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27-04-2004, 17:03
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Football...but not as we knew it.....
Maybe some of you have seen this, some of you won't have. This affects the whole of the football world - from Internationals to park footy. From BBC Sport -
Fifa president Sepp Blatter says he is in favour of finding a way to avoid drawn matches.
Penalties would seem the most likely way of deciding match outcomes, but he has not said this would definitely be the chosen method.
"When you play cards or other games, there's always a winner and a loser," he told German news agency SID.
"We should have the courage to introduce a final decision in every game of football."
I think I speak for 99.9% of football fans when I say that this man has finally lost the plot. There needs to be some kind of coup in the ranks of FIFA soon or the game will be going down the toilet in the not so distant future, mark my words.
Todays statement, along with Blatters earlier lunatic ravings concerning tighter kits for the ladies game, shows just how much Blatter is trying to pander to America and the allmighty dollar - go ahead Blatter, it doesn't matter if football is turned into a parody of its former self as long as the benjamins start rolling into FIFA's pockets.....No offence to the Americans but if the majority of Joe Schmoes don't get the concept of a drawn game, or football on the whole, then tough luck. The game appeals to every ****** else enough as it is - leave it alone Blatter, or I will come looking for you!!!!!
I would be interested to know if anyone is in favour of Blatter's musings.
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27-04-2004, 17:09
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Defo lost the plot there.
For one what would happen to littlewoods pools with no draws to win on
27-04-2004, 17:19
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Dividend forecast - very low!!!
Blatter really is a prat isn't he? I've had as much as I can take from him - not only does he come up with ideas beyond stupid but he uses FIFA funds to cover the costs of his own 're-election campaigns'. On personal terms he's probably a nice guy, but as a professional administrator who holds the highest authority in the game I have nothing but contempt for him.
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27-04-2004, 17:25
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Have to agree it seems an ill-thought out plan,it is worrying that one man could hold so much sway.
Btw well done Bottle top on your Good Samaritan act! 
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
27-04-2004, 19:41
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Thanks Lindsay, all I did was make a phone call, just shows how useful mobile phones can be.
Turns out I know the injured bloke and deliver milk to his mother, at the time couldn't tell who it was from all the blood etc.
27-04-2004, 20:09
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
This buffoon, Blatter, is trying to make the game easier for the Americans to understand, so he can re-market the beautiful game to them.
It will then be like American Football, whereby if the scores are tied at full time there is a period of overtime to detirmine a positive result. This serves a purpose for cup replays, but should not be extended to encompass the whole game.
Does he not understand that hanging on for a hard fought draw can be almost as satisfying as three points?
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27-04-2004, 20:14
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
He's just spoiling the game
27-04-2004, 20:58
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
He's clearly on another planet. You can't avoid draws, and any attempt to do so would be an artificially grafted on monstrosity of a rule.
The only time you have to have a definite result is in a knockout championship. Any attempt to introduce penalty shoot-outs to league matches would screw up the competion.
Truly, the lunatics have taken over the asylum...
27-04-2004, 21:24
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
All for tighter kits for wimmen though
Jimbo T blower
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27-04-2004, 21:31
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
I can see why in certain sports Eg.....F1 grand prix changing the rules could make it more exciting.......... But the guy obviously has forgot what it's about......... 
28-04-2004, 03:18
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Mr s Oligist, just to let you know that as of this season draws have been introduced in all soccer games in the States by FIFA so may be its to help market the beautiful game to the French because in junior football in France they dont allow draws!

28-04-2004, 08:32
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Just found more from his statement (ESPNsoccernet) -
'We can't be satisfied with draws. (Modern Olympic Games founder) Pierre de Coubertin has said that the important thing was to take part, not to win. 'That's not true. In life you have a goal and in sport, too, you have a goal which you want to achieve.'
Blatter said he did not like the principle of extra time, which has led to many dramatic moments over the years.
