22-12-2008, 15:02
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Re: FITC Presentation Evening - PICS
Thanks for that W.H,if we hadn't been working maybe grimps and me could have entertained them.The only problem is that grimps has a very short attention span,it takes the one solitary cell that floats around in his head takes about 30 minutes to catch up with me or anyone else for that matter lol.Although he is a nice guy he lacks a certain amount of grey matter between the ears,if brains were taxable he'd get a large rebate.But we will consider club dates if grimps can learn to string together 2 or 3 sentences without turning the air blue.I've tried to educate him but how do you educate stone age man,he's hard work but i'm sure with a little persistence i can get him to manage to count up to ten lol.Watch this space.