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View Poll Results: Which website do you prefer?
The Official Accrington Stanley site
22 |
91.67% |
The "Footy-Mad" site
2 |
8.33% |
20-09-2004, 12:44
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
Age is no excuse... Coming on here and saying everything he posts is 100% his work isn't an honest mistake.
Oh and we arnt talking about copying peoples comments.. where talking about copying articles and reports and making a few changes and calling them his. Being 14 isnt an excuse for doing that and announcing to the original authors that its all his.
Last edited by KIPAX; 20-09-2004 at 12:46.
20-09-2004, 13:01
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
His age has a lot to do with it. I wouldn't expect someone as professional and experienced in web design as Kipax to make the mistakes that this lad has made, but he is 14 and new to web editing. That might make him appear naive, but he is clearly willing to learn and ask for our help and most of all, he is enthusiastic.
I hope lots of the junior reds will, in time, want to create their own website about Stanley. They might not be factually correct or as professional as the official site, but support and channel the enthusiasm of others, don't stifle it.
We're in our highest-ever league posistion since reforming and the threads that have the most replies/views are those about petty quabbles about "rival" Stanley sites. Very poor!
20-09-2004, 13:33
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
You keep talking about mistakes... passing off other peoples work as your own is NOT a mistake.. We can live with mistakes.. crikey I am sure we all make enough of them .. I know I do
14 is no excuse as far as I am concerned and stanley doing well also isnt a good enough reason for it to be OK ..
My opinion which I think I am entitled to without being accused of squabling
20-09-2004, 13:50
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
I'd like to see lots of Stanley websites, too, providing they don't (a) copy stuff from other sites without acknowledgement, because that's not really fair on the originators of the material and (b) that they're reasonably factually correct. As someone has said, Kev should adopt more of a fanzine-type approach and, as I've already suggested to him, if he wants to put historical stuff on his site, he would be well advised to consult Phil Whalley's book. I would recommend that he gets a copy of Jackman and Dyke's Accy Stanley - A Complete Record, but as he's pledged two quid everytime a ball goes out of the ground and, as Smiffy has pointed out, there were seven such balls on Saturday, I fear the poor lad may be in penury by the end of the season!
20-09-2004, 13:50
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
Reports have been too close to others have been amended and he has apologised. Learning the boundaries between research and plagiarism is something that he will learn.
From searching through his posts, he has appeared naive, but nothing more. And he has been a lot more polite than his many of the replies to his posts.
Kipax, I am not accusing you of scabbling with a 14-year-old internet n00b. From a person of your standing at this club and on this forum, it is more like bullying.
20-09-2004, 13:57
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
He pledged £2 for every match in which LESS THAN 5 balls went out of the ground.
He has correctly credited Kipax for his photos and now that he is learning the "rules" of webmastering, I'm sure he will get better at this.
There are plenty of historical souces about Stanley and he will surely improve that section following suggestions here. But he wants to create a site that deals with Stanley matters as they happen such as match reports, interviews with opposing and home fans, etc. It's his site, there's plenty of interest in this great club for it, this forum, the official site and more besides 
20-09-2004, 14:13
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
So he did - my apologies. It will be interesting to see how his site develops, hopefully for the better!
20-09-2004, 14:29
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
Incidentally, WR, I see Kipax has included a link to Kev's site on his own site. Hardly what I would call "bullying"!
20-09-2004, 15:01
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
May I add my own comment?
I must thank Whalley Red ever so much!
I am extremely enthusiastic about becoming a journalist in the future. Do you know how if feels to have something that you have set your heart on being critisised in such a way? Mistakes can only be learnt from and yes, copying from the Beeb site (which I always intended to replace afterwards anyway and i have notes that i wrote at the match to prove it) IS a mistake and I have learnt from it. Next time all will just write something like McEvilly scores 2 as Stanley beat Leigh. More to follow. If i cannot get enough time to write out the full match report. The WHY STANLEY is about to be changed. That is what i understood it as. I am a reletivly new Reds fan compared to most of you lot. I have set my heart on my site and spend most of my time doing something for it. I have increased the traffic by 77% in just over 5 month is something I am proud of. Since coming on this board I have learnt a lot of things and they can only improve the site. I know someone suggested a fanzine site, can that person please contact me with more info thanks as I feel it is a great idea, thanks. If you prefer the official site then dont go on my site and keep it there but you dont have to go slagging it off ll the time.
20-09-2004, 15:02
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
Just the impression that struck me when I read through the replies to AccyStanKev's posts on this forum. Links are reciprocated to increase traffic, nothing more.
20-09-2004, 15:13
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
 Whats this site like at the moment we cant criticise anyone because of our league postion, on another thread about players on the bench the same arguement, so what happens if we have a bad run and end at the bottom? are we then allowed to voice our opinions?
The criticism is justified footymad give you a website all you have do is click on the page and add content now ASk has found out how to cut and paste, great, but learn how to type and go to other footymad websites and see how they do it, if you went to the game write your own report, once you become orginal more people will go for information and if you want to steal content then surf the web look at different newspapers and reports and you will get a lot of encouragement and support but if you put yourself in competion with the official site you will upset to many people. As for age what has that got to do with it you know at 14 that if you sign up for something you know what your doing, I am sure that when ASk decided to join footymad he knew what he was doing and how much computer knowledge was needed, you dont jump off a diving board unless the pool has enough water to cover you.

20-09-2004, 16:12
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
Kev, we were asked for our opinion on your site and we gave it. What's more, if you're so thin-skinned that you can't take criticism, you haven't got much of a future in journalism, believe me!
20-09-2004, 16:22
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Re: Footy mad or Official site
It would appear that young Accystankev has let his enthusiasm for the team get the better of sound judgement and literary protocol, and in so doing has opened up a wider discussion on the correct use of intellectual propriety.
Nevetheless, while being congratulated on his site a full reprimand is in order for nicking stuff off the official site. I would suggest therefore, that he does 500 lines in longhand - "I must not plagarise the official ASFC website" - gets it scanned and posted on his website for all to see. Then everyone can be happy and he may even get some Karma points.
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