras David, Freds son, Costa, Jonny, Uncle Mo. Pandiani has also requested he forces them to have a bath
L'Accrington Stanley, que es troba disfrutant d'uns dies de descans a Catalunya, Accrington Stanley who had trouble coming through Catlunya when their fruit died es troba classificat en 18è lloc (de 24 equips) de la League Two are currently 18th )out of 24 teams) i serà una bona prova, fonamentalment, per calibrar el nivell dels nois del filial, although they are the current champions of non-league and their calibre is unquestionable després de la preparació específica que han tingut durant el període nadalenc. depressing is thought that this afternoon they will whup our ass
if my GCSE Spanish serves me right
23-01-2007, 13:11
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
From what I gather it is not really Spanish it is Catalan. The game kicks of at 5pm and the Espanyol squad could contain ten first team players - Gorka, Lacruz, Ito, David Garcia, Fredson, Costa, Jonatas, Moha, Coro and Pandini.
23-01-2007, 13:14
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
. Seguint amb el pla d'entrenaments previstos per l'Espanyol B, el filial blanc-i-blau s'enfrontarà demà dimecres, a les 17 hores, a la Ciutat Esportiva, a l'Accrington Stanley, conjunt anglès que milita a la League Two (l'equivalent a una Segona B),
today sees the blue and whites, Espanyol B, play host to Accrington Stanley who have no game this week due to Champions League and International commitments, in a match that begins at 5 o'clock. They play the League 2 (the equivalent of one better than our La Liga)
com ja va fer la setmana passada davant el FK Moscou summat about better than FC Moscow) Malgrat això, durant el partit de demà, els homes de Rubi podran comptar we found them on the computer and invited them for a kick about amb el suport de fins a 10 jugadors del primer equip their support consists of 10 jugglers with the best equipment , ja que Ernesto Valverde ha previst que un grup dels seus jugadors no participi en l'entrenament matinal i Ernie Valverde has refused to let the jugglers enter this afternoon s í ho faci en aquest partit d'entrenament amb l'equip anglès. Gorka, Lacruz, Ito, David García, Fredson, Costa, Jônatas, Moha, Coro i Pandiani seran els encarregats de reforçar al filial per a aquest partit. in case their equipment upsets our Ultras David, Freds son, Costa, Jonny, Uncle Mo. Pandiani has also requested he forces them to have a bath
L'Accrington Stanley, que es troba disfrutant d'uns dies de descans a Catalunya, Accrington Stanley who had trouble coming through Catlunya when their fruit died es troba classificat en 18è lloc (de 24 equips) de la League Two are currently 18th )out of 24 teams) i serà una bona prova, fonamentalment, per calibrar el nivell dels nois del filial, although they are the current champions of non-league and their calibre is unquestionable després de la preparació específica que han tingut durant el període nadalenc. depressing is thought that this afternoon they will whup our ass
if my GCSE Spanish serves me right
GCSE in Spanish or Comedy Writing ? 
23-01-2007, 14:07
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
 did i miss something..... not playing this week due to champions league committments!!!!!!!!
maybe they think we are liverpool cos of the accents!
23-01-2007, 14:59
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
hmmmmm, maybe a whoosh in order?
23-01-2007, 16:04
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Great post Macca. If you've also got a GCSE in Maths, maybe you can figure out a calculation that gets us further up the league
23-01-2007, 16:37
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
oh yes definately a whooooooosh...........
note to self....in future read the catalan version of posts as well as the very clever comedic english translation 
23-01-2007, 17:55
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Following with the plan of training anticipated by Espanyol B, the branch blanquiazul (2nd team,plus junior) will face Wednesday tomorrow, to the 17 hours, in the Sport City, to the Accrington Stanley, English set that militates (plays) in the League Two (the equivalent one to one Second B), since it already did the week last before the FK Moscow. Nevertheless, during the morning party, the men of Rubi will be able to count on the support of up to 10 players of the first equipment,(First team) since Ernesto Valverde has anticipated that a group of his players does not participate in the matinal training and yes he does it in this party of training with the English equipment.(players) Gorka, Lacruz, Ito, David Garci'a, Fredson, Coast, Jônatas, Moha, Choir and Pandiani will be the ones (available) in charge to reinforce to the branch for this encounter. The Accrington Stanley, that is enjoying days of rest in Catalunya, is classified in 18place (of 24 teams) of the League Two and will be a good test, fundamentally, to calibrate the level of the boys of the branch, after the specific preparation who have had during the period.

Last edited by Bazf; 23-01-2007 at 17:59.
23-01-2007, 19:51
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
23-01-2007, 20:27
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Anyway of finding the score of the match?
23-01-2007, 21:17
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Originally Posted by fc:stanley
Anyway of finding the score of the match?
Fishy site?
Go on, prove me wrong  .
Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
24-01-2007, 17:03
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Re: Espanyol v Stanley
Nope i cant find it oggy lol 
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