Originally Posted by Loz
I'm a blackburn fan too(i live in accy) but like yourself have found myself taking more of an interest in stanley recently.
One of the reasons is my Fiance who is a massive stanley fan(and blackburn hater!) but another reason is that i am getting disillusioned with premiership football.
I have been to watch stanley a couple of times and really enjoyed the atmosphere(something you don't really get at blackburn!) and it was good honest football without all the play acting and diving you get in the premiership.
If it keeps going the way it is at the moment with the ludicrous 39th game proposal etc.. i can see myself giving up going to prem footy altogether and going to the stanley more often.
I do love rovers but it doesn,t feel like it used to do i'm afraid. ![Frown](http://www.accringtonweb.com/forum/images/smilies/frown.gif)
Isn't it strange how 'loved-ones' have such an effect on our week-in--week- out supporting of 'the Reds' ?. Mine is neither a massive Stanley Fan, or a Blackburn Rovers 'hater'..She just can't wait to get me out of the house!...but that's another story altogether!.
What I was going to say is that this heartwarming post from Loz outlines
the three little words....(not 'Sack J.C !,'...or 'Listen here Eric!' or even
'What me worry ?' ) which , whether he intended it or not, WILL go a long way to retrieving the status-quo ( not THE STATUS QUO Depeche!) and Team stability which we are all so desperately seeking at the present.
The 'Three litle Words' ?.....(quote) 'GOOD HONEST FOOTBALL' !
We all have our different interpretations of this magical phrase means to us.
and I'm sure at least DM or even Darwenred will expand on these!...For me,
and I'll be looking for it tonight !, they mean watching eleven lads in Red,running out onto the pitch, being warmly greeted by 'The Ultras' and and the rest of us!, and playing our glorious game together in a way that
'since Adam were a lad', I've grown to believe in!.
That's why the 1000+ of us will turn up !!...not because we're looking for someone to slag off...(unless they happen to be a moaning Bees' supporter!)...not to decide whether Rocky is better, or worse than Webby or Robbo !...or even to worship at the feet of the mighty King Paul!....
It's because we BELIEVE in the HONESTY of Accrington Stanley, and what the Name means to us!
Is it this 'HONEST BELIEF' which, after JC's memory, along with that of our Chairman, and even yours truly..have faded into the mists of time..which
will keep bringing new Fans through the turnstiles and giving them something to shout about in a place that they love!.
So WELCOME to the fold LOZ!....and well done the future MRS LOZ !