'The fact that there is a duel over two games which is then decided after extra time is not quite fair,' he said.
'After 90 minutes of the return leg, the tie should go straight into penalties. Extra time is like a second home game for the home team.'
Blatter, whose mandate expires in 2007, did not rule out seeking a third term and suggested Franz Beckenbauer should run for the presidency of UEFA.
'His job as president of the 2006 World Cup (in Germany) ends after the finals,' Blatter said of Beckenbauer. 'Then will come the vote for the UEFA presidency. I believe he should run for that, even if Michel Platini has ambitions.
'I believe those who come from football should have a say in football.'
From what he said I can't figure if he means all competitive games or just two-legged knock-out affairs. Elsewhere in the interview he says that if football you have to accept and live with the uncertainty of refereeing mistakes - well footy fans also live with the fact that sometimes the secong leg is played away, it's part of the game, makes it more interesting. The home team will surely still have an advantage mentally when it comes down to penalties due to fans behind the goals trying to put 'em off, unless of course its taken at the end where the away fans are then they will have an unfair advantage - the only fair way I can see is one man from each team in the centre circle doing keepy-ups - but the crowd have to be quiet so as not to put the other guy off and that....Obviously you see how ridiculous it all can get if you start meddling.....
If he is indeed talking about all competitive games then why introduce draws into the American game this season then say this only two months later?! Just been on an American forum and they seem as exasperated as most over here concerning his comments, seems that a big reason most American sports fans don't like footy/soccer is because of the diving issue....so c'mon Blatter....sort this issue out....because it's an issue thats coming to a head all over the football world - and it's one that we shouldn't have to live with because it's cheating.
As far as taking part not being important but winning (paraphrasing) - "it's better to have played and lost than to have never played at all". I see the spirit of the game is alive and well within the corridors of power.....
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28-04-2004, 11:07
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Jimbo I'm ashamed of you!!!!  All womens football needs is more support.(and no thats not a punn!!!) 
28-04-2004, 19:15
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
penalties is wot he wants
30-04-2004, 23:45
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Re: Football...but not as we knew it.....
Wow. Where to begin on this mess? Isn't it odd that those entrusted with the power to preserve and uphold the things we hold dear so often seem to be out of touch with the reality of how we think and feel? This Blatter moron reminds me so much of the idiot Commisioner of my beloved NHL here in the States who is slowly but surely sucking all of the tradition and passion out of the sport -- all in the name of a marketing scheme.
While I am not a big fan of the draw, I abhor the idea of allowing a team game to be decided by an individual competition. Granted, with the physical demands of playing the game and the substitution laws, it is not always feasible for a match to be decided on the field of play so, short of watching the players collapse, one by one, due to exhaustion, the penalty shootout is a necessary evil. It's just not necessary for every single match.
As for making this change to pander to our side of the Atlantic...the poor man is sadly mistaken if he thinks this (or any other change, for that matter) is going to kick off some sort of soccer revolution. He should concentrate on not alienating the fan base he does have around the world. Soccer is currently the most popular sport for children in America by a wide margin. However, as we have all seen, that doesn't necessarily translate to huge marketing dollars. Why? It's anyone's guess and, quite frankly, not likely to change any time soon. Ceejace, I don't think that diving has anything to do with it because all of the major sports over here have their own version of "simulation" that their detractors emphasize and their fans overlook. (I have a sneaking suspicion that the major reason has to do with the game being played without any stoppages for commercial breaks, but that's just my opinion.)
In an almost perverse way, I hope it stays that way. (You can't begin to know how much I enjoy the perplexed looks I get when I answer the question, "What does that A-N-F-I-E-L-D on your license plate stand for?") Those of us over here who follow the beautiful game don't need the validation of the rest of the American viewing public nor do we need the all-important bottom line intruding into our sporting life any more than it already does. All I ask for is an internet connection and enough satellite subscribers to keep Fox Sports World and GOL TV on the air.
